Beasts of Beyond
AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Printable Version

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AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Kold - 02-17-2022

TW// mention of gore in the second, third, and fourth paragraphs.

Beneath the earth, between the forest and swamp, something was dead. Asleep, more like it. Cold and asleep. Two years it had rested, restoring the heat that was taken from it. And now, on a cool February day, the ground where she lay rose, warm air breaking from the soil and merging with the cooler air.

It was slow at first, but soon it became a panicked movement, clawing to escape, and a black, somewhat mangled paw broke the soil, tinged red with old blood. She continued to climb, soon a rotting muzzle pierced the ground and breathed sharply, a ghostly, ghoulish sound leaving her torn jaws.

Blood dripped, poured from her jaws, her chest was covered in both blood and a warm orange liquid, and her wings were torn and burning. Her body shook with the movements, having somewhat atrophied during her slumber. Abyssial eyes peered around frantically. Where was she? Who was she?

In a confused haze, she let out a horrendous wail, a shriek to be heard for several meters around her. Again more blood fell from her mouth into a puddle beneath her. An orange glow pulsated from under exposed ribs and veins that were once black were now glowing that same orange.

Her tongue ran over bone and tooth, and again a ghoulish wail left her, but not out of confusion. It was out of aggression that formed this call. She was angry and lost.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Marauder of The Pitt - 1 year, 8 months
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Atticus Roux - 02-21-2022

A ghoulish wail stood out from the cold breeze of February's winter wrath. Attention was brought to the noise immediately by Atticus Roux who happened to be in the area. Eyes of a sunflower hue breached through the underbrush. The feline's gaze narrowed. A silhouette meters in the distance crossed his vision, causing a low growl to ruminate from his throat. That thing was familiar. She was familiar. Kold. The presumed dead Pittian was standing before him.

He softly traversed forward a few meters, staying within the shadows. The unimaginable had appeared before his eyes, leaving him to muster up false confidence. Claws unsheathed as he slowly crouched down to the ground. With his chest to the floor and haunches raised, he let out a snarl. "I'll give you a chance to explain what's happening here, Kold," Atticus warned as he moved out from the shadows, "But you are not welcome here." He was masking his shock. In truth, his former alliance in The Pitt left him biased also. He paused before making a move for a reason.

Even so Kold had made their fair share of distasteful decisions in their past. Atticus had heard them encourage Dante's behavior, claiming he deserved a chance, but the feline wholeheartedly disagreed. That was only one of many though. Atticus pondered the past in his head as he awaited an answer. His head moved lower to the floor. Ears pinned back. "Come on now." It was unknown to him whether he was impatiently beckoning an answer or an attack.

Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Kold - 02-21-2022

Inky black eyes turned to face the brushwork, nose twitching before the cat even appeared. It took a moment for her to remember. Atticus Roux. His words reached her ears and she took in a deep breath. Too quick, it seemed, as she coughed. "Dead and rotting, kitty cat." she spoke in-between shallow breaths, her voice a mere whisper.

Shaking her head, she lifted what was left of the corners of her lips in a smile. "You dont belong here either, Atticus. Unless you finally stopped going back and forth between two groups and chose the weaker one." her laugh was more of a cough, and when she did, blood dripped past her teeth and onto the ground. Her smile became a snarl and she hunched over, a lone bolt of lightning expanding beside her and vanishing.


Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Atticus Roux - 02-21-2022

Shallow breaths crossed his ears. 'Dead and rotting.' The feline's tail slashed at the air in dismay and his head shook in disagreement. Kold was very much alive... unless... "Don't fuckin' look like it unless I'm joining you in hell," he reiterated back. Atticus squinted up at the other and investigated their state further, noticing patches of tinted blood and missing skin, notably near their ribs and wings. She was tainted and degrading, but very much alive. 'The dead should remain so,' wasn't a phrase he liked though, considering his mother had risen from death's cusp before. That did not mean he would let them live though.

His heart was beginning to pound. Claws dug into the floor and shallow breaths kept his temper afloat. The subject of his alliance was a sore one, especially considering the tensions because of it two years back. Atticus felt his decision was solidified though. The feline was no longer a cowardly boy running away from his problems and indulging in The Pitt's spontaneous actions and false security. After vicious events between his two groups during his dual alliance, he had to pick a side. Being the grown man he was, he chose Tanglewood. Family remained there and so did his loyalty. Morally, it was the upper hand.

Bringing the subject up only caused the cat to snort. "That's rich, coming from someone who tried to force that decision," he snapped back. Dante went off and made a mess between their groups. Their neutrality was fading and, because of that, it was time to pick a side. Kold, praising giving The Pitt's feline another chance despite his disgraceful actions, only made tensions worse. Needless to say, Atticus chose to defend what he adored on both fronts up until the last moment where he had to choose. Then Tanglewood became his home. Since then, that hadn't changed. The Pitt had seen no improvement since then (per his knowledge).

The fur on his nap began to stand up. "What made you think anyone would choose differently?" He titled his head. Before she could answer, he practically jumped down her throat. "If you wanted to sway me, perhaps you fucks would have listened to my advice." Neither did Aurum though. Ignorant fucker. Even so, family, friends, and former promises swayed him to stay. Hence he stood here today. Face to face with a former 'friend.'

Atticus stepped forward and challenged her cocky smirk. A snarl came, followed by a bolt of lighting. "Now leave." Unless the 'dead' had some last words to say before they croaked, then his demands were clear.

Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Kold - 02-21-2022

Her withering body twitched as she listened, a hoarse chuckle leaving her. She was sure he would join her in hell one day. One day. Electricity crackled between her ears, around her teeth. Her jaws snapped, a groan leaving her throat.

"Forced... FORCED?"  she yelled, taking one of her paws and placing it infront of her, shaking as she did so. "I was trying to keep my dad and sister safe." But now they're gone. Dante was left in their stead. The thought made her furious. "Dante... Dante doesnt deserve that spot. If anything, I should have been ardent. ME!" she roared, white flames sparking out of her jaws.

In response to his words, the demand to leave, she only staggered forward, a snarl ripping from her jaws. Kold didn't answer to someone like Atticus, no matter which group he was in, how strong he was.


Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - butch kennedy - 02-24-2022

[glow=black,1,400]IS IT OVER YET, WILL I EVER FEEL AGAIN? — 。+゚.[/glow]
Firefly had appeared by Atticus calmly.  With no previous biases towards the Pitt - beyond her general dislike for the group that had tormented her own for so long - Firefly watched the interaction with piqued curiosity.  Atticus was always a bit stand-offish but here he looked venomous.  How interesting.

Dante.  It was a name that Firefly hadn't heard in a while.  As far as she knew, the Pitt had not been under his thumb for years now.  Last she knew, the Pitt had been wallowing in a state of ash and fire since dragons had decided descend upon their desert hell.

"Another living corpse."  Firefly murmured at last.  "It'd do you well to make your way back to your home instead of bothering my Tanglers."

A simple remark, though behind her turquoise eyes, Firefly's mind was whirling.  Why were the dead rising again?  What had triggered this?  She made a mental note to venture out towards the Coalition sometime soon.  Loathe as she was to gain guidance from the enemy, she was sure that they had dealt with something akin to this before.

template credit to guppy

Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Atticus Roux - 02-24-2022

Forced indeed. Dante didn't want peace between their two groups and for Atticus' dual alliance whatsoever. Her declaration of keeping others safe caused his teeth to grind and a growl to ruminate from the back of his throat. "Then you should have agreed with me, rather than siding with that cowardly dickhead," he snapped back. His tail lashed back in forth in blatant disapproval.  "I wagered neutrality between our two groups and you chose to instead agree with him." A vile snort left the feline. Another step forward from her caused his own paw to follow in suit. "So yeah, forced. So much for protecting your family and groupmates, like I was." What a fucking disappointment. Mouthy and ready to snap, Atticus stood shaking in frustration.

A snarl left Atticus at the suggestion of her being ardent. "Get your head on straight first, you sick fuck," he retorted quickly. As they both reared forward, the heat could practically radiated off into the distance (quite literally with Kold's flames). Perhaps that's what attracted Firefly. In the midst of his rising rage, the feline barely noticed the leader's arrival. Instead his gaze remained forward, narrowed, and pointed at Kold's own wicked eyes.

The murmur's of another caused his head to whip around violently. His narrowed gaze softened momentarily at the female's sight, only to return back to Kold upon realization. A growl of warning left Atticus for the final time.


Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Kold - 02-24-2022

Wild black eyes stared at him, silent as he spoke and insulted her. She was eerily silent, save for her haggard breathing. A low beat of pain resonated in her chest, hardly noticed with the rising adrenaline in her. The Luminary was also going unnoticed by the beast, even when she spoke. As her heart beat, so did that pain in her chest get more and more noticeable, like a drum beat. She clenched her teeth and breathed in sharply, though she felt her body get warmer and warmer.

Leave. It was a simple command, a demand, but still she would not listen. Finally turning to Firefly, lips peeled back in a nearly demonic grin, she tilted her head. Truly, she was sick, unhinged. "Sure, I'll leave." She spoke, and then broke the stillness as she lunged at Atticus, jaws open in an attempt to clamp down on his back. A jolt of electricity scattered from her side, sporadically trying to hit Firefly. Even if the bolt were to hit, the charge was weak as most of her attention and power was focused on Atticus at the moment.

Yeah, she'd leave. Once she bothered these two tanglers more.

Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Atticus Roux - 03-03-2022

His demand was clear. Kold was to leave promptly and yet here they were. The world was still. Golden eyes were locked on the other and claws were spring-loaded, ready for an attack. The moments between caused his heart to pound in his ears. Beat after beat, the feline grew more impatient. Only seconds had passed. Sharp teeth clenched together. The anger within rose into his throat and a growl started to roll forth as her demonic, cocky smile curled upon her ragged lips. Then the silence broke.

Cream paws flew in his direction, contrary to her statement. Kold's parted jaws flashed in the light. The small tabby was prepared for her lunge and swerved out of the way with gritted teeth exposed in frustration. Muscles loosened as he reached out in her direction with unsheathed claws. Pointed claws attempted to slash at her side as soon as she landed, hoping to catch the undead Pittian off guard. Whether or not his attack hit, he'd shift forward to continue planning his fury of attacks.

Re: AWOKEN I STAND, A FOUR LEGGED CREATURE // Revival - Kold - 03-04-2022

As Atticus dodged the undead pittian floundered slightly, and a sharp pain as claws raked loosely across her side made her flounder a little more, a series of snarls leaving her jaws. The orange-ish saliva-like liquid that coated her tongue flew out in random directions as she shook her head vigorously. Her tongue lolled out and white flame flickered around it. Starting to really lose her temper, the pittian tried to throw herself at Atticus in an attempt to throw him to the side.
