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Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - Printable Version

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Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - SirDio - 02-15-2022

The Story: Two years ago, Brutei had suddenly disappeared, and was presumed awol or dead. However, they had just decided that the stress of CoTC was too much and that they needed a break. They spent two long years travelling the Unclaimed Lands, never quite in the same place. It was here were they found a rather handsome tom, and the two instantly clicked. Not long after meeting up the two confessed their love for each other, and soon after that, Brutei discovered that they were expecting. The sire was excited, as was Brutei. But not all good things last forever.

Still in the early stages of pregnancy, the two were attacked by a rogue wolf, and the tom lead the beast away while Brutei ran. Later they discovered that their lover had died from the attacker. Distraught, the pregnant demon decided to travel back to The Coalition, in hopes that their children could live safely.

The Rules
- The kittens will be born Feburary 20th, giving everyone time to set up designs and such
- As the owner of the mother character, I reserve the right to rehome a child should they become inactive for more than a month
- After the birthing thread, kittens will start out at 3 months and age every month or so. If an age jump is requested, all the players who write a child must agree on this age jump.
- The children will be ice demons or some variation of a demon, and powers can either be activated after birth or later on in life
- The children will be loved by Brutei, seeing as they were very happy about expecting.
- Ice and winter-based names are encouraged but not required.
The Parents
Brutei Tsune is a generation 1 Oriental Shorthair Ice Demon with icy blue fur and white ram horns. Detailed Ref! and the NPC tom was a brown tabby tom with golden eyes. Genetics do not matter all that much in this litter, go hog wild!

The Form
The Form is simple, and this is a first come, first serve litter!

Name: Name here
Age: Age here
Gender: Gender here
Appearance: Appearance here
Personality: Personality here

There are to be 4 kittens in this litter!
Pagetonas Crohn Tsune -- Rattlebone
Skádi Angelica Tsune -- Windowmemer
Lumin Tsune -- SchizophrenicVoid
Jökull Aeronwen Tsune -- Teef
code by spacexual

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - Brutei Tsune - 02-15-2022

Tracking on mother's account

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - Rattlebone - 02-15-2022

Name: Pagetonas C. (Crohn) Tsune
Age: As stated above, once the birthing thread is finished, the kittens will start as 3 months. Page will be 3 months as well. However, his icey powers will not show or reveal themselves until 8 months.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Taking after mainly his mother, Page sports a light gray pelt with dapples of silvery shimmers caping around his shoulders and back, running down his tail as well; ending in a shiny white tip. Page, while lithe, will be well trained in using his sleekness against opponents. His horns are crooked, both jarring outwards instead of down beside his cheeks and chin. The only remanence he has of his father are the cheetah like, dark brown markings that fall from the base of his eye to the rim of his lips as well as piercing golden hued eyes with little bits of red dappled in between. Pagetonas has oddly big paws and an elegantly long tail, similar to that of his mothers, but with the thick brows and broad nose of his fathers. 
Personality: It's hard to describe a complex cat like Pagetonas Tsune, but at the very least you'll find out he's practical and daring. Of course, he's also sharing, surprising and leaderly, but they're tainted by and mixed with habits of being arrogant as well.
His practical thinking though, this is what he's most well-liked for. On many occasions creatures will count on this and his charm whenever they need assistance or help.

Nobody's perfect of course and Page has a range of flaws to deal with too. His pretentiousness and imprudence do cause plenty of friction and could ruin plenty of evenings.
Fortunately his gentleness is there to relift spirits when needed.

Although it doesn't take long to dislike him, but the fact he's tactless and prejudiced is just the tip of the iceberg. As if that's not enough he's also angry, disloyal and devious, but at least they're not as bad due to intertwined habits of being selfless as well.
But focus on his disloyalty as this is why he's loathed. Any healthy relationship is made incredibly difficult because of this and his uncaring nature, as sad of a reality as this may be.

Fair is fair though; Page does have some lighter sides. He's charismatic and insightful if you look for it, it's not like we're dealing with pure evil here.
Unfortunately, his prejudices are always there and ready to strike at the worst moments.

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - Windowmemer - 02-15-2022

Edited and finished Big GrinDD



Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - SirDio - 02-15-2022

Quote: Rattlebone link=topic=25345.msg111844#msg111844 date=1644909168]
Name: Pagetonas C. (Crohn) Tsune
Age: As stated above, once the birthing thread is finished, the kittens will start as 3 months. Page will be 3 months as well. However, his icey powers will not show or reveal themselves until 8 months.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Taking after mainly his mother, Page sports a light gray pelt with dapples of silvery shimmers caping around his shoulders and back, running down his tail as well; ending in a shiny white tip. Page, while lithe, will be well trained in using his sleekness against opponents. His horns are crooked, both jarring outwards instead of down beside his cheeks and chin. The only remanence he has of his father are the cheetah like, dark brown markings that fall from the base of his eye to the rim of his lips as well as piercing golden hued eyes with little bits of red dappled in between. Pagetonas has oddly big paws and an elegantly long tail, similar to that of his mothers, but with the thick brows and broad nose of his fathers. 
Personality: It's hard to describe a complex cat like Pagetonas Tsune, but at the very least you'll find out he's practical and daring. Of course, he's also sharing, surprising and leaderly, but they're tainted by and mixed with habits of being arrogant as well.
His practical thinking though, this is what he's most well-liked for. On many occasions creatures will count on this and his charm whenever they need assistance or help.

Nobody's perfect of course and Page has a range of flaws to deal with too. His pretentiousness and imprudence do cause plenty of friction and could ruin plenty of evenings.
Fortunately his gentleness is there to relift spirits when needed.

Although it doesn't take long to dislike him, but the fact he's tactless and prejudiced is just the tip of the iceberg. As if that's not enough he's also angry, disloyal and devious, but at least they're not as bad due to intertwined habits of being selfless as well.
But focus on his disloyalty as this is why he's loathed. Any healthy relationship is made incredibly difficult because of this and his uncaring nature, as sad of a reality as this may be.

Fair is fair though; Page does have some lighter sides. He's charismatic and insightful if you look for it, it's not like we're dealing with pure evil here.
Unfortunately, his prejudices are always there and ready to strike at the worst moments.

Accepted! Can't wait to see him around

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - SirDio - 02-15-2022

(02-15-2022, 10:34 AM)Windowmemer link Wrote: Can I like, reserve a kitten?

Quick notes:

Name: Skádi Angelica Tsune (Skádi)

Age: 3 months, after birth

Gender: Female

- quite large child
- pelt white, icy blue flecks everywhere
- eyes unusually honey gold color
- long but strong limbs
- small horns that reveal at 6 months old, growing towards the back of her head and her back
- powers will develop at 10 months

- cute furball
- puts on a tough demeanor towards strangers
- kind towards friends
- slightly intimidating, naturally commanding in physique

Alrighty! You have a spot reserved now, Window Smile

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - SchizophrenicVoid - 02-15-2022

Name: Lumin "Lumi" Tsune
Age: 3 months
Gender: Nonbinary, any pronouns
Appearance: A combination of his parents, Lumin will be a shorthaired silver tabby with a plumed tail and 4 large black horns. As a kitten he will be a big bundle of fluff, but as an adult he will grow into a tall, strong form with huge paws and long legs, and quite a lot of muscle hidden beneath his fur.
Personality: A lovable himbo, Lumin grows more insecure about his lack of powers as he grows. Whether his family shows disappointment or not, he will overcompensate by training as hard as possible to become a formidable force without the aid of powers. Never one to hurt an innocent or strike the first blow, he nonetheless cuts quite the intimidating figure and enjoys the occasional fight, whether goodnatured sparring or not.

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - SirDio - 02-15-2022

(02-15-2022, 04:06 PM)SchizophrenicVoid link Wrote: Name: Lumin "Lumi" Tsune
Age: 3 months
Gender: Nonbinary, any pronouns
Appearance: A combination of his parents, Lumin will be a shorthaired silver tabby with a plumed tail and 4 large black horns. As a kitten he will be a big bundle of fluff, but as an adult he will grow into a tall, strong form with huge paws and long legs, and quite a lot of muscle hidden beneath his fur.
Personality: A lovable himbo, Lumin grows more insecure about his lack of powers as he grows. Whether his family shows disappointment or not, he will overcompensate by training as hard as possible to become a formidable force without the aid of powers. Never one to hurt an innocent or strike the first blow, he nonetheless cuts quite the intimidating figure and enjoys the occasional fight, whether goodnatured sparring or not.

Accepted! Love em already

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - Windowmemer - 02-16-2022

Updated application!

Re: Whatever happened to the young young lovers? // Kitten Adopts - SirDio - 02-17-2022

3 more days until these adopts are closed temporarily as the kittens will be born! And we have one more slot open.