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BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Printable Version

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BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Owlie - 05-22-2018

He didn’t particularly like it here. The sea salt was always in his nose. While it was fragrant at first, it was now a nuisance and he wanted as far from the sea as possible.

Krataa, as he had told them his name was, found comfort in the rainforest of the Typhoon. Trees were part of his instinct. He felt he had a sense and control and dominance here. The limbs of the trees were his kingdom, and he liked it there.

It was farther away from the sea too, and let him have time to think to himself. Devise plans, plot.... he was currently settling for scratching notes into a tree in the rainforest. Near the top, on the bottom of a thick branch, on one of the hundreds of trees in this forest. Besides, he’d written it in Aurebesh. The only person he was worried about reading it in this clan could be easily silenced.....

He stared at his plans.
You’re missing the end goal. he scratched out something. Rebuilding your empire, or culling the Skywalker clan?
No. He didn’t have the resources anymore to rebuild his empire. So perhaps, he would simply lie in wait. Reference his knowledge. Wait for the opportunity.

Culling the Skywalkers.... he could do that on the side. But he needed one of them. Someone easy to manipulate and easy to turn..... his eyes headed in the direction of snowbound.
The Stupid One.

Perhaps.... easier to gain his trust.

He’d think on this more. He moved, hopping to the next tree and moving a few branches down to make his way back to the camp.

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

Caesar didn’t particularly like it here, either. Though it wasn’t because of The Typhoon’s choice of making their home at an island, but more of the people that made up the group. They were all weak, pathetic. None of them had a spine. It was disgusting.

That being said, Caesar had heard word of somebody who just joined that held an air of importance to him. Caesar wasn’t the type of person to enjoy people that held that type of personality to him. He was supposed to be like that. That being said, that didn’t mean Caesar wasn’t going to try befriending this ‘Krataa’ person, if not only to try and get to him. To get a strong ally, if not learn the guy’s secrets and use them against him.

”Well, damn, aren’t you good at sneaking around.” Caesar commented as he watched Krataa move through the trees. The demon stared up at the larger feline, his head tilted with interest.


Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Owlie - 05-22-2018

The Emperor stopped, looking down upon him and locking his sulfuric eyes.
”The prey says otherwise.” besides, he wasn’t hunting at the moment and had little need for silence. If he were hunting, it would be different.

He wasn’t keen on coming down to greet him, so he settled on the limb and sunk his claws in. [b] “And you are?”

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

Well there went that for first impressions. Caesar gave a shrug at The Emperor's response, unsure of how to respond to the first comment himself. "Caesar Cipher." He did, however, respond to the question regarding his name.

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - tristitia - 05-22-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai has started to move towards the rainforest. The young lioness loved the sea. After all, she had grown up in a sea-like setting. That set her apart from the rest, she supposed. The lioness moved quickly when she spotted two animals having a chat. A leopard, with a black cloak, and a Savannah cat, who liked to be yellow and black. Well, she supposed there were other... differently colored animals that she had seen before.

Knowing she would be seen, the lioness decided to backtrack towards them and join in on their conversation. Her gaze trailed briefly to the top of a tree. She could read it, she knew that, but it was best not to for now. Her gaze fell down to the two strangers. “Yes... I believe we haven’t met. Well, it’s certainly nice to meet you, Caesar. I’m assuming you were named after the family of Roman Emperors.” And then she looked at the leopard, though not at his face. “I don’t think we’ve met either. I’m Sekai. And you are?” She asked. Her tone was neutral, and her body language held that same posture. She did not like something about him. Something about him made him feel uneasy, not at rest.

//Mobile + first time accidentally on wrong account.
© madi

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Keona. - 05-22-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
It was boredom that pulled Keona to the rainforest.  She spent so much time on the beach already and camp was plain boring.  In consequence, it was not surprising that the tiny rusty spotted cat run into crewmates out in the trees.  She had not quite mastered discretion in turns of her efforts to sneak out.  At least in this case, they hadn't been looking for her, she had simply gotten too close for her to bolt away without notice.

Her sea-green eyes did make an effort at least, to follow the origin of every voice.  All three crewmates were far taller than her, and one was in a tree; hardly fair.  Keona's tail twitched, trying to recall if she any of these felines.  She believed Sekai was the one who led to her father explaining the game of soccer, or football, to their crewmates.  Caesar had been there too, but whoever the other was, had not.  The fae bit her lip, hoping nobody told her father she was out and about where she shouldn't be again, but truthfully, that was always inevitable anyway.

"Aloha," she mumbled.  "… 'm Keona.  You headed to cam?" Might as well follow them, if that was the case, though she hardly minded the challenge of retracing her steps. Next, she might try climbing the trees to get around instead, but... Perhaps that was better done with her father or uncle watching her.
code by spacexual

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-22-2018

Caesar seemed offended at Sekai's question, and a look of disgust formed on his features as he looked over at her. "No." He responded in a gruff tone. "More like they were named after me." Well,he wasn't sure if that was entirely correct, but he definitely was not named after them. Caesar cipher was, ironically, a language they could somewhat speak back home. It depended on what System you were visiting, and Caesar's System typically spoke in three letters back. So yes, his mother and father named him after a language they spoke, in addition to his siblings. A cruel joke, perhaps, but their last name was Cipher. Hell, even their parents were named after ciphers themselves. It was just a family tradition. Besides, he was born eons before the Roman Empire was even a thing.

Caesar took note of Keona's presence as she spoke with a flick of his ear, but did not speak to her. Mostly because he was ticked that Sekai assumed he was named after somebody.

//aa IC opinions!!
and yes technically he was named after the roman emperors, since he's inspired by the caesar cipher, which was in turn named after julius caesar lol

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - Owlie - 05-23-2018

Krataa was chuckling slightly, tail flicking as he watched them. “Nero would have been a better name.” The disgraced and terrible Emperor. The one who battled the weeds.

He stood, loping down to the next branch and shaking himself, adjusting his robe to stay out of his way. ”Yes Keona, I’m going back to camp.” Aloha? What does that even mean? “I just prefer this method of travel.... trees are the leopard’s kingdom....”

”Krataa. Nice to meet you.”  God, he hated being pleasant.

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - tristitia - 05-23-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai had not meant to offend the Savannah cat. It was a legitimate question, after all. The young lioness had never heard about... dream demons and everything else. She had enough to deal with as it was, she did not want someone corrupting her dreams too. She offered a somewhat apologetic look, and shrugged, “Didn't know I was speaking to someone so important.” And Nero? Was that the own who pretty much burnt Rome to the ground?

The lioness watched as Krataa loped down to the next branch, and caught a glimpse at his eyes. Golden. Not like a sweet golden, such as honey, but more like... not a lightning strike. No, no. It appeared to be more like a sun, powerful and angry in all of its light. She remembered such eyes before. Luke held those same eyes, proclaiming he was Darth Skygg. A bolt of unease and suspicion went up her back, and her fur stood up, though partially on end. “Yeah... Nice to meet you, Krataa. Sekai settled on. It appeared that she could at least agree with him on one thing: she hated being pleasant. To him, at least.

© madi

Re: BITTER AND SALTY [o] - SÉAMUS - 05-23-2018

Séamus had his own plans for being in the Typhoon.  Not harmful plans, not necessarily, but plans nonetheless; ones he kept to himself.  He knew his twin was watching him carefully; he expected nothing less of Kian.  The former captain hummed an old sailor's tune under his breath as he wandered, scanning the surroundings for a certain smaller fae.  They needed to put a bell or something on that child... Seriously.


Séamus was glad he found her in a group, sea-green eyes blinking in curiosity as he took in each crewmate.  None were particularly familiar to him aside from Keona.  Of course, he had been rather quiet recently, disappearing into his own affairs.  "Dia dhuit," the rusty spotted cat offered the group before gravitating towards his niece, nudging Keona gently with his nose as he reached her.  "Not causing trouble, are we, Sibéal?"

At least the group was, from what he could tell, planning to head back.  The idea of Keona wandering around with a group of crewmates he didn't know was more unnerving than he'd like to admit.  At this rate, he supposed he ought to offer her supervised trips around the rain forest, to sate her curiosity and keep a trusted eye on her. 

"Séamus Ó Faoláin, by the way," the accented feline put out, dipping his head politely.  "Pleasure to meet you all."