Beasts of Beyond
PLAYING WITH DEATH [o] - Printable Version

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Zimavich’s eyepatch was sitting on the shore, his body sumerged in the water, up to his nose. He was currently standing in the swamp, at the least, so given his postition, six inches was between the water and the crest of his back.

He blinked, the area on his bad eye a shadowy haze and the violet eye clear. Zimavich was staring straight ahead, motionless and intent.
Maybe he thought staring down an alligator was somehow fun. Perhaps he wanted to make a statement. Considering the heat and the humidity, the polar bear was going to be killed by heat stroke before an attacker ever got to him.

So he cooled off in the water, sharing it with the alligators. That was, until they decided to bite.

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Re: PLAYING WITH DEATH [o] - Luciferr - 05-22-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris wondered if he was fast becoming some kind of mediator or clan 'parent' of this group given this continuing trend to berate new joiners for blindly wandering into dangerous territory, helping people not get eaten or solving conflicts.

and it seemed to be a trend that wouldn't be stopping anytime soon with the way the polar bear was going,

the beast raised a brow but let him be - though obviously keeping a hard eye on any gators that'd get close, a quick fire ball or a spike of earth shoved through a pair of snapping jaws would either deter them or kill them outright if they got too close for comfort to either him or his fellow tangler.

sigh, maybe he should host a health and safety seminar if this was going to continue.

/Fenris: Zimavich no!
Zimavich: zimavich...yes


Re: PLAYING WITH DEATH [o] - COSMIIX - 05-22-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]"Zimavich, you silly bear."

She said with a shake of her head before approaching the scene and stood beside Fen letting scales meet fur for a brief moment only to glance over at her fellow pantheon only to speak with a light nod of her cranium "Hello Fen," She would offer a smile before she would glance over in the direction of Zimavich, she couldn't really blame him for being out there with alligators. It was a bit too hot for a bear especially since said bear species was known to be used to the frigid cold rather than the humid heat that a swamp would provide. She would probably try to bathe the bear but in the future for now she kept her eyes on the bear and making sure that the gators didn't come to close to her clanmate. She would over towards the water itself letting a paw touch the surface briefly feeling the cool water on her fur, she felt a smile on her maw as she aim to gently splash Zimavich. Mischief danced in her golden pools.


Zimavich blinked as the water was splashed upon him, disturbed, but only offered a grunt. The gator hissed in return, floating as the two beasts watched eachother carefully. Maybe, it was a mutual understanding. They both needed the water, and they both understood they could murder eachother.  So they kept eachother at bay.

The alligator turned away and sunk into the swamp. Zimavich turned too, rising out of the water, green, smelly, and muddy, and promptly shook himself off. The bear’s head turned to them, putting his bad eye in full view as he started to drool.
“Water beast...... understand.”

Re: PLAYING WITH DEATH [o] - Nayru - 05-24-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
And along came Nayru, ever so tiny and ever so trembling as she watched the alligator sink into the depths of the swamp. [b][color=#6b7e99]"You're brave, Zimavich," She confessed lightly, craning her neck as to double check that no more of the reptiles visibly lurked nearby. She knew that there would possibly be tons just under the surface but didn't want to think about that. No, alligators freaked her out. [color=#6b7e99]"Maybe you need a bath though," She continued, this time permitting a small, still a tad bit frightened, smile to curve her jaws.

Re: PLAYING WITH DEATH [o] - Luciferr - 05-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
well there would be no gator incidents today, he could quietly be less tense now.

of course a familiar brush of scales against him brought his attention to who he knew had joined them, a smile curving across the war god's face at the greeting "Amunet" he returned quietly, pale eyes watching as she splashed Zima with a slight snort as his limbs lost their tense stance while the gator sank away, his own legs sinking down to lie more comfortably while the bear heaved himself out of the water.

it was a rather warm day, he couldn't exactly blame zima for taking a dip.

his ear flickered and his muzzle rose from where he'd leant it across his lava lined paws - turning as Nayru joined them with a headtilt of hello in her direction with a slightly agreeing hum with her assessment - though Tangle always had its own scent, you didn't need quite that much of it.

enemies would know you were coming for one.


Re: PLAYING WITH DEATH [o] - beck. - 05-27-2018

    With all the humidity and suffocating foliage, their quaint little swamp home had been transfigured into a boiling pot with the stretching summer days. His corporeal peers had barely any options to escape the increasing heat, leaving most of them to bubble and steam like cooked lobsters until their skin was sunburnt red and they desperately fanned themselves or lazed in the shadows all day. To jump into Tanglewood's water was a hazardous relief to the scorching weather, considering the water itself had turned on the wildlife and corrupted their genes enough to produce disfigured mutants. But it was understandable -- from the few nature documentaries Beck stumbled across during those late nights in a sleeping household he had taken up as a haunting, he recognized what Zimavich was. Polar bears were meant to be in cold, vast arctic wastlelands, not a forest bayou. How the senile polar bear ended up sauntering into their unforgiving swamp was beyond him, and a mystery likely to remain unsolved.

    The sight of the filthy bear soaking in a murky pond brought a distantly worried look to the wiry feline's face, slinking past brambles and bullrush to watch in silent curiosity while he procrastinated his responsibilities as commander. At least he wasn't the only creature present, otherwise Beck's stalking would become obvious. "Was that a gator?" he rasped in a hushed voice, split brow furrowing in unreadable thought. He wasn't surprised that an alligator would be hanging around, nor was he excited to be seeing one around so many possible meals. The boy didn't know what else to mumble out, anxiously gnawing on his intact cheek while the other exposed his nervous habit to the world. Zimavich's missing eye was another oddity that intrigued him, but again, he doubted the bear would go around sharing scar stories anytime soon.