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Official Animal RP Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Printable Version

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Official Animal RP Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 06-23-2021

[Image: 8nSmONT.png]

Greeting BoBCats! Today marks the start of our open applications for many high positions (HP), along with leaders, in our official groups. We hope you'll apply for any positions you're interested in and keep in mind that as always, quality over quantity. Bonus points for a fancy template too! Do remember that any actions OOCly and IC activity/actions will influence our decisions also, so keep that in mind as you work. Good luck everyone!

All users are welcome to apply and all positions they are interested in.

Positions Open
Any positions crossed out have been taken. Some positions may also have several openings.

[Image: LffB3Z6.png]
— Luminary [leader]: The highest in the hierarchy of powers, and in simplest terms, the leader. Capabilities include hosting clan-wide meetings, promotions and demotions, managing politics and raids,  among other common tasks.
— Reaper: Reapers act as a vice-deputy, giving them the power to advise the Luminary and host meetings for other HPs. They keep watch over the lower ranks of the group and hold the ability to host events and raids, accept requests and member suggestions, and enforce laws. Reapers can specialize in the following: espionage, medicine, communal, military, and ambassadorship.

[Image: ReS3w7U.png]
— Captain [leader]: The highest position in the the Typhoon; the overseer of everything in the group. They are expected to understand the basics to each division as they are the ultimate head to each one. They are in charge of every decision made within the group. Their word is the law and they are referred as "Captain Name or Surname".
— Division Leaders:
— Soothsayer: Assistant deputy / the head of the Necro Mambas and the division overseer for it. They are the top healers that focus on strengthening the group through medicine. They are allowed to hold medical events as well as accepting any alliance-based invitations or smaller ideas from crewmates. They may also hold funerals as well as weddings.
— Officer: Assistant deputy / the head of the Grim Rays and the division overseer for it. They are the top battle strategists and fighters, experienced with weaponry and war-planning. They are allowed to hold battle training events as well as accepting invitations from alliances and small ideas from crewmates. They also are generally the best blacksmiths, ensuring each crewmate has a means of protecting themselves.
— Dealer: Assistant deputy / The head of the Blackjack Rats and the division overseer for it. They are the top social event planners as well as the closest connections to the outside world. They are allowed to create events for the groups and the alliances, accepting invitations from alliances, and small ideas from crewmates. They also are the finest spies.

[Image: vZuuPFj.png]
— Ardent [leader]: The glorious ardent is the brute leader of the Pitt.  They are mostly in charge of the Pittian’s well-doing, deploying war, providing promotions and demotions, along with hosting the clan's main events.
— Marauder: They are known for their strength and wise battle tactics.  Within reason, Marauders can lead the clan into raids and provoke their enemies as they please and their main job is to maintain order within the clan.  During battle they are first in line and can be seen calling shots.
— Bonecollector: Usually extroverted free spirits, they are renowned for their charisma and, often, eerie smiles.  Their main job is to maintain morale and cohesion within the clan. In war and battles, they are tasked with maintaining the security of the Pitt's home territory.  Bonecollectors are more commonly seen strategizing with the Ardent and Imperator than in the battlefield, but they're no strangers to violence.

[Image: d9Luadw.png]
— Guru: The Guru is the group's medic. For any issues regarding a character's physical or mental health, they should visit the Guru to receive treatment. Along with this, the Guru is in charge of applying the group's tribal war paint on members.
— Espionage: The espionage is a key player in The Coalition of the Condemned's new plans. As a spy in other groups, they relay vital information to Stryker and his usurper. Any espionages found guilty of double-crossing will be executed. Even the suspicious will be punished brutally.

What does Beasts of Beyond Look for?
- Activity: A HP must be active and comply with Beasts of Beyond's activity rules on-site to lead properly. Not only this, but an active HP attracts other characters and brings a welcoming environment. Review the activity requirements (leaders only) here within the guide tab for more information.
- Character: Characters with a compelling concept, rather than a bland Mary Sue, can give a clan a whole new vibe.
- Open-Minded: Having an open heart and mind is key to roleplay. With this, a user and their character can easily adapt through situations and embrace new ideas. Whether these ideas come from staff or many users, we want to see the community thrive due to the input and output of our members.
- Plotting: To keep things 'fresh' and 'new,' HPs should engage in a multitude of plotting. This includes plotting with other groups, attending monthly meetings, and discussing plots amongst your group. Group-wide plots, along with site-wide plots, also encourage activity and involvement that keeps a community going.
- Taking Charge: As a community HP, you should be able to effectively communicate and decipher your group's needs. This includes independently hosting events and recognizing the downfalls/how to improve the group as a whole.
- OOC Connection: Communicating out of roleplay is also a big factor. This not only allows the characters to get their IC opinion in, but also the true opinion of the OOC users themselves. Along with this, chatting can lead to interesting plots or opportunities for you and your group.
- Experience: While not required, HP or IC experience would be preferable. This allows staff to oversee past experience and analyze your capabilities. Nonetheless, new applicants are very much welcomed!

Application Form
Please remember to include these aspects: username, character name and bio, potential plots/ideas, and why your service as a HP would be beneficial. Here is a basic form to get you started. You may use post templates and images as you wish, but please stick to the basic format.

[b]Username:[/b] Not your display name. The one you login with.
[b]Character name:[/b]
[b]Character description/bio:[/b]
[b]Position(s) you are interested in:[/b]
[b]Potential plots/ideas:[/b]
[b]Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:[/b]

As of right now, there is no closing date for these positions. They may be periodically picked as applications come through.

Good luck!

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Windowmemer - 06-24-2021

Kiara K.:

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Lokisaurus - 06-24-2021

Username: Lokisaurus
Character name: Firefly Osiris
Character description/bio: bio
Position(s) you are interested in: Luminary or Reaper
Potential plots/ideas: Firefly has seen her home get torn apart one two many times.  After the loss of animals she considered friends, Aurum and Elsweyr, and her brother, Firefly gets fed up with sitting on her back legs and kicks herself into action.  She assumes the position of a pseudo-general and takes up arms in order to fight for her home and to place it back into the paws of Tanglewood-based leadership.

To keep herself occupied, Firefly begins implementing things around the territory to make her way of life a little bit easier.  She finds that she has a knack for building and inventing.

Firefly can not have children, whatever accident she had when she was younger rendered her baby-making bits useless.  Instead, she takes on the role of mentor or teacher, and will often find herself baby-sitting for new or exasperated mothers.  She's charismatic and bubbly, so she makes for a fun time for the kiddos.

Potential plans for Tanglewood, specifically:
Fire Festival, a week taken out of the agricultural year, celebrating good harvests and new beginnings.  Once the old crops are harvested, they are set ablaze alongside other symbolic items in order to start anew.  The ashes of the old crops are mixed in with the new soil and compost made from swamp water and other assorted yucks, and these mixtures are used to plant new crops in for the coming year.

Changing of the Masks, an extension of the mask traditions that have been in place for generations.  Though not an official rank, maskmenders are very important to Tangler life and are treated as such.  Every so often, a new group of maskmenders will be anointed by the old.  When this happens, the entire group comes together to make a new set of masks for the up-and-coming maskmenders to wear as a symbol of gratitude.  Parents and mentors are encouraged to make starter masks for their little ones to celebrate with at this time, with the intention of the starter mask being the one that will be finished once the child completes the Mask Vigil.

Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?: Firefly is a character that brings a lot of hope and optimism to the swampy sorrowful Tanglewood.  She's bright and wholesome and though she not exactly the most skilled in battle, she's a good friend and would lay down her life for the people who matter most to her. 

She's not really into leadership for the role of it all, and therefore she takes to it more like a volunteer gig than a power play.  She offers her fellow Tanglers guidance and hope because she's been through a helluva lot of battles and a ton of awful things and she would rather her home be led by somebody who at least cares about it than its role in giving tyrants a bigger ego.

I'm also back from a hiatus and I have the time to commit to BoB again.  I've been around BoB since its creation (and before), so I've been around the leadership block a time or two.  I also figured I'd try to give Firefly something to do since I've had her for... six?  seven? years.  Might as well.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 06-25-2021

Everything is looking lovely so far! Thank you guys. Looking forward to seeing more too.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - axiom - 06-25-2021

Username: awry
Character name: Ximen Xiu
Character description/bio: clicky
Position(s) you are interested in: Reaper of Espionage
Potential plots/ideas:
- Avenge Els and Arrow: Given his personal connection to the two, he's pissed at the takeover, and even more pissed at himself. He'll join the efforts to push Brymstone out of the territory, but I do not see him taking a leadership role. He would prefer to keep his head down and strategize traps, assassinations, ect without all the bothersome charisma and extroversion required to keep a rebellion going.
- Adopting the local customs: Despite staying in Tanglewoods for a while, Xi hasn’t fully accepted the culture; he always considered his loyalty to Tanglewoods as tangental to his loyalty to his sister, but that’ll change over time, especially with the takeover plot. The most notable points for this will be the upcoming funerals and adopting the masks. And potentially using the tree markers to warn others about his traps!
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
- Sneaky Boy Tactics: Xi's a lazy boy by design; this extends to how he sees battle strategies and territory control. He's the sort of bastard that would setup harmless traps in his house to keep others from waking him up in the middle of a nap. He's a good fit for Tanglewood's "gtfo of my swamp" vibes.
- Not a Deus Ex Machina: Despite being interested in spying and battle tactics, Xi's not a "powerhouse" of a character. He doesn't have the necessary powers and charisma to walk into another group, pretend to join in a fresh body, and waltz out with information--which means he's used to being creative to solve his problems. Xi breaks the stereotype of “emotionally constipated military man” which I think fits well with Tanglewoods’ swampy outcast family.
- HP Experience and Plotting: I’ve played several HPs in the past on Bob (notably Ninazu, Rosemary, and Vale) and am experienced in throwing a multitude of plots at the wall to see what sticks.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 06-27-2021

Looks amazing also! Can’t wait to see more.

No closing date is specified yet, but things will be discussed as soon as possible. We want to hear from as many as we can.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 07-01-2021

Going to give this a short bump! There’s been a few applications so far, including off-site ads, and we’re looking forward to what’s coming.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - axiom - 07-08-2021

Username: awry
Character name: Rosemary Roux
Character description/bio: clicky
Position(s) you are interested in: Soothsayer of the Typhoon
Potential plots/ideas:
- Trade as a Necessity for Healing Supplies: Rosemary has a history of going to neutrals and allies for healing trade! She’s done this with Palm Glades, Frostblown, and Tanglewoods, including when Palm Glades wasn’t a boarded group. This is a great way to get other groups involved with the Typhoon, as well as give allied groups a way to interact with the Typhoon. This also adds a touch of realism, because not all herbal plants grow in every biome!
- Pro-Alliances: Despite acting like a hermit, Rosemary thinks the more allies the Typhoon has, the better off the pirates are. She would like to see Tanglewoods become an ally once again. However, she would also not be opposed to an alliance with the CotC—yup, she’s a weird one.
- Tarot Card Readings (and the Future): Rosemary does tarot card readings for the Typhoon’s members, though she could also be persuaded to do them for members of other groups! I alway thought it’d be hilarious if an enemy group captured her thinking she can legit see the future, but they ask for a Tarot Reading and she’s like “wtf really you should’ve just asked.”
Why would your character's position be beneficial for their group and what do you offer to the group as a whole?:
- Adviser with no interest in Leadership: Rosemary has never been interested in being promoted to quartermaster or, even worse, captain. This means she’s not interested in personal glory or trying to one-up other hps; she consistently puts her group first, though whether she’s correct in her judgement… well, she’s been wrong before.
- IC HP Experience: Rosemary Roux has been a healer in the Typhoon since Captain Pincher’s reign. During that time, she’s been an on-again off-again sage or soothsayer, depending on my own activity and interest. When as a soothsayer, Rosemary is always willing to trade for healing resources, to teach other characters healing, and (obviously) heal any pirate or their allies. Her approach to picking sages is simply to watch for interested individuals, give them resources to learn, and watch to see if they step up; I’ve learned this is one of the best ways to select healer hp characters without causing a weird “exclusive club” vibe in the healing team.
- OOC HP Experience and Plotting: I’ve played several HPs in the past on Bob (notably Ninazu, Rosemary, and Vale) and am experienced in throwing a multitude of plots at the wall to see what sticks.

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 08-11-2021

With some stuff coming up in the Discord, gonna slam this post with a bump!

Re: Official Leader + High Position Try-Outs - Orion - 01-01-2022

These are still open! If you are still interested after the newest announcement, please re-state your interest. No need to repost your form. <3