Beasts of Beyond
when a plague rises - open; announcement + vale needed - Printable Version

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when a plague rises - open; announcement + vale needed - rhosmari - 06-23-2021

How often his paws were treading the same path, back and forth between swamp and desert. Things were not too exciting within the swamp land and from what he had gain their former leader had died in the flood he had seen evidence of previously. So they were actually leaderless till he had showed up and locked his vice grip around their throats. Perfect timing he supposed and he sighed as he shook himself slightly. Debating on the information he had decided to come here and tell to Vale and the rest of the Pitt. After all he was sure that they would be intrigued with it. The creature bearing a skull for a head paused just upon the border before he passed on over. Didn't much matter. After his murder he was s member here but he was now also a greater asset than before.

As he came forth to their jungle oasis his tail lashed back and forth, the skeletal tail twisting and coiling before the scorpion appendage arched and hung over his head. Stinger wet with the threat of venom. "Pit members and their Ardent, I've come with some news that might be helpful." He began, orbs fading in his sockets for a moment before there was soon nothing but darkness within what should have even eyes. "I am now the Luminary of Tanglewood and from this day forward the swamp is in aggreance with the Pitt. We can and should be allies after all."

Re: when a plague rises - open; announcement + vale needed - VALE - 06-23-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ white sumatran tiger
Vale pads toward Brymstone. Vis tail flicks, and the flesh flicks away to splatter against a slab of obsidian. Now the tiger’s tail resembles Brymstone’s in jagged pieces of interlocking bone–minus the scorpion tip.

The ardent’s head tilts, one of three eyes squinting as the other two widen in surprise. “Helpful news?” Tapping a claw against vis cheek, the tiger chuckles, “More than helpful.”

The fanged smile upon Vale’s face disguises the shapeshifter’s true feelings. When Brymstone left, Vale found verself in the same position, if only for a brief amount of time, that Brymstone had suffered. Had vis ex-boyfriend run off because he’d, finally, seen how grotesque Vale is? Or had Vale’s leadership role scared him off? Or, even, had the bonehead left for the desert to complete the blooding? Had he been killed?

“You have my congratulations. Though I suppose the locals aren’t taking the takeover very well, are they?” Vale’s flat tone implies the rhetorical question; Tanglewoods hated the COTC’s takeover attempt, and they had no reason to love Brymstone. “What are you planning with them?”

Re: when a plague rises - open; announcement + vale needed - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 07-06-2021

Hmm. Does this mean that Tanglewood isn't on the menu for their dastardly assassinations anymore? Its almost enough to make the dragon pout. Dang. A whole bunch of targets that now they probably shouldn't be attacking. Maybe if they were sneaky, though... they were a great assassin after all! It all depended on the price they were given.

"I'll take any of the troublemakers," Beezlebub chittered as they fluttered over. Wings rapidly pushed and pulled the air, keeping them in the air as they did a little spin. "Won't even know what happened to them, mhm! Just, just point me at 'em, trust me, I'll get 'em!"
dragon + the pitt + they/them