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sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - Printable Version

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sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - rhosmari - 06-11-2021

Aimlessly he had wandered and for a time he knew nothing but the instinct to live. The instinct to become dominant in the small ecosystem that had always shunned him. He had lost much. His home gone. The Ironfolk decimated in the sudden way of an attack. One could survive the attack of one dragon if they were lucky but not a hoard. And who would have thought that the dragons they had made peace with for so long would turn against them for more and more territory. Taking everything and burning whatever would try to stand against them. And stand against them he had not tried to do. For what reason would he do that? To sacrifice himself for people who saw him as nothing but an abomination? No, no, he did not. He stood on his own and he watched hellfire be rained down upon his own. His skeletal face just a mask, hiding away the feeling of pleasure at their destruction. He was tired perhaps of the ill gotten looks and the whispers of beast behind his back. Why kill himself for those that would not die for him?

Now he stood alone. And he had lost vem. The pain that had caused before their fall had been immeasurable, pushed him over the edge. That ever changing beauty, the constant and yet also chaotic presence like a soothing storm. Something he had done something to push vem away. So selfish. He cared little for anything and lifting a paw to help was the last thing he wanted to do. So alone he traveled, not thinking, only killing and eating. Jaw bones cracking and rubbing, teeth scrapping and chattering as he twisted his scorpion tail. There had been a hunt, the feeling of a stinger driving and digging into a warm body. A screamof pain and paralysis, the look of fear stabbing into his monstrous appearance. Food, he has dug his teeth into her side with the intent of killing,  to gorge himself on blood and flesh. But something paused him.

The black oriental, almost darkened still by her own blood, her fear had transformed into rage and he tilted his head. The skeletal tail twisting and rattling. "I remember when I had rage, any emotion. I enjoy the look on your face...." And so he took her, smelling of swamplands he traveled till his thick paws hit desert sands. Dusting his body he carelessly dropped the wounded oriental upon the ground, licking her blood from exposed teeth. She had a name, he didn't care to ask. His unblinking orbs bounced in their sockets, shaking and telling as a tongue slide over bleached bone of cheek and what as left of a nose. Where was he?

Re: sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - VALE - 06-13-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ boneface hyena
// tw; self-harm

Another boneface watches the stranger and his captive. But that’s getting ahead of ourselves; a spotted hyena watches, normal in every way except for the greyscale coloration, three red eyes, and… well, Vale never looks normal for long.

The heat rolls off the sands into Vale’s paws. Yet this burning does not compare to the burning in vis face. The sight of Brymstone activates the burning, the itchiness, and Vale’s claws sink into the oozing tissue of vis decaying face.

Skin, muscle, cartilage. Every layer sloughs off, but the burning persists, until Vale scratches not at silent flesh but unforgiving bone.


The jagged note catches on Vale’s mind. Vale snaps into reality, into Brymstone’s glowing orbs, but ve wants nothing more than to avert vis eyes. To forget, forget, forget LET ME FORGET YOU Vale’s mind shrieks, but the shriek drowns in sea of remorse and what-ifs.

“I—” I missed you, Brymstone. “—can’t believe my eyes. What is the Dragon King doing in my desert?”

But Vale does not give Brymstone time to answer. “Is this the Iron Forged’s way of asking for an alliance? If so, bringing the former leader of an annoyance is interesting way to go about such a thing.” Vale’s three eyes cannot decide what to focus on; they focus on Els’s body, because it is easier than looking at Brymstone.

It would be easier to look at the sun.

I left you in your island paradise. “But you don’t smell… how is that place, anyway?” Vale’s voice betrays ver; for all the easy-going words, there’s tension. Worry. Vale liked the Iron Forged, even if ve hated some of the “traditional” fucktwats and Brymstone’s opponents, and Vale thinks fondly of when ve crashlanded into the hot-springs with Chernabog.

Before I could ruin it. “Don’t tell me I broke it on the way out.” Before I could ruin you.

Don’t tell me I broke you.

Re: sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - j a c k . - 06-17-2021


[glow=grey,2,300]"You ruin all you touch, Vale."[/glow] Jack's voice is not meant to be a balm to the leader's ears. Bitter laid in the monotone speaking of the kodkod's own bloodied maw. A snap of bone as their teeth click shut. It was a barb the creature tossed at the feet of a rotting corpse, and even Jack turned away at the sight of the rotting visage [glow=#480000,2,300]-not out of disgust, but remembrance[/glow] - and turned towards the skulled mask the stranger wore along their face- a mask that was as easy to see through as the smell of ash and remnants of fire that clung to them.

Dragonfire had a curious smell.

He felt the want- the itch shiver up his spine, and he shoved it harshly down with a wave of [glow=#687C97,2,300]chill[/glow] exhaled around him like a plume of smoke, sand under his feet slicking on the little amounts of humity in the air turning the ground around him to frost. He kept the need- or rather want to snap harsher, to transform- and thrash and rend down. It was not the time to throw a challenge at the so called leader of the Pitt. On the edge of the border, where vey claimed to know the only witness around for miles.

Re: sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - rhosmari - 06-17-2021

For a moment there was nothing as he stared at vem, nothing but a vast emptiness that slowly began to stir. To quake and splinter as cracks raced against it and spilled over with something that was burning. Burning. And it hurt. His eyes if they could have widened would have, the pain splintering and causing heat to smolder and smoke up through nonexistent nostrils. His chest shuddered as he tried to think if something to say. Something tried to break forth from the skull faced horror but try as he might there was nothing he wanted to say. This burning he attached to emotions, a dead thing that was too painful to keep. His head tilted, expressions nothing. Hard to read something that bore bone. His eyes shook in their sockets as he slowly looked away from vem and down to the creature that he had captured on a while. The oriental grimacing through her own pain that he had laid upon her. The pain if his poison. His tail twitched, the scrapping of exoskeleton against exoskeleton jarring before he lifted his head up one more. Trying his best to not cave in. To not become a mess again. "I watched them burn..." Was his first words saud. Not even noting the former leader beneath his paws. His orbs stared into the other bone faces creature, the smell of rotten flesh almost like bitter roses.

Why did you leave me? The thought spiraled in his head but never made it forth from his throat. Born jaw held together only by sinew and muscles shaking and snapping closed randomly as he attempted to hold himself together. Their beauty, he missed it. Watching vis ever changing and adapting firm. Pain. He looked away, drips of molten lava dragging and dripping from slightly parted jaws. Breaking. He was breaking. Barely holding on. Heat like fumes billowing from his tiger like figure. "Vey do not. Keep quiet." The former Dragon King hissed, tongue sliding against the glowing heat before he suddenly kicked her. Elsweyr let out a yowl of pain as she rolled across the sand, resting away from the group,  breathing hard. To Brym vey had held him together, helped him see that he was no more a monster than anyone else could be. But then...why?

Blood seeped from her side from his claws and he lifted up his bloodied claws pointing at her. "I had no knowledge of who she was but if you want her take her. She can not move. I...." A pause. Should he stay here and always hurt for a love he could never have? His teeth clattered shut on a sharp snap before he shook his head. Stop looking at vem. Stop wanting vem. No. "I will kill her for you to become a member here." If where she came from was an annoyance then an example needed to be set.

Re: sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - VALE - 06-20-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ skeletal hyena
“Brymstone….” For once, Vale is speechless. Ve cannot think of anything to say.

The hyena shivers—no, the skin shivers. Jack’s barb cuts deep, joining the growing void in Vale’s mind. The only way to hide weakness is to show nothing at all; the muscles slough off the bone like cooked flesh, and Vale stands amongst the festering gore, a skeleton with a beating heart.

Exposed, Vale’s heart hangs suspended in vis ribcage. It beats. Faster! How it beats! A roar in Vale’s ears alone, silent in everyone else’s.

“No, Jack is right. I do. And I ruined him, so the little kodkod should know. But that was intentional.” Vis grey tongue swipes over vis red eyes, as if that could save ver, as if that could wake ver up from this nightmare, this dream gone wrong. “But this is the first time I’ve ruined something by depriving it—you—of my touch.”

Vale snaps vis jaws, catching the grey tongue in a toothy vice. But the taste of blood and ache in the muscle can’t stop ver from speaking. “I’ll accept this, but you must let me atone in return.”

Abruptly, Vale’s three red eyes shift to Elsweyr. “But the swamp kitty? She’s heard enough. Kill her.”

Re: sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - rhosmari - 06-21-2021

tw for gore/murder

He watched with never changing face as the flesh slipped from bones and body. Revealing a heart that thumped rapidly on a chest. Their chest. His head did turn slightly as he witnessed this and his name brushed against his ears. Was he Brymstone again? Had he ever been? Ears pulled back, the touch of fur against skin and flesh. When vey spoke and agreed to what the other said he wanted to refute it all. Because he did not think it was true. He did not think they ruined things unless it was necessary, not by accident. He did not feel he was ruined. Was he? His eyes slowly seemed to lower, teeth scrapping against one another as he closed his jaws and reopened them. "I don't feel deprived of anything. I don't feel much of anything. I'm fine." No, no, he wasn't fine. He was blind and stumbling. Living just to live. Hurting just to hurt.

He was a dangerous thing now, his eyes rolling in their empty sockets before he shook himself. Atonement. What was there to atone for? The past was empty and full of lies. He was too selfish. He wanted too much. Let that go now. "There is nothing for you to atone for. Nothing needs to be done. I'm...happy to get to see you again. It's all I need." All he will ask for and then he was given the go ahead to kill her.

To kill the small feline who could do nothing but watch helplessly. Lava dripped from the Dragon King's maw as his black tongue dragging against those teeth. No gum and flesh, just bleach and stained bone as he stepped over to her. Her eyes were just like the lava he created, burning and staring in not hostility anymore but fear. Fear of her own death. Fear that she would never get to see her mate again and little did she know she was already dead. Taken by a flood. Suddenly he drove his teeth into her throat, heard her gurgling in her throat. The hissing of burning flesh that cooked and began to slowly peel away with fur and bone. The shrieking of her pain before she finally passed into the void. Pulling back strains of blood and meat came with it and he glanced back at the two. "She's dead and I have an idea as well..." A conquest perhaps but he was a member here now...he would make his due.

Re: sometimes throw caution away - open; joining + tangler - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 06-22-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Fuck all was happening now? Drawn in by the stink of fire and lava and blood the male approached with a curious tilt to his head, optics landing on Brymstone making a feast of Elsweyr's body. "Nice kill." The Skald remarked, simply with a small smile as he sat down next to the slightly panicking Vale. "You alright there, Ardent?" He asked softly, soulless gaze still focused on the ones of Brymstone as a gust of air that ruffled his fur wafted away the smell that was beginning to rise. Something had evidently happened between Vale and Brymstone, something that the panther didn't care enough to ask about. Let them do their young kid stuff, he was too old for their shit. The proposing of an idea, however, intrigued him, and he sat forward slowly.