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I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - Printable Version

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I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-22-2021

The trek from the Coalition to The Typhoon had been a lengthy one, and it certainly hadn't been helped by the wolf in her jaws weighing her down. Not to mention the various injuries that she had sustained during the raid. Still, she eventually managed to make it back to her home, the privateer moving over to the beach and setting Ravenwood down on the sand. The wanderer was technically a capture that she had taken during the raid, but she hadn't really taken him with malicious intent. Rather, she hadn't trusted the Coalition to actually treat the concussion that he probably had properly. Not to mention she didn't trust them with Ravenwood in general, if he had been as kind to Vayne as she said. Mia thought that maybe... just maybe, she'd be able to help Raven out. Was it a rather forceful way of doing things? Oh, most definitely, but she hadn't meant to knock him out. She had initially thought he was trying to move Danny and Vayne, not help one of them.

Best not to dwell on the past though, especially considering she needed to worry about the future right now. With a soft sigh, the shapeshifted lioness nudged her nose gently against Ravenwood's side, attempting to rouse him, "Hey... hey, wake up, will you?" She didn't wait long before continuing, even though she was sure he would be feeling disoriented, "You're here in The Typhoon... again. I brought you here to get your concussion checked out. Sorry for... inflicting it, really. I didn't realize you were trying to help Vayne, instead I figured you were trying to move her." She knew a simple sorry wouldn't stop the pain in Ravenwood's skull, but at least it was a start. She then questioned, her head tilting to one side, "Why the hell were you even in that place, anyways? You don't seem like any of... them." Those vicious bastards that had taken Danny and Vayne, killed Michael, and done so much more. Ravenwood... well, he hardly seemed to fit in with that crowd, at least in Lumia's eyes.

( please wait to post until [member=18019]RAVENWOOD[/member] does!! )
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin

Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - RAVENWOOD - 05-22-2021

i'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
hoping to hit you somewhere vital

His head hurt. That was the first thought, even before he opened his eyes, barely processing the words Lumia spoke to him. It smelled like the sea, and that made his eyes open. He saw two of Lumia, and for a moment, his head swayed back and forth. What was going on? Where was he? What happened to the battle? Who was this person in front of him? He groaned gently, his eyes closing again, the sun all that much too bright.

You're here in the Typhoon...

Well that would explain it. Ravenwood squinted his green optics as they parted. His paw gently raised up, trying to block the sun from his eyes. It really was too bright, too loud, and he might just try to get up and kill the seagull that was crying out right now. He exhaled not long after Lumia spoke, taking in what she said despite the pounding in his skill. She definitely did a number on him, and while he felt a little disrespected, he couldn't blame her. After Sojourn had hurt not only the Typhoon but the Coalition in one fell swoop.. that made up his mind.

Ravenwood looked up towards Lumia. His body was still recovering from the starvation he was put through before he came from the island, and Ravenwood's jaw worked. He inhaled gently, speaking finally after a long moment of silence. "That's.. where I washed up. I wasn't.. strong enough to leave. When I came here last and that dragon ate my tail.. it scared me back to that place." Ravenwood mumbled. His ears lowered. Romulus was the only reason he had really stayed. Maybe Jade, but mostly Romulus.

That man had felt safe to him. Like.. a father. But he was just like Sojourn, angry at the Typhoon for killing his parents. Which, again, Ravenwood couldn't blame him for. But the killing? It was senseless, and it was horrible. He couldn't endorse that any longer. He slowly laid his head down, eyes closed tightly. "... My head is killing me. What'd.. you even hit me with?"


Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - VALE - 05-22-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
The seagull screeching near Ravenwood looked up, shrieked again, and took flight. Coasting away on the sea’s breeze, the scavenger vacated the premise.

Then a murder of crows descended upon the sands. CAW! they called as one. Three descended on a washed-up jellyfish and tore the edible meat to pieces. Another pair worked together to bash a crab against a rock; they chased away the others gathering to steal the free loot.

Amongst the chaos, a three-eyed crow skipped across the sands closer to Lumia and Ravenwood. When ve saw the passed out male was, not, in fact, dead, the crow halted and CAWED indignantly. How dare this prime slab of meat still live.

“Hit you with?” The little crow blinked vis red eyes at Ravenwood, then Lumia, and then tilted vis head. “A dragon ate your tail? A dragon ate me once! A dragon ate me, hahaha, yesterday? Yesteryear? Yesterdecade? Hahaha!”

The little crow teetered on vis legs, hopping from one foot to the other. “Do tell. Hit with what, what, what?”

Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 05-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Vayne was waiting for Lumia to come back, though she hadn't expected her aunt to be coming back with Ravenwood, the Wanderer who had gotten himself captured here once on accident. At the sight of Lumia, Vayne came running up, though her ears flattened at the sounds of loud screeching - coming from Vale, of course. She ran forward in what was a bluff charge, trying to scare off the strange three-eyed bird. "Shoo, go away!" It definitely wasn't a Typhooner, not one that she recognized at the very least, and its voice was annoying. God damn.

Regardless of whether or not her charge worked, Vayne turned back around to face Lumia, a frown on her face. "Did you... capture him?" She asked, not in an accusatory way, but still upset nonetheless. Out of all the Coalitioners, it had to be him? Why not Aphra, or Sojourn, or even that direwolf pup that kept her prisoner?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - VALE - 05-23-2021

graphic gore ★ genderfluid ★ 3-eyed crow
The crows nearest to ve scattered, but the three-eyed one stood vis ground. Other crows circled, cawing in warning, but the blight’s red eyes stared straight at Vayne in lazy defiance. CAW! ve called, right as the privateer came closest to vis face.

“Shoo, you!” Vale’s beak pointed up at Vayne’s face. “Shoo, go away! Boo-hoo! Shoo, join your crew, shoo, shoo, shoo!”

Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - LUMIA CIPHER. - 05-24-2021

As Ravenwood slowly regained consciousness, Lumia stepped back to give him some space, a frown pulling at her muzzle. She obviously felt bad about the injury she had inflicted upon him, but it wasn't as if she could take it back now. For the moment, she just listened to what he had to say. He had just... washed up there? Hadn't even properly meant to join? That only made Mia's frown grow, a sigh leaving her. At least she had chosen to join The Typhoon. With a brief shake of her head, the young Cipher muttered in response, "Yeah, that was Roxie... she can be a little hot-headed when it comes to Coalition members, but I'm pretty sure you just saw why." She then said, biting down on the inside of her cheek, "...You shouldn't go back there, you know. They're not worth it, not to mention what their leader was doing. Killing indiscriminately... she didn't even care about her own members." Not to mention what she had done to Michael, but Ravenwood wouldn't care about that. Not the way that the rest of them did.

She had been about to answer the other's question when the murder of crows came rushing over, led by that same three-eyed leader as before. Hadn't that been the one she had directed towards the library? Glancing over towards ver, Lumia wondered aloud, "Where'd you... come from...?" She was quick to just sigh and shrug that off. Ve was a nuisance, sure, but she didn't really see the harm in ver being there, responding to both Ravenwood and Vale as she answered, "I hit you with a rock. I was kind of in a rush, and like I said, I thought you were trying to sneak Danny and Vayne away. Then I realized you were the one that Vayne had talked to earlier, and... I figured I'd better not leave you there." She didn't trust any of the Coalition as far as she could throw them, and she didn't even know if they had a proper medic.

As Vayne approached and tried to shoo Vale off, Lumia just shook her head and said quickly to her niece, "Just leave them be... I don't think they're around to hurt anyone. At least, not from what I've seen." Ve was just... weird, at least in Mia's eyes. Moving on from that, she sighed heavily as she responded to Vayne, a bit of a sheepish look on her face, "And yes, I captured him, but not to hurt him. I brought him here so that Roan could take a look at his head... and maybe so that he could stay here. You know the Coalition. They're a bunch of bastards... just look at what they did to you and Danny. If this Ravenwood guy is really good, he shouldn't be there." As she said this, she gestured a paw back in Raven's direction, wondering if he would be able to remain conscious until she could grab Roan. She sure hoped so, considering she was fairly sure he had a concussion.
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin

Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - Keona. - 05-24-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
This was... Seas.  The dire wolf frowned as she padded forward.  Ears perked as she caught Lumia's explanation.  Sightless hues narrowed.  It was kind and hopeful and the dealer... She understood, yet... That was a lot of trust Lumia was putting into a Coalitioner who supposedly seemed 'good'.

Keona couldn't afford to be so quick.  No.  "Lumia." Maybe it was cold, but she couldn't.  She couldn't risk it.  "We can't just take in a member of the Coalition on the basis he might be nice." Too reckless.

The dealer sighed softly, tilting her head towards Ravenwood. "And you, do you want this?" It was Lumia's invite after all.  What was his opinion on joining the enemy?

Re: I HAVE NO SYMPATHY ☆ coalition "prisoner" - daniel - 05-24-2021

He thought he would have seen the end of the Coalition, but there was no rest lately, not for a second. Even when home safe, more or less, a piece of the place was dragged back against their will it seemed, because of Lumia and a rock. A rock? Danny tried to imagine it, since he had missed the display after all, on Keona’s watch for the rescue instead of Lumia’s. And even then, he was too shaken up to process if Ravenwood was there or not. Individually, he didn’t recognize the guy, just the group that he was pulled from, and that was enough reason for Danny to be concerned. Worried. In his defense, he should be given this one pass to do so, unless being held in a fight pit wasn’t enough to permit concern, and he didn’t mean that maliciously. The Typhoon was just stocked with some tough people.

Despite being on the larger scale than her by comparison, Danny was just about using Keona as a defensive shield, keeping his head down and tail in until he looked much smaller than he actually was. The blind Dealer was the one who rescued him after all, and he didn’t have abilities that could potentially pull Raven apart limb from limb. Although, he did jump from the cawing of the strange little crow. Almost amused, even with his fear of the scent of the Coalition, nose twitching like a bunny. ”I’m sure she didn’t mean it...” The wolf said quietly, trying to think what one could say to a bird. A funny little bird, but a bird nonetheless. He didn’t understand birds.
if i find some way out then i will stay, with heart split two ways down