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You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Printable Version

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You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Casphian - 05-21-2021

After having been kidnapped by the COTC the Spirit Watcher thought it was about time that the Tribe gained a few alliances. And what better place to start than the groups that were close by, and even if they didn’t form an alliance it was at least nice to know who resided close to the Tribe and helped to make their presence more known. This was how Kainan found himself soaring through the air towards the Palm Glades, eventually landing at one of the beaches near the group’s borders. His mismatched orbs peered across into the territory, head tilting slightly as he debated on how to make his presence know. He didn’t want to be rude with his arrival but at the same time didn’t want to be waiting around all day. With that thought in mind the hybrid tilted his head back and let out a howl, ear flicking as the sound rung out through the area. There that should do the trick, at least he hoped it would.

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Melachi - 05-21-2021

Alliances. Alliances, alliances. Melachi knew about alliances (hell, he had been in an alliance for a war!). But when you hear a howl by the borders of your new home, you just can't trust it. Not at first, at least. As he walked toward the howl's source, his tails lashed and swirled in the air. His head was held up high, and when he finally saw Kainan? He lowered it ever so slightly.

"Hello!" Damn, this one actually looks interesting! "What brings another stranger to The Palm Glades?" He smiled, eyes shimmering slightly. His wings twitched against his sides as he tried to not look over the newcomer. That'd just be weird, no?
[Image: tenor.gif]
roleplayed by [member=15976]Seraphim[/member]  + Abyssial God

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - rhosmari - 05-22-2021

There was almost immediate hostility behind the gaze of the apprentices eyes. Covered by neutrality as he stepped forward after a strange he did not know. His wrapped throat still hurt him quite a bit but he was tired of standing around and doing nothing as he healed. He didn't like the feeling of being weak and, well, he had worried Sunsetpaw too. Shaking his head a bit he looked at the odd guy upon their border after having wandered up. His scent was different than what he thought it would be and for that he narrowed his gaze a little bit more. Someone who could potentially cause trouble for them. Whatever be the cause. So he sat down considering the normal questions had already been asked. His maw parted for a moment, words dancing on the tip of his tongue before he just simply shut it again.

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Casphian - 05-22-2021

Kainan glanced over at the panther as he approached, eyeing the midnight pelt the other bore. He was intrigued by the other but chose not to speak up on it, instead found himself staring slightly before shaking his head to snap himself out of his trance. He let out an embarrassed cough and looked the other way, shuffling slightly where he stood. “Hello, I’m Kainan Spirit Watcher of the Tribe of The Molten Spirits,” he started off. He glanced over at the child that appeared, questioning the bandages but speaking not of it. “I come seeking potential alliance and also just visiting, it would be wrong of me as a leader to not know the groups who reside close to my Tribe,” he mused, turning his attention back to Melachi.

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Melachi - 05-22-2021

His ears flicked as Goldenpaw approached, rather paying attention to Kainan. Ah, the bastard seems a little embarrassed. Cute. But he cleared his throat, nodding to Kainan's words. "Tribe of The Molten Spirits, eh? Interesting." Maybe Kainan would allow Melachi to visit, take a look around the Tribe itself? He'd have to ask, when the two were alone and not near a kid. "Well, aren't you sensible. Melachi. It would be up to our Legate to decide about alliances, but you seem... trustworthy enough in my eyes." And he looked at Kainan, a little more confident.
[Image: tenor.gif]
roleplayed by [member=15976]Seraphim[/member]  + Abyssial God

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 05-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]CLINGIN' TO INSANITY !。+゚.[/glow]
The Palm Glades as a whole were understandably a little wary of visitors, considering how many had gotten captured, and Goldenpaw himself had gotten attacked by their own ally. Drayden at the very least, was concerned when he came across an unfamiliar scent and came up to the small patrol as quickly as he could. "Winterhymns should be here soon." The snow leopard replied, mostly to Melachi but also directing the statement towards Kainan. "In the meantime, my name is Drayden Cipher. I am a Keeper, a high position here." He added, coming forward and straightening his back as much as he could to seem important. "What are the Tribe's current allies and enemies?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Casphian - 05-22-2021

Kainan shot a grin towards Melachi at the comments he made. He shuffled his wings against his back before shifting his body to sit down. The hybrid let out a soft hum in greeting towards Drayden when he appeared, nodding his head at the mention of Winterhymns being along shortly. “We currently have no allies or enemies, but currently cautious of the Coalition of the Condemned due to recent actions done by the group,” he mused. He didn’t see it necessary to mention how he had been captured by on of the members, that info was best left alone unless discussed between him and the Glade’s leader in private.

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - WINTERHYMNS P. - 05-23-2021

Re: You’re almost as beautiful as the moon | Visiting + Alliance seeking - Casphian - 05-24-2021

Kainan dipped his head in greeting to Winterhymns, lifting it back up and straightening his posture as he did so. He understood their wariness towards him even if he didn’t see it, you would think that he would be less inclined to seek other groups out for potential alliance but the Tribe needed allies incase another capture happened again, and he hoped that it never would. His attention shifted towards Melachi briefly, only allowing himself the brief distraction before turning back to the matter at hand. ”My Tribe can offer reinforcements if anything ever goes wry on your end, we can also provide shelter and herbs if need be. Our home is surrounded by a large wall with only two entrances, we also have a few other places within the territory that allow places to hide children if need be. We have plenty of herbs to offer in time of need, we mostly use them for making pants and such but they are there for other uses as well,” he mused. He could only hope that what he offered would be enough, he debated on offering up his body for defense as well with how large he was but chose to keep that comment to himself. ”We also offer up trading between the two groups,”he added on.