Beasts of Beyond
With my dying breath let me confess to you || final resting place - Printable Version

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With my dying breath let me confess to you || final resting place - Casphian - 05-21-2021

TW - this entire thread will mention death

The raid had been long and difficult, losses on both sides of the playing field. Some lives were still carrying on and some still fighting to keep breathing. One such creature was Saturn, the snow leopard barely clinging to life, his claws slipping with each passing second. Byriath had carried the leopard to the Guru’s Sanctuary, having placed the feline down so he could work on taking care of him. But alas there was only so much that could be down and even with the bleeding stopped Saturn still slept in the coma that their body had slipped into. Their chest rose and fall, each breath coming out shaky as his soul slipped further and further from the body it resided in. There was only so much time that would be left for the snow leopard, and alas it seemed as though the end was drawing near.
//Please wait for Byriath, Angelembrace or Maude before posting!

Re: With my dying breath let me confess to you || final resting place - Byriath - 05-21-2021

The Dragon-turned-Xenosmilus sat before the dying snow leopard, face slack. Ears pressed back against his skull. "Saturn... Saturn Come on." he snarled, though anger and pain and grief filled the words.

He breathed in the air that he shouldn't had been breathing. Saturn needed it. They needed the air. But he saw how they were quiet. And he feared the worst. They had to be there, the two had to be there. AngelEmbrace, Maude. They had to be there, they had to.

He stepped away, body trembling as he poured his energy into one mental broadcast, trying to reach the two. "AngelEmbrace. Maude. Guru's Island. Now." He didn't want anyone else showing up - maybe Arvid, seeing as he was also close to Saturn. But if someone else did show up other than the two he called for, he supposed he could control himself. For a while.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: With my dying breath let me confess to you || final resting place - Casphian - 05-22-2021

His soul was fading and anyone could see that if they were smart enough. His heart was starting to stutter every now and again, his breathing slowing as time went on. There had been a point in which his body had shifted but as quick as it had been to move it was back to being still. They slept so peacefully, all the pain of the past finally washing from the snow leopard. His soul was searching, searching for their loved one but at the same time searching for the new body they would take on. For Saturn wasn't quite ready to leave this world, no they still needed to be with their love and watch their children grow older. They still needed to see that just because the world has thrown hardship after hardship at you that you could still be innocent and naive and be happy. Eyes fluttered open, unseeing as they peered up at their lover.

Re: With my dying breath let me confess to you || final resting place - angelembrace - 05-24-2021

It was all a blur, he wasn’t entirely sure how he got here. Had he asked for help? Travel assistance wasn’t new to him, he must have. Didn’t matter how he supposed, there was something that took so so precedence that everything else was shortly forgotten or discarded from his distracted mind. Saturn was...dying. Wounded. A causality. A tragic fact and one that could have been avoided he was sure, and even then, Saturn was the least deserving of such a thing. He wondered if the captures were worth it, but he’d never question it out loud.

Emotionally more composed than Byriath, though not emotionless in the slightest, Angelembrace let out a small sigh of what felt like misery. ”I’m sorry for the wait, Saturn.” Would Maude show up? He wasn’t sure in the slightest.
your little hands of paradise, give them here and hang on tight