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ONE DAY ♡ lost glasses - Printable Version

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ONE DAY ♡ lost glasses - ROSS H. - 05-19-2021

Re: ONE DAY ♡ lost glasses - trojan g. - 05-19-2021

New faces always intrigued Moth, especially when she hadn't been at their joining. She didn't know that Ross had been in Tanglewood before she had been taken, but she did  know that he was a face she didn't know. She had known that the home that Stark had claimed stake to was now being lived in once more but she had never been able to catch the one that lived in it before now. Moth had been walking around camp trying to figure out what she was going to do about the lack of herbs when she noticed the cougar coming into camp. She paused in her pondering and had started to make her way over when she watched as he stumbled and fell over, causing the female to pause in her tracks as she collected what she was going to say before coming over.

She was going to pretend as though she didn't see it happen - save his dignity for another day she supposed - when she noticed the smell of blood and ears pinned back as she realized where it was coming from. It could be something small and that's what she hoped for, she didn't know if they could handle a broken nose right now. "Hello," She would speak, beginning to dig through her bag as she did so, pulling out a cloth to hand over to Ross. "Here, put this on your nose and look down..." She didn't want him to get a stomach ache from the blood going to his stomach by tilting his head back. "Are you okay? I saw you trip..."
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: ONE DAY ♡ lost glasses - CHALICE AKAODON. - 05-19-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DEEP IN THE OCEAN, DEAD AND CAST AWAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Ross hadn't been there when Chalice had joined either, though it was obvious that the guy was a Tangler, as no one really tried to drive him off. And he didn't carry the scent of The Typhoon either, from what Chalice could tell."Ouch, that looked like it hurt." The maned lioness commented with an amused tone, walking over to see what was going on, and what happened. "Watch where you're goin' next time, yeah?" She didn't realize that this might have been a bit of a harsh comment, but she didn't know that Ross needed glasses to see.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: ONE DAY ♡ lost glasses - K. XIU - 05-20-2021

Unlike Moth and Chalice, Ko'nari hadn't even been born when Ross had initially joined, so obviously she had little idea of who the male was. Hell, she didn't even knew who the previous inhabitant of his home, Stark, was. The brightly colored cub was entirely out of the loop as she saw Ross come stumbling into town, only to fall down flat on his face. She winced as she imagined the pain that must've been radiating through the other's face, and it wasn't long before she was up onto her paws. The girl knew that she couldn't help out on the medical side of things, like Moth could, but she could at least say hello? And maybe see what was making him stumble around so much – considering she had never seen Ross with his glasses, she had no idea he was missing them.

Moving over to where Ross was, Ko'nari sat down next to Moth, offering the larger scientist a smile full of sympathy. She muttered softly, her head tilting to one side, "That didn't look very fun... are you alright? I noticed you stumbling around." Ko then said softly, her tail flicking behind her as she introduced herself, "Oh, and... my name's Ko'nari. I don't think we've met before... have you been living around here?" If he had been living within Tanglewood, Ko'nari found herself wondering how she had managed to miss him thus far. Sure, she enjoyed being inside on her own a little more than the average person, and she didn't make a habit of going inside the homes of others without permission, but she liked to think she had at least met a decent portion of her fellow Tanglers. That was what she hoped, anyways. She didn't want anyone thinking that she was ignoring them.
☆ — he sent it off a cliff just for the spark

Re: ONE DAY ♡ lost glasses - rhosmari - 05-22-2021

Oh, ouch. Seeing the man trip and face plant against the ground was jarring to say the least and she didn't understand why he had done it. There didn't seem to be anything that he couldn't have seen to trip on. The flaming huntress didn't know what it was like to not have good vision. She had always thought that it was natural. Everyone had it. But it appeared that she was wrong in that thought process. Pushing to her paws the woman shook herself as she trotted down from the steps of her porch. Although she didn't have to worry much because one of her children was there along with some of the others from town. Her rounded esr twitched at the comment from Chalice and she frowned a bit. "Chalice...." She softly reprimanded as she glanced to the other before fixing her eyes back on Ross who was getting help from Moth.

She had seen him around before. Knew the place he was staying at though not whom stayed there before him. She tilted her head before lifting a paw to touch her face when she noticed he was missing something. "Isn't he missing something? For his face. Those things." The Luminary couldn't really clarify what she meant but she hoped that he could at the very least.