Beasts of Beyond
A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - Printable Version

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A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - rhosmari - 05-14-2021

Dying, it was almost surreal. The woman knew that there would be complications but not one that was so severe. Her eyes were half closed as she watched the forms of her sleeping children. The home felt extra warm with them here and with Arrow here. It made her feel like she belonged finally. She had come from such a different place with different views and different traditions but she found herself here. Found a woman who meant so much to her and that she would do anything for. Made a family with her and even during the harshness they had to face they were doing it together. A smile curved a path along her maw as she raised her head and then she pushed herself up to her paws. It was another day, a bright and positive future for them. There was no Pitt trouble and they was no Coalition trouble. They seemed to be not bothering them since Stryker's death. Maybe their new leader had some sense.

Regardless the woman looked over her shoulder at her cubs before she walked to the door and opened it. The rain had stopped by now but there were still rolling clouds. The air was cool. They could breathe easy again. So she took herself to the flat stone and she sat finally climbed her way on top of it. Jumping and landing squarely in the middle before she turned to awaken the group. "Tanglewood, gather before her for a meeting." Slowly the flaming wildcat would sit as she waited for doors to open and paws to trace their paths toward her. Her tail drooped off the stone slab as the flame crackled and popped. She dipped her head as those that came looked up at her. "The drought is over but that doesn't mean that Tanglewood can rest easy just yet. With the rains the rivers and streams are coming back, a little rapidly so be wary of that. Food is still in short supply, she knows we have been able to catch some things but it will take time before plant life and fauna come back permanently. So if they go hunting be safe, the neutral grounds may provide more but please go as a pair." She didn't want anyone being taken advantage of simply because they were alone. Death had come too many times to Tanglewood, too many times. Her eyes lowered for a moment in thought before she gave a small sigh. Shaking her head a bit and trying to move on.

"She welcomes all that have decided to join Tanglewood. Things are not the best but she knows they will get there with time. Arrow and her have had our little ones as well, so welcome to them." Her voice was full of pride and warmth as she thought about them, her gaze flicking over to the house to see Nefertiti sitting on the porch step and watching with his pupiless gaze of gold and orange. "Regrettably...we lost Ana. She was attacked by vicious rogues and that is unacceptable. She wants more border patrols to secure our home and she hopes that her soul finds peace. She can no longer hold her position. Another demotion goes to Sophiea as she has not seen her in a while and she hopes that she comes home soon. Moth is still missing and so she will make sure to begin the search. The drought and her pregnancy put a harsh hold on things..." The woman felt bad and it was inexcusable. The drought had stopped them from finding their medic and that was something that was a constant reminder. She hoped that Moth was not suffering from whomever it whatever had happened to her. But for now she would wait and see if anyone had anything to say given the circumstances. She did have other things to say before she dismissed the meeting.


you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
Atbash was expecting a meeting soon, with the rains returning, so as soon as she heard Elsweyr's call to gather, she was already making her way over. Elsweyr started the meeting as expected, recapping what happened with the drought, followed by welcomes and demotions. Ana's death had... hit Ares hard, understandably so, and the savannah looked for the girl at the mention of Ana before returning her attention back to Elsweyr. There was nothing to add, so Atbash simply gave a nod to confirm she heard.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi


[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
Meeting time, good. Expected, but good nonetheless. At Elsweyr's call, Vigenere made his way over, taking a seat next to his sister. Like Atbash, he gave a simple nod to show he heard the announcements being made.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]


[glow=white,1,400]DEEP IN THE OCEAN, DEAD AND CAST AWAY !。+゚.[/glow]
The rain was a massive relief, not only to herself, but seemingly everyone. Once again, understandable, and Chalice was glad to see that everything was starting to return to normal. At Elsweyr's call, the maned lioness came over and took a seat somewhere in the gathering crowd.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - Ares - 05-14-2021

Ares, after her moment of ecstatic reaction with the rain, had suddenly felt tired for the following days. Maybe it was the realization that crashed on her. But as she sat at the meeting, the tired feeling was worse. Especially after the announcement of Ana's death. She felt her shoulders sag, head dropped a little bit, as she fought back tears. But she shook her head and brought it back up.

Re: A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - arrow - 05-14-2021

It would be nice, she decided, to partake in a meeting that didn't lead to Elsweyr's drop in consciousness or something quick to prevent some fuckin' heat stroke.

Since Els was, y'know, big boss in charge here, Arrow found herself being the other half at home for a short bit, looking for all the little troublemakers to round up and drag out, at least to the porch so they could hear their mother making her announcements. The first call to signal meeting was all she needed, knocking a paw against the side of the wall in the event that any of her kids were still inside. "Alright ya little rascals, I better see all your fluffy butts out here front and center or you're getting grounded!" Minus Nefertiti of course, with the dark furred baby already outside being patient. Or, she thought so, she didn't have any idea what went on inside that little head. There was a brief shudder of her spotted shoulders at the mention of Ana, but she didn't want to think about it. It only lead to less than contained reactions.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - XANTI - 05-14-2021

At the call, Ximen padded over and flopped onto his side in the dirt. He might not look like it, always lounging around taking naps as he did, but weariness tugged at his paws constantly. He worked in the small hours of the morning and the last gasp of sunlight before dusk fell, but the heat invaded even those hours.

Sighing, he stifled a yawn with a paw, least others assume him uninterested. To be fair, he sort of was… in that Tanglewoods hadn’t yet become a home for him. More like his sister’s home, which he’d overstayed his welcome, and either needed to get quick making roots or move on out.

He rubbed the side of his head with a paw. At least the mud felt cool against his fur. Maybe, after the meeting, he’d clean up the library as an excuse to drown his mind in more interesting worlds and problems than reality. His golden gaze glanced to the building in question before settling on Elsweyr.

Re: A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - K. XIU - 05-15-2021

Ko'nari was used to both of her mothers coming and going from their home quite often. They were both busy women, after all, and they were only made more busy by the drought and everything else going on. However, this didn't seem like all the other times that Elsweyr and Arrow had left their family home. When Els had slipped out the front door, Ko had paid it no mind, simply muttering out a goodbye to her mama as she laid nearby. She figured it wouldn't be too long until she headed out herself, exploring to try and push the limits of where she was allowed. The cub was startled from these plans, however, by the loud call of Elsweyr. It was time for a meeting? Oh, well... she had never been around for one of those before, had she? It was certainly exciting, and Ko'nari definitely wanted to be around to see her mama doing her leaderly duties.

The tiny lion hardly needed the additional call of Arrow before she was rushing out of the house, head held high and a grin on her face. She nearly went rolling down the front steps of their home as she passed Arrow, and went to sit and listen to what Els had to say. Most of it went over Ko'nari's head, for now, but she would understand it eventually. Although... the news of Ana's death was pretty sad. Ko didn't even know who Ana was, but it was pretty sad whenever anybody died, right?
☆ — he sent it off a cliff just for the spark



he had been enjoying a nice sleep but the call from elsweyr woke him, closely followed by the thudding of arrows' paws as they tapped against the side of their house. shaking his fur and making everything was nice and proper he got out of bed and slowly padded to the exit, taking a seat  next to his sister and dipping his head at the news of ana. brave warrior, unfortunate death.


lucinder x — tanglewood — 5 months

Re: A BRIGHTER FUTURE || MEETING 5/14 - SirDio - 05-18-2021

Stefflon followed out with little difficulty, finding herself next to her siblings. She turned her open eye to her mother, Elsweyr, and listened quietly. There was a small pout on her face, her lower incisors gently jutting out. She really couldn't say anything about all of it. Especially Ana's death. She didn't know the girl, but a spare glance at her sister Ares and Stefflon stood up to sit next to her. The black lioness looked surprised, but she smiled and allowed Stefflon to sit next to her.
Diss my mother then your skin start bleed