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HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - Printable Version

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HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-13-2021

He was home. Back within The Golden Eye, the place that he truly most belonged. He was glad to be back within familiar territory, not having to worry about Pittians looming over him any longer – not that most of them had been truly hostile, besides Dante. He hadn't left the territory since then, and he had no intention of doing so anytime soon, knowing better then to wander now. He was never going to trespass on someone's territory again – he didn't want a repeat of that whole incident. Especially considering he had a still healing wound on his side that would probably leave a nasty scar. A constant reminder of his lapse in judgement.

Rather than wandering outside the boundaries of The Golden Eye's territory, Fraggle chose to wander inside of them. He had been resting for several days now, giving his body and mind plenty of time to heal from what had happened. Now, he found himself merely exploring, while also making sure to keep far from the ziplines – yet another incident he didn't want a repeat of. On his walk, though, he stumbled across something pretty interesting – a squirrel. Well, to most that wouldn't be all that interesting, but to Fraggle it was a real surprise. It was the first prey animal that he had come across that hadn't already bolted away from him, and it was so tantalizingly close. While hunting had never been an option when he was a rabbit, his new lion form meant it was very much viable, and that was definitely a positive. He wanted to show others that he could be useful, and while he certainly hesitated at the thought of hunting certain things – rabbits in particular – this squirrel seemed like the perfect target. The perfect first catch for a cub growing into himself.

With that in mind, Fraggle dropped down low against the warm stone ground, his hunting crouch sloppy but usable. He would have more time to practice it later. For now, his focus was solely on the squirrel in front of him, the tiny creature scratching at the ground on the hunt for any sustenance it could find. Its little adventure would be cut short, however, as Fragglerock launched himself forward, claws out and teeth bared. He managed to bowl the squirrel over, ears flattening at the frantic squeaking as he bit into it, jaws crunching down until the prey finally went limp. When that happened, Frag's eyes went wide, as if the boy was shocked he had actually managed to catch it. Indeed, for a moment he just stared at the limp squirrel in his jaws, eyes gleaming.

It wasn't long until Fraggle had turned and was running back towards camp, however, the prey still dangling down from his jaws. He was incredibly excited to show off his catch to the others, and show him that he could be just as much of a fighter as any of them. When he did reach the cave, he was practically beaming with pride, his tail held high behind him as he headed for the prey pile, placing the squirrel down on top of it. After a moment, he turned towards the others in the cave, his words cheerful, "I managed to hunt something for the first time!" For some, it wasn't all that big of an accomplishment, but Fraggle certainly did appreciate the chuckles and thoughtful nods from a few NPCs nearby. It was almost enough to entirely distract him from the aching in his side – perhaps it was a little too early for such intense movement.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 05-14-2021

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - SirDio - 05-14-2021

"Shut up, Cleopatra." His voice, soft but annoyed, came from behind the sphynx. The boy side stepped her, attempting to push her slightly with his wing. On accident, of course (but, then again, maybe not). Not even paying her any glance, he smiled at Fraggle. It seemed Seth was doing better since the mutation growth, as his stance was looser and he seemed to have a pep in his step, so to speak.

"I think you did pretty good. Pay her no mind." He flicked his furred ear toward Cleo, finding it very hard not to call her Hevia.

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-15-2021

As time went on, Fraggle honestly found himself getting better and better at simply ignoring Cleopatra. In fact, doing so had kind of become a necessity for him. Ever since that horrible dream of him murdering her... he had been petrified of it becoming reality. So, he had tried to reign himself in somewhat – not that he had ever tried to hurt Cleo before, he had mostly just snapped at her a couple of times. As the feline approached, Fraggle was forced to remember that philosophy, merely rolling his eyes before he hissed lowly at Cleo, "Well, the good news for me is that you've proven sentience doesn't mean 'contributes anything at all to society.'" He tried to channel his anger merely into little jabs, not wanting those jabs to turn to roars. Or those roars to turn to blows.

Thankfully, Sethiram soon approached to save the both of them from such a thing, causing a smile to come to the lion cub's face. He hadn't known Seth for particularly long, but he still found that he enjoyed the other's company. He flicked his tufted tail at the other in greeting, a warm purr leaving his throat, "Thanks, Seth. It's still pretty small, but... it's a good start. I'll have to wait until I grow a bit more before I can try going after anything bigger." He chuckled a bit at the thought, scratching awkwardly at the back of his neck. It was still so odd to think that this form would probably end up rather massive, especially when he compared it to his birth body.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - CLEOPATRA THEMA. - 05-15-2021

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - SirDio - 05-19-2021

Sethiram held back a snort, thinking that Cleo didn't quite get the jab that Fraggle sent her way, and just gave an airy chuckle. A dense woman, something deep within him muttered. And he agreed. As dense as she was rude. "Oh yeah, you've got that lion body. You'll be taller than me in no time." and Seth considered himself pretty tall for his age.

A fact? His tail lashed, but he breathed in and shook his head. "Keep your facts to yourself and maybe we won't jab you with words." or worse. And Seth lifted a paw up and examined it, claws sheathed.

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-20-2021

At this point, Cleopatra's words slipped harmlessly over Fraggle's back, and he just shook his head at her, not offering any kind of response to her words. He didn't see a reason to response, knowing that what really pissed someone so insufferable off was being entirely ignored.

Instead, the boy focused his attention on Sethiram, a soft laugh leaving him before he spoke, "You really think so? I suppose lions do grow up pretty fast. I mean, I'm already so much taller than I was in my rabbit body. Although, I still prefer that one when I'm just walking around... it's easier to avoid bumping into people that way." Plus, being in his rabbit body just felt more... natural, to him. It was his birth form, after all, and something about his lion body held a very uncomfortable sort of familiarity to it. Like he knew the body well, but he also felt as though something was wrong when he was in it. He shook his head of those thoughts, not wanting to focus on the uncomfortable feeling. Instead he just spoke with a smile, "I can't wait until I'm big enough to take on something like... a deer. That could feed a bunch of us for a few days." By that point, though, he'd probably need a lot more food than he did currently.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: HELL OF A YEAR ☆ o, first hunt - aesior - 05-23-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
A soft breath would leave the grim as he followed the noises and scents to come across the scene of Fraggle proudly holding his catch. A wide grin settled on his maw, slowly making his way over to the group as Sethiram and Cleopatra interacted with Fragglerock. "You did good, Fraggle, congratulations.", he would greet the younger male with a deep rumble, eyes shining with pride for the youth. "When you're a bit bigger, we can go out to hunt a deer, it's a good goal but even a deer can be dangerous for someone of my size.", he would suggest, smiling at Sethiram's words towards both Fraggle and Cleo. He simply would ignore the other Talonguard, his ear merely flicking in her direction.

He wouldn't mind helping Fraggle to learn how to hunt, it was a learning experience for all involved. Turning his head, "Why don't you join us when the time comes, Sethiram? The more the merrier.", he would give an easy grin. It was better that the two learned how to take down big prey. There would come days where they would have to fend for themselves, when the adults of today were gone or unable to hunt for the group. Self preservation and survival skills were a must, and it would help to win them their own places amongst the groups ranks.