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quiet [★] reemergence - Printable Version

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quiet [★] reemergence - suvi. - 05-13-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 12px;"]͠ f́ee̸l ̡s̵̶o ́fr͢áil ͡an͜d ̡em̷pt͠ý ̶t̶oo
It's the pitter patter of rain that roused her.  The steady drum catching the vixen off-guard.  Drowsy and weakly rising her head, Kiira glanced towards a nearby window.  Silently, mismatched hues watched the water drip down the glass.  Still confused.

The arctic fox had been frail and scrawny before the heatwave.  Now, the vixen was barely even skin and bones, paws trembling weakly as she pushed herself up.  Wobbling closer to the window to peer outside.  Fog misting up the glass.

Drawn in now, Kiira slowly made her way towards the door, running into a wall on the way as her tail disappeared behind her.  Wheezed softly through weak lungs and offered only a quiet hmm to the concerned voice in the kitchen.  Her friend would follow her out if he grew too worried.  Knew her poor health had been steadily worsening.  But she wanted to see the rain from the outside, not just from the window.

Had to push her entire weight against the door before she suddenly walked straight through it, stumbling onto the porch in surprise.  Beneath the overhang it was still relatively dry, but the hazy vision ahead more than confirmed the steady downpour.  Not the first.  Hopefully not the last.

Heaving out a broken breath, the ex-medic leaned against the wall.  Quietly, she inhaled.  Wet stone, grass, and wood.  Hope... But a part of her worried.  It wasn't even really summer yet.  She had to shake those thoughts away, wincing at the pounding in her head.

It was enough, for now, to sit in the cool air and moisture.

Re: quiet [★] reemergence - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-13-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
Almost everyone had been suffering in the heatwave, save for Elsweyr's newborns. Which was understandable; they shouldn't have to die so early on in life. Elsweyr and her children were first priority. What Vigenere didn't expect, however, was Suvi being so frail and weak. He should have expected it though, given how corporeal the vixen seemed.

At first, the savannah was glad to see her - that is, until he came closer to her home and saw how weak she was. "Shit, Suvi." Vigenere cursed between gritted teeth, mostly to himself, before he spoke louder to her, "You need something to eat? We've just been able to stock the fresh-kill pile." He didn't want to make it so obvious that... she looked like the wind would take her out of existence. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: quiet [★] reemergence - ATBASH CIPHER. - 05-15-2021

you're the cause, the antidote ,
the sinking ship that i could not let go !
Suvi, Suvi, Suvi... Had Atbash met Suvi before? It didn't really matter either way because it was obvious that Vigenere knew her and that she was a Tangler; introductions could come later, when the vixen looked less like she was about to pass out. Faintly hearing Vigenere's comment, Atbash went off to the fresh-kill pile herself to grab something for Suvi to eat, bringing it over and walking onto Suvi's porch to lay it close by her, only to step back after to make sure she was giving Suvi some space. Atbash said nothing though, sympathy in her gaze and a soft smile, as if she was trying to reassure Suvi that everything was fine.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: quiet [★] reemergence - rhosmari - 05-17-2021

Taking care of her cubs had been top priority for the Luminary since they had been born. Because they were so weak when they were born she had made sure they got every meal that they could. She tired to eat when she could but she never left her nest for too long. She felt like she just couldn't afford to. Now though that the rain had come she spent time outside a bit. Letting the mist of the rain soak her pelt a little till it was damp. The coolness was what they needed and she sighed before she noticed what was happening on someone else's porch. She remembered Suvi. She had seen them around a few times she was sure and the sight of her she looked now was concerning.

Getting up the lioness trotted over to the porch, eyeing the small fox and the way she looked like skin and bones. They were wall exceedingly thin but this...this was bad. She gave a concerned look to both Vig and Atbash before she too spoke up. "Is she feeling okay? Does she need anything. worried for her." The Luminary murmured gently, wanting to do something. Bring her food, water. Anything.