Beasts of Beyond
I THINK I KNEW HER SMILE;; open - gift for Maude - Printable Version

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I THINK I KNEW HER SMILE;; open - gift for Maude - trojan g. - 05-08-2021

Everyone seemed to have their "thing" here in the Coalition, and each thing tend to be creative in some way. Arvid and Angel were scientists for example, each learning about different scientific things that Ruven would never understand, and Arvid had even gone to expand his science stuff into capturing members of the Coalition's enemies. He'd seen what his mother could do with the powers she possessed and had watched as she made a pond in the territory in the mountains and put a carnivorous fish inside of it, and that was amazing to him, it was pretty, and he'd seen Maude make her pit for enemies to fight in.

It was all so cool, and so Ruven decided he wanted to do something cool too. He knew that eventually he would be one to capture enemies and bring them back to the Coalition to torture them, possibly kill them even, but he was too young to do that now, too inexperienced, so he stuck to staying within and around the territory of the Coalition. He'd heard about different things you could do with metals, and that had stuck out to him. He didn't know how to make things at first, but it all took practice, and so he did. He practiced making fires and heating up metals enough so that with careful precision he could bend them in such a way to make them look nice, and sometimes useful.

He'd gotten a few burns here and there sure but he was proud of his first real piece of art, something that was multifunctional but he wouldn't know that quite yet. It was a piece in the shape of a pig, wrapped together at the ends to make sure it was strong and it had room to put a paw in to hold or to wrap rope or strong string around it to attach to things. It was durable and obviously could survive being in the heat, and he was proud of it.

"Maude?" The boy would call out for the god of war, ears pricked as he looked around for the female. He'd made the piece for her after all.

[member=18216]MAUDE P.[/member]

Re: I THINK I KNEW HER SMILE;; open - gift for Maude - MAUDE P. - 05-09-2021

Re: I THINK I KNEW HER SMILE;; open - gift for Maude - ARVID R. - 05-10-2021

Usually, a call for Maude wouldn't rouse Arvid at all. After all, it wasn't a call for him, so why should he care? Besides, Maude didn't exactly seem the type to appreciate others in her business. This time, though, the call was accompanied by an odd scent. It was almost like... burnt metal? The odd smell was enough to draw the dire wolf over, especially considering he hadn't been doing much of importance beforehand. As he approached, the canine muttered a casual greeting, "Hey Ruven, hey Maude. What's that weird sm- oh." The sight of the little metal pig that Ruven had made instantly answered his question for them, although it certainly wasn't what he had been expecting. What had he been expecting? Well... he wasn't sure, actually. Perhaps someone who had been working on forging some armor? That seemed like the most obvious source of burnt metal smell within a group like the Coalition, considering they were constantly searching for their next battle. This wasn't... bad, though.

Arvid sat a little bit away from the pair, specifically a little bit behind Maude. While he was interested in what was going on, he was well aware of the fact that the call hadn't been for him. Now that he knew the burning smell wasn't some kind of emergency, he merely observed, waiting to see what Ruven would tell Maude. This time, his observation wasn't even for scientific purposes. Rather, he just wanted a chance to tell Ruven that he thought his little creation was quite cute, and well made. And well... maybe give him a little warning about being more careful next time he decided to create something similar. Maude wasn't the only one who had noticed the burns the lion had sustained, and they were enough to make Arvid's calm smile falter a little bit.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: I THINK I KNEW HER SMILE;; open - gift for Maude - trojan g. - 05-10-2021

Luckily, the burns that Ruven had gained over the course of making the trinket were smaller things, common things in the line of smithing, especially when it was someone who was inexperienced with it. With each small burn though Ruven had learned what not to do, and eventually had been able to finish his work without being hurt for quite some time. He had used his water elementals to cool off the injury, and, for the moment, they didn't even hurt, so they were barely noticed.

Ears pricked and a smile came to his face as he saw the two come over, and Ruven would extend his paw, showing what he had made to Maude before setting it down before her, "This is for you." The young boy would start off, "I figured you'd want something to remember the Coalition when you're out hunting for your new targets, and it could be good luck if you want, too." Good luck for what exactly he wasn't sure. Hoping the one she bet on wins maybe? "I'm sure it could be useful for other things too." Once again he wasn't sure what those other things were, but she was clever, she'd figure it out.

Re: I THINK I KNEW HER SMILE;; open - gift for Maude - MAUDE P. - 05-12-2021