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so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Printable Version

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so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - ARLO M. - 05-08-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #9ADBD2; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #39888C;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
There was one mission on his mind as he stepped foot across the desert's border, the scent of his group member on the wind. His ears were pushed forward, red eyes narrowed and dark. It looked as if blood had pooled in them, the anger swirling in his optics intimidating. Anyone that knew Arlo knew this was out of paw for the normally composed and kind character. He exhaled, smoke curling from his muzzle and nose. It was clear that he didn't care for their piss poor excuse of a border- he was here for Fraggle.

"Pittians! Bring me what you've stolen!" He shouted, his voice lifted and carrying on the winds of the desert. He knew this kind of terrain well- and with the two members he brought as backup, he felt confident. After all, this didn't have to go any further then talking it out. Arlo would not leave without him, either way. Blood would be shed if they wouldn't hand him over.

[member=18062]DAMION[/member] [member=17246]aesior[/member]


Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - teef - 05-08-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Arlo wasn't alone in his furious approach, bounding ahead across the sand terrain was the silver tom. He couldn't afford to let himself be anywhere behind the others. There was a strange twisting feeling under his pelt, the Tom's rage fluctuating and bucking inside of his body. His gaze was clear and stone-hard, his pelt rolling and twitching across shis spine and shoulders. The rage felt like it was pouring out into his blood, and as they arrived at the border, stale scent of fraggelrock only further agitated him.

He was a distance away from the other two, his lips drawn back to show his teeth as he paced the border before he felt a crack in his chest. A pained grunt left him for a moment, more shocked than pained at the feeling there before he noticed something. His fur was changing colors and his paws were growing larger. His eyes narrowed as this occurred, hostile amusement making him laugh. The strange part for his groupmates to observe would be that not only had the gray tom gone from a House cat's size to a massive lion, but his laughter could be heard. I finally have this body back after so long. Perfect timing!, he thought to himself as he shook out his body. The lion body carried no mane and in itself was a mess of reds and browns with cream undertones, the same angry clear gray eyes staring at the border as he took a deep breath. Releasing it in a roar, a roar he'd been waiting to release forever, "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON!?" he didn't care what the others thought, the only important thing was getting Fraggle back, and punishing the one who took him in the first place.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - Kold - 05-08-2021

"Thank god, I was wondering when someone would come to get the boy." Kold rumbled, looking at the three that demanded for the lion cub. She had a tired, uninterested look in her eyes. "He is safe, our medic has tended to his wounds. I'm sure she and your kid will show up soon."

She sat down before the trio, wings twitching. "And hopefully the culprit will show his face."

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - rhosmari - 05-08-2021

Eh, eh, what was all of that noise? Blinking slowly the young domestic would narrow his eyes a little against the light as he stepped up the stairs from his underground home. His jaws parted in a yawn as he tried to force himself to wake up. There was a bunch of screaming and he had to wonder what it was all about. Well he didn't have to wonder for very long given the fact that there were people on their land who shouldn't be. Closing his jaws since he had just been gawking. The other decided to make his way over. "Not the best first impression but it'll do. Dire situation and all of that...." He muttered to himself as he approached. They smelled like that kid, his sharp nose didn't miss much so he guessed they were here with anger clouding their judgment. Sounds about right. Well, with him just standing there didn't he look particularly vulnerable.

A chuckle left his muzzle then as he looked at the traveling band. "Just sayin, you can cool your britches and honestly should have stayed on the border but that's all cool, no harm done. The kid ain't hurt too bad and some Pittian is looking out for him. Ah, the healer or whatever but you got to wait here." Not like they all was gung-ho about the kid being snatched. He was impartial about it, watching as a stranger from the outside. "People were real pissed that guy brought the kid here but um, yall want some water or something while you wait? Snacks?" He gave a nervous chuckle as he shuffled his paws. "Name's Valhalla by the way...." Shouldn't take too long with all the screaming anyway.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - trojan g. - 05-08-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]The show of anger on the border was something that annoyed Sweeney every time someone came to right who they thought was in the wrong, even if they didn't have the whole story. That being in this case that Fragglerock had come to the Pitt of his own volition and trespassed - much as those here were doing - and had gotten himself captured. Of course, Sweeney hadn't been there for the capture itself but of course she'd been there when Dante had tried to stake claim to the boy and try to make him a Pittian by manipulation - something she didn't agree with.

Padding over to the border, Sweeney would soon sit down, ears pricked as she looked towards those there. "Though I understand you're being upset that Fraggle hasn't come home," Sweeney would speak, cool voice showing it's slight annoyance, "Could it have been too much to ask for you to simply not be rude and cross into the territory, not to mention claim we stole him?" She would roll her eyes then. "We'd gladly give him back of course, I was personally helping to watch over him to make sure he was healed since he did get injured, but, for the record, he did tresspass into our territory before the member in question captured him. Still something we don't really do here, but don't make us out to be the bad guys all because you didn't teach your members manners about borders... and stop yelling." It was giving her a headache.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - ARLO M. - 05-08-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #9ADBD2; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #39888C;"][align=center] — [b]DRACONIC FELINE - GOLDEN EYE - VANGUARD - TAGS
To say that Arlo didn't jump was an over.. understatement? He didn't know anymore. His eyes quickly shifted towards Aesior. That was a little much, but what was more concerning was that Aesior was talking. His mouth shifted into a thin, hard line. His red eyes shifted over the now-larger male's body, before he looked back forward towards the approaching members. His fur fell flat and he relaxed an inch- mind you, he was still on edge- but their words made his initial anger sizzle a bit.

He look towards Kold first, and Arlo's ears twitched. He'd nod his head in a sign of respect, but it was far from a dip of his head. A deep inhale, then an exhale. His eyes closed for a long moment. His paws shifted in the sand, feeling the grains for a moment, before he spoke- to both Kold and Valhalla. He felt a tick of annoyance at the latter's words. "I appreciate that you have tended to him." He said, his tone even, but far from cool. It seemed he was biting his tongue.

"We need no formalities. I just want..." His words trailed off as Sweeney approached, Arlo's eyes sweeping towards her. His eyes narrowed. Not claim.. A deep inhale seemed to play off again, that smoke curling from his nostrils once again. He set his vision towards her, speaking quietly. "No offense, but we had no idea what situation we'd be facing. If he's dead, injured, enslaved." He said, barely able to keep his words from being spat out. "If someone had sent us a messenger in the case he was.. you know. Alive. That would be different."

Another sharp breath came from him. The flames in his stomach barely contained themselves. "But seeing as we hadn't received one, again, understand that if we had picked up one of your own you'd be marching onto our territory the same way." Arlo let his words settle for a moment, trying to lay down the point of it going both ways, before speaking again. "Like I said, I appreciate you all looking after him. And I'll be speaking to him about the borders, and those that allowed him to leave camp, but understand he is a child."

Arlo looked between them all, and finally he spoke again as he looked back towards Sweeney, who seemed to carry the most weight. "I'd like to speak to your leader about this.. member that captured him. I want to know the full situation, since we all understand going into these.. standoffs we know neither side's all together."


Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - rhosmari - 05-08-2021

"Understand that he is a child. What an excuse." An excuse for storming onto their border. They knew he was a child but that did nothing to change the situation especially when they weren't going to hurt him. The responsibility laid with the adults here, adults that as Sweeney had pointed out left the kid unattended and hadn't even taught him the rules of the game yet. Wandering for a child meant death in a lot of cases, child or no. A kid was an easy meal for any predator sentient or not. The kid was actually pretty lucky he got here and wasn't still wandering right now. But he kept his words to a mumble, more talking to himself than anything given the situation. He was though humored as he tilted his head a bit. "These are pleasant folk, so I doubt they would be trying to storm your castle without truly knowing the situation first." With a shrug of his shoulders he was intrigued by the Golden Eye.

Intrigued enough to let a laugh slip from his slightly parted jaws at the last words spoken. Boy, did he like to poke the bear with a stick or what? "I feel like ours is more put together than yours, but I'm sure Gael will be here soon to fix the situation. Yall ain't even answer about my offer of water and snacks. Pretty rude ya know." But hey if they weren't feeling pecking he could understand that. Yet he knew that the heat of the desert could have done funny effects on those not used to it. Namely himself. But he was going to keep that a secret.

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-08-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
It wasn't hard to miss the shout that brought a lot of Pittians coming over to investigate and although Dante was a little late to the party (give him a break, he was hammered), he did arrive in time to figure out what was going on. The scent of the group Fragglerock was with was in the air so it wasn't exactly hard to connect the dots. "Yeah, I'm the fucker who did it." The hybrid rumbled, voice slurring a bit.

"Kid was tresspassin'." Dante answered Arlo's question as to what exactly happened. "Child or not, you fucks should have control of them and teach them that borders fuckin' exist. We're not friends with any of you, I wasn't gonna not defend our fuckin' territory." Was he saying 'fucking' too much? Yeah, probably. Oh well. With his gaze flickering over to Valhalla, the hybrid growled with a slight huff, "Shouldn't have offered shit to them anyway."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - gael - 05-09-2021

The news of the initial event came to him through Aine -- the medic in question, who had been furious about the situation as a whole.  The vulpine felt no surprise there, nor the of the fury of a number of other Pittians.  Although he understood dealing with trespassers, he did not feel it as a valid excuse to hurt a child.

To make matters worse, the Ardent did not know where the cub had came from.  They had no name or location to return him to.  Consequently, the vulpine remained close to the borders the next day, relieved to see a group coming to claim him.  While it certainly came as an aggressive demand at first, Gael hardly expected anything else.

As the faerie approached, his gaze narrowed on Dante and his smart-ass remark.  Swiftly, Gael would attempt to thin the air around the hybrid in warning. "And you are out of line, Northwest."

Straightforward, the vulpine inclined his head towards Arlo. "I am Gael." He spoke coolly, despite the fury towards Dante.  "I was not present when he came to camp with the child, but I heard my daughter and the others took to his aid swiftly." For the best too, in his opinion.

"Personally, I don't believe there is any excuse for harming a child, but Northwest has repeatedly shown little care for the consequences of his actions."

It was his second offense in fact -- after the situation with Elsweyr.  In that light, the Ardent felt little remorse of the idea of exile.  The hybrid had not directly broken a rule this time however, simply took 'defending territory' too far.  Of course, he had no patience left and he did not offer third chances.

His ear twitched, head shaking in disapproval.  "I have heard the boy's injuries were minor.  My daughter should be here with him soon." No doubt the cub wanted to go home.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: so jump and i'm jumping - the golden eye - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-09-2021

The times never change, do they? The sound of a voice, so soft and tired it was nearly imperceptible, was what caused Fraggle to jerk up from his sleep that morning. Glancing around the white temple, the boy attempted to locate the source of the voice, but was greeted only with the figure of Aurum in the corner of the room, the spirit looking outwards. Fraggle found himself confused, merely staring at the larger lion for a moment. He had always been able to see the spirit, and wondered why he lingered around, but the other had never spoken before. Did this new turn of events have something to do with the visit he had gotten last night? The angels...? He wasn't sure, but he wasn't given much time to figure it out. Fragglerock watched as Aurum's spirit gestured outwards, and the child stumbled forth, jaws opened and eyes widening when he caught the scent of The Golden Eye on the air. He bolted towards it immediately, all thoughts of new developments gone from his mind. Instead, all he wanted was home, and safety.

Sure enough, as he grew closer, Fraggle was greeted with the scent of Arlo and Aesior, as well as Damion's. The cub's first words were directed towards Arlo and Aesior, his tone relieved and gleeful to see them, "Dads! You came for me!" He stumbled forward and threw himself into Aesior, attempting to wrap his front limbs around the other's leg. He would then hug him for a long moment, a look of sheer happiness on his face. The large wound on his side and leg, now patched up by Aine, was still aching and stung especially from the sudden movement, but he found that he didn't care. All he cared was that his family had come for him. Looking at both Aesior and Arlo, Fraggle then said in a soft tone, his ears flattening against his head, "I'm sorry for leaving, and wandering onto someone else's land... trust me, I won't ever do that again..." He glanced at his side as he spoke, still remembering just how much the wound had stung, and how terrified he had been. Although, the conversation going on as he arrived didn't seem entirely genuine.

Turning to the small crowd of Pittians, Fraggle chose to speak up for himself, muttering, "I... I apologize for trespassing. But as soon as I knew I was on someone else's lands, I told that guy that I would leave." He gestured a paw in Dante's direction, pressing himself up against Aesior's side for some sense of comfort. He then muttered, gaze narrowing, "He didn't let me. Instead he just attacked me, and took me here. I don't blame any of the other people here, though, and I genuinely am sorry for trespassing." It seemed unfair to him that the others were attempting to justify his injury and capture, considering Dante could have just escorted him to the border and made sure he left. That didn't exactly seem violent enough for the hybrid, however. At least Gael didn't seem to be making excuses, and Fraggle made sure to shoot a grateful look in the ardent's direction for that.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?