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can you hear the silence - open; attacked - Printable Version

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can you hear the silence - open; attacked - rhosmari - 05-07-2021

The day had been peaceful, the wind was swelling. The tell of an approaching storm but it was far off from the shoreline. The apprentice had been thoughtful since he had gotten his promotion to Gladiator. Wondering if he had truly earned the rank at all. Had he put in enough work for it? What had he really done for his Mapa to think that he was actually ready for it? Truthfully as he thought about it he couldn't think of anything he had done recently or beforehand. So then what was it? Was it pity? Just something to be given as a pointless reward? His eyes narrowed a bit before he turned to walk away and jolted when he saw the tom looking back at him. The smell coming from him was one he had smelled before. Typhoon. At first he wasn't wary, trying for a greeting. "Um, hi. Did you need something?" He waited for a moment, looking at his horns, watching his posture. Then a slow shake of the head made him more uneasy. Then why was he here? A sudden jerk of limbs bad him stumble back, like a jitter uncontrolled the other walked toward him. Jaws parted and grinned, eyes luminous and wild.

"I'm so...very hungry..." There was no pretense here. The possessed boy couldn't stop her for she was giving him life. Giving him what he needed the most. To take what he wanted and show no fear in doing so. Alexandre launched himself forward, claws sinking into the Glader and shoving him against the ground harshly. Much bigger than this young kit. Much heavier, so this should be easy. The grin stretched wide, showing large teeth and then his head snapped forward and those teeth sunk deeply into Goldenpaw's neck. Blood splashed and the child screamed. "NO! NO! GET OFF ME!!" It should have been easy. So easy. But a sudden strike of lightning near them explode the ground and sent the both of the flying. The Coalition leader in the kid's body went sailing, smacking against a tree with a grunt. The Glader rolling across the ground. When the dust settled one was already on their paws, slowly licking blood from his jaws. "What a thrill! You have powers! That's why your blood tastes so sweet..." He was moving then to finish the job, finish this and move on with what she had planned for this boy whose body she was currently using.

Golden scrambled back, feeling blood leaking from his neck and down his shoulder. Fear was not a friend, it was crippling. Almost painful as he watched the Typhooner coming at him. What did he do? What could he do? The other was on him again but this time with slashing claws and instinctually the bow ducked and pushed forward, ramming his small form into the other's chest. Winded the Typhooner hissed sharply before claws swipped across his chest. His pain was her pain and she was done with this. No more time for messing around. Rearing up Goldenpaw's head rang when the connected with his skull, flooring him and then the Typhooner jumped to try and land on the Gladiator. "Stop! Please!" The child turned his head away so he didn't have to see his own death coming. But nothing hit him, no pain and when he looked back the other was on the ground ground squirming. Paws scrambling at his own throat. Eyes wide he looked at Goldenpaw gagging, choking but no air would enter his throat, all of it being redirected away from him so sharply.

Pure hatred gleamed in fading eyes, a sight Golden would never forget. Sojourn knew she couldn't stay in this body. She needed to get out and so she forced her soul out of Alexandre's body, floating there before she sneered. The soul of the mad Kingpin left then through the air to return to her own body. Once the other dropped upon the ground unconscious the air seemed to come back. Goldenpaw shook violently, breathing hard before suddenly darkness took him and he flopped over as well.

-- sojo possessing the body of alexandre attacked Goldenpaw, tearing open his neck but not too deeply and clawing his head a bit. alexandre was knocked unconscious from golden's air elementals and sensing the turn of the tide sojo departed the body and left. Permission given by [member=1]Orion[/member]

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 05-08-2021

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - SÉAMUS - 05-08-2021

| Séamus Ó Faoláin
The Irishman did not carry first aid on him often, but he found it lucky he did now.  Whenever he gathered poisons, he tried to gather a few basic herbs as well -- a good call as he bounded towards the Survivor's voice.

The mixture of blood and distinctly Typhoon scent caught the pirate off-guard.  That doesn't make sense. They were allies.  But fixing the 'leaking life juice' was a little more pressing than politics.

"If you could find someone with bandages, that would be good," the faerie requested, crouching besides Goldenpaw.  As he spoke, he removed a vial from the small pouches he had been carrying.  Good timing -- if someone had to get injured, unfortunately.

Carefully, he would move to apply marigold poultice over the gladiator's injuries, starting with the slice across his neck.  He had little else on him -- a fact that made the small wildcat wary.  At least these cuts aren't too deep.

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 05-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]CLINGIN' TO INSANITY !。+゚.[/glow]
The Palm Glades as a whole had been pretty relaxed recently, after everything that had went down prior to his joining. Drayden was thankful for it, though, considering he wasn't the type of person who enjoyed violence. It was needed occasionally, sure, but he didn't like going to look for it when it wasn't deserved. The scent of blood caught the young boy's attention before the scent of The Typhoon did and he followed the scent trail until he found Séamus and The Survivor huddled over Goldenpaw's body.

With his heart skipping a beat, Drayden made his way closer and a sigh of relief came out of him when he realized that Goldenpaw was still breathing. Unconscious, but alive. Seeing as Séamus got things covered from what he could tell, the snow leopard decided to investigate the other smell that was nearby: The Typhoon. "There's a Typhooner here." He commented out loud, a serious frown on his face as he limped up to Alexandre's unconscious body laying nearby.

With his good paw, Drayden tried to prod ALEXANDRE'S side as an attempt to see if that would wake the pirate up.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - sunsetkisses - 05-10-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
"Aren't we on...decent terms or...what's the deal?"

The initial concern that was nearly palpable in the air drove her to see what the situation was, who was injured and how bad it was. Nothing new, really, not that she was what one might call jaded or used to the complications of being a fragile piece of walking meat. Blood shed, bones broke, and it was all very terrible, but to imagine someone getting hurt that she had taken a liking to, well, that was new. Something else, since as far as Sunny could remember, she never had anyone she could build any kind of relationship with, friend or otherwise. Cons of being a traveler on her own she guessed. Or was it a pro? After all, it meant she couldn't feel the dread in her core that she felt now when the identity of the injured was revealed to her.

"Goldenpaw? GG?" Sunset asked with an unusual, uncharacteristic voice quivering with shock and worry, nearly stumbling forward just to shrink the distance between herself and the other discens, crouched closer to Goldenpaw's head, looking over and down at the boy. He was breathing, at least, and wasn't dead. That was better than the alternative.

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - WINTERHYMNS P. - 05-11-2021

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 05-12-2021

[glow=white,1,400]CLINGIN' TO INSANITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Thank the Seven Seas... Drayden thought to himself as he heard Winterhymns voice, looking over to see the Legate giving Séamus supplies to work on getting Goldenpaw's injury under control. Seeing Winterhymns come over with a snarl though, Drayden hopped aside to allow the tigress to do whatever it was she was planning on doing - trying to keep Alexandre pinned down.

"Wait, Winterhymns." Drayden called out, voice quiet in a thoughtful manner. "I know we scented Typhoon -" And... that's all he could scent, honestly, but the snow leopard didn't believe that they would just attack an ally like that. Roxanne wouldn't let them. "How do we know this guy did it? Maybe a rogue came by and got the both of them." It wasn't out of the question, hypothetically speaking - but again, The Typhoon was the only thing he could really tell was here, not anyone else (other than Gladers of course).[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - Alexandre - 05-15-2021

— alexandre f.m.r
The paw that pressed on his side received no response, but the boy's lungs began to breath harder. His paws began to stir, fidgeting slowly into consciousness. With a ragged heave, the feline rolled over onto his back with his ears pressed close to his cranium. Hazy eyes stared out at the crowd nearby. Alexandre's blurred vision scanned his surroundings and landed on Goldenpaw. His jaws merely parted bit by bit at the sight of blood leaking from his body, but he made no movement.

As oxygen radiated throughout his brain, memories came back with vengeance. Pain radiated within his head as he began to move upwards, only to feel a stranger's paw slam down onto his chest and hold him in place. His gaze lulled forward. Exhausted and further traumatized, a lowly groan left him. What a situation to explain! Technically, he did it... but also not... like someone else did but in his body... So how does that work? How the hell would he explain that to them anyways, especially without evidence? Good lord. While Alexandre would love to get into the intricate details to free him from burden, his throat was raw from Goldenpaw's successful attack. "Wasn't me, sweetheart," he responded shortly. "Possession. Sojourn." His tone was quiet and strained. Alexandre didn't want to talk right now. Maybe later.

His head settled back down onto the floor. The stained cat let out a ragged sigh and rolled back onto his side, settling down without a care. A pounding headache radiated within and the urge to give into his cravings kept him ignorant. "Somebody get me a drink." Due to his dull tone, one might take his request seriously, but the subtle cheeky smirk curling along his maw said otherwise. What a fitting joke.

Re: can you hear the silence - open; attacked - DRAYDEN CIPHER. - 05-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]CLINGIN' TO INSANITY !。+゚.[/glow]
Calling Winterhymns 'sweetheart' really caught Drayden off guard. The pirate claimed that he had been possessed by someone called Sojourn, something that also caught Drayden off guard. Was that... even possible? He knew that possession was possible, but he assumed that it was only really NPCs or feral animals who could be possessed. Not someone with an actual thinking consciousness. Drayden was hesitant in believing Alexandre, skeptical at the possession claim, and looked at Winterhymns as if waiting for the Legate to say whether or not Alexandre could be given something to drink.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]