Beasts of Beyond
Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Printable Version

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Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Scyllios - 05-07-2021

Sand irritated her fur, her gills especially, as she stirred. Pearly blood stained her blue fur as she moved, pain radiating from her chest. What... what had gotten the small pup? The maned wolf child couldn't quite move, but the pain faded away. Scylla finally breathed, too harshly, through her gills, and she coughed. Wheezed, sputtered her pearlescent blood. Where was she?

She pushed herself up on spindly legs, tiny body (tiny for a 4 month old) shaking. She felt cold. The scent of the air was different. The child huffed and looked around, trying to figure out where she was. She saw a town in the distance, but... what if they wanted to hurt her?
Vivere in Oceani, luxuriat in mare

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-07-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
In all of Aphra's time here, she had yet to experience someone crashing onto the shore. At least from what she personally remembered, that is. Maybe there was a time she missed, who knows? Or cared, because Aphra certainly didn't. What she did care about, however, was the fact that there was an unfamiliar child on their lands. Fucking hell, seriously? The woman cursed to herself, tail tip flicking as she watched Scyllios survey the area she crashed into.

The pup coughed, spitting out what Aphra assumed was blood, though it was definitely a different color. Not that Aphra was a stranger to odd-colored blood; her father had black blood, after all. Finally Aphra decided to reveal herself by shaking through the bushes she hid behind, approaching the strangle-looking maned wolf pup. "You lost?" She asked, trying to keep the coldness from out of her voice.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Scyllios - 05-07-2021

The child blinked, seeing the white feline slip out from some bushes. Golden eyes looked intently but cautiously. The cat spoke but... She did not understand the words. It was not Latin. And Scylla scrunched her nose in concentration before she spoke. "Ubi? Oms?" she tilted her head, strange, mutated tail meant to look like an octopus appendage curling up ever so slightly.

Ubi? Oms?
- Where? Who?////
Vivere in Oceani, luxuriat in mare

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - rhosmari - 05-08-2021

The Coalition seemed to attract children. Something that the leopardess was very aware of. Though she supposed that in time they would come to be natural adult Wanderers they would still have to be vigilant in keeping them safe. Although most of their enemies were too pansy to dare harm a hair on a child's head. They would rather whine and cry about it being not right while their enemies could care less. Shaking her head she trotted along the snowy ground that was starting to show more green now that spring was here. The boreal forest was rich this season in prey and she was happy to be going out for a walk. At least that was till she spotted the child as well as Aphra.

A light look of intrigue entered her gaze and she tilted her head as she stepped forward. The child was alone obviously and she sighed with the idea of taking in another. Would Ruven enjoy that? "Welcome to the Coalition. Do you understand me, child? If so what are you doing on our lands? Or maybe you simply need a home to call your own. We have more than enough room here."


Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Scyllios - 05-08-2021

The child directed her golden gaze to Sojourn as she approached, words foreign to the girl but she spoke, "Nulla domus, hinc mihi exspue Oceanum."

Something fizzled next to her, a spirit only few could see if they had clairvoyance. It was similar to Scylla but adult in size, with 8 octopus limb-like tails. It seemed to float, eyes closed as though it were sleeping. Scylla seemed to not notice this being as she spoke again, "Ego perdidi, volo in domum suam"

/// Translations
Nulla domus, hinc mihi exspue Oceanum - There is no house, ocean spit me here

Ego perdidi, volo in domum suam - I am lost, I seek home (roughly) ///
Vivere in Oceani, luxuriat in mare

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - trojan g. - 05-08-2021

Ruven knew that there were many children in the Coalition, but considering Aphra's sleeping around most of them had been born within the mountainous group, and as far as Ruven knew none of them had shown up washed up at the beach. Seeing a few memebers of the Coalition finding their way over to something on the beach caused the younger member of the group to come over, curious eyes scanning over the child, confusing soon growing clear as he listened to her speak.

Head would turn over to Sojourn and ears would pin to his head for a moment before finally speaking. "Do you know what she's saying?" He would ask, head turning once more to look back at the other.

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - APHRA CIPHER . - 05-08-2021

[glow=grey,1,400]ONCE A WHORE, YOU'RE NOTHING MORE !。+゚.[/glow]
"Not a fucking clue." Aphra answered Ruven's question with a small growl, irritated that the creature before her didn't seem to speak English. The she-cat's ears flicked as she noticed a spirit flicker into life beside the pup, a similar creature but seemingly asleep next to her. Aphra looked over at Sojourn and Ruven, trying to see if they saw the same thing. Not really knowing what to do here, Aphra tried to speak some broken English (as if that would help in this situation), "Need home?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - ARVID R. - 05-09-2021

Someone new – a child. Not only that, but someone that had washed up on the shore... well, that was certainly a new one. Arvid couldn't help but feel curious as he approached, his curiosity only growing when he heard what the kid was speaking. He spoke soon after Aphra, a faint chuckle leaving him, "I, uh... I know what she's speaking, at the very least. It's Latin. I've seen plenty of it in the scientific names of my books, but it's generally a dead language. I don't really know much..." Beyond simple phrases and scientific names, the scope of Latin that he actually knew was very limited. So, speaking to her in her own language didn't exactly seem to be an option. And he wasn't really sure that Aphra's method of simple, broken English would work, either. Even if many English words had been derived from Latin ones.

So instead, the boy decided to go with something more simple – pictionary. With a claw, the canine reached out to carve a few shapes into the sand, eventually coming together to form a small house. A home. He then tapped his paw on the little drawn structure, tilting his head at Scyllios in a questioning manner. His actions were meant to communicate a simple question – do you need a home?
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - Scyllios - 05-09-2021

Ok, so none of them understood her. The child pouted, silver nose twitching. And when Aphra spoke broken English the girl just stared in confusion. Shook her head as though to say, Can't understand.

And then Arvid drew in the sand, which seemed to immediately get Scyllas attention. Pictures were much easier to understand, and when Arvid looked to her in question, she nodded. "Ita, a domum!"* she nodded again, a gentle smile on her face.

//// *Ita, a domum! - Yes, a home!///
Vivere in Oceani, luxuriat in mare

Re: Poor soul - Beached Child, Joining - with no spirit to name - MAUDE P. - 05-09-2021