Beasts of Beyond
Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Printable Version

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Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Byriath - 05-06-2021

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - trojan g. - 05-06-2021

[align=center][div style="max-width: 415px;text-align: justify;font-family: times new roman;font-size: 10pt;line-height: 116%;text-indent: 35px;"]Ruven knew nothing of gods and beings of other worlds, he was either much too young or simply naïve enough to believe that they didn't exist, despite the signs all around the island and the various different creatures within the groups that seemed to be gods themselves. He also knew close to nothing about wounds and healing, only close to nothing since he knew what wounds were, but he wouldn't be able to heal them, that was something he would either have to learn eventually or simply just leave it to the professionals. Either way he didn't quite mind.

The smell of blood caused him to think of the different things that he didn't know, and eventually the sight of Byriath - the healer of the group -  caused a sense of hopelessness to flitter within Ruven's chest. If the one that was supposed to heal others was harmed, what were they supposed to do then? He didn't know if anyone else held any herbal knowledge, so at first he wasn't sure what to do. "B-Byriath?" The young male would stammer out, paws picking up pace as he made his way over to the larger creature. "What happened? What do you need me to do?" He'd follow directions, he was good at that, he was good at following the directions given to him, even if he wouldn't retain the information one would normally learn from that.

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Byriath - 05-06-2021

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Casphian - 05-06-2021

A curled up ball of fluff rested in the middle of a meadow, flowers gently waving side to side as the wind cascaded through the area. The dreams were for once unavailable to the snow leopard, his sleep full of nothing but darkness but not for long. The sound of Byriath’s voice rung through his mind, jerking the snow leopard awake, his body in auto pilot as it jumped up. They looked around the meadow, eyes unseeing, in search for Byr before realizing the voice sounded in their mind. It was then the words finally processed and the feline was off tearing through the area to reach their fateful lover.

Saturn barreled through the camp, not caring when they would knock into any npcs their focus on reaching the home that had slowly become their own the more they spent there. Finally he would crash through the door, fur fluffed up and pupils narrowed. “Byriath!” He called out in panic, head searching for the scent and finally picking it up, a whine slipping past at the blood that tainted the comforting smell. Ruven’ ascent and words were lost to the snow leopard’s panic, the feline focused on making sure the God was okay.

Saturn rushed over to Byr’s side, attempting to pat the other down with their paws, searching for what caused the bleeding. “Are you okay? Who do I need to kill? Just give me the name and I’ll go snap their neck right now.”

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Byriath - 05-06-2021

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - ARVID R. - 05-10-2021

Blood. The scent of it on the air wasn't a particularly unfamiliar one for the territory of the Coalition. However, when it was mixed in with an unfamiliar smell and that of Byriath, things became a little more concerning. All Arvid had wanted to do was enjoy a little walk in the early morning. He figured he could observe nature, and take a few notes while he was out – or perhaps just laze about and enjoy the cool air. Either way, it seemed like a golden opportunity to him. He hadn't been expecting to find the guru of their entire group bleeding pretty badly, with a panicked Saturn and Ruven nearby. As he approached slowly, there was a frown on the canine's muzzle, and he spoke in a dry tone, "Shit... you look like hell, Byriath. Whoever your creator is must be quite the bitch." As he grew a little bit closer, it wasn't difficult to spot the bloody carvings on the other's neck, and the initials that they formed. He questioned softly, more to the air around him rather than directly to Byriath, "A.C...?" That must've been Byr's creator, although one had to wonder how powerful she really was. Could she take them all down, or would things have gone very differently if Byriath had been found earlier by a group of wanderers?

Shaking his head for now, Arvid decided not to dwell on that. Not as if he could turn back time and make things perfectly fine now. Instead, he focused on Saturn, considering he could see the way that they were shaking with anger. Despite their relationship being slightly rocky as of late, the dire wolf still wasn't glad to see his parental figure in such a state – not in the slightest. And as much as the canine doubted the strength of Byriath's supposed creator, he also didn't want Saturn getting himself hurt, no matter the circumstances. Moving a little closer, the boy briefly pressed into Saturn's side, his own tone one of soft concern as he spoke up, "I know you're angry right now, and you have every reason to be, but... I think you should listen to Byriath. If you go charging after this creator woman, you'll just be putting yourself in grave danger. I don't think that'll help his condition." He gestured vaguely in Byr's direction, hoping such an appeal would manage to calm Saturn down somewhat. After all, wouldn't it be better if Saturn just remained here, instead of charging after some unknown assailant? They could take love and care for the guru more than any of the rest of them could, and Arvid had to imagine that would be more useful than going on a potential wild goose chase.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - angelembrace - 05-10-2021

Despite the fact he had been in the Coalition long enough that injury and blood was no longer disturbing in the slightest, no longer fazing him for the most part, Byriath being injured was still a surprising sight. The man always carried this air about him, a feeling that radiated to Angel as a creature that could not be put down. And he admired it, the unwavering respect and admiration had not changed or shifted once since he could open his eyes, which wasn't too long ago he supposed but when speaking in terms of the perspective of his entire life, it felt long to him. Regardless, that wasn't the issue here. The issue was Byriath could get injured and very much had been. Of course, he wouldn't stand around and gawk at the situation, and being an annoying little child clinging to Byr's leg had it's advantages. For one, while he was no medic, ironically only coming to be associated with death after his autopsy stunt, Angel had picked up on things along the way, from both following the fallen war god like a duckling and from his own exploits. At the very least, he could hopefully manage the situation, contain it and prevent it from getting worse while his compatriots deescalated the stress.

"You'll need more than that I would assume." Angel stated with a nervous chuckle, a concerned look upon his face at the wounds, which while had stopped bleeding, were not clean, if only because they had not been cleaned since the event. But he could inquire after that once the request had been fulfilled. "Come on Ruven, I think I know where he's referring to." Forcing his attention from the Guru to his best friend, as if to keep the lion cub's own attention on track.

your little hands of paradise, give them here and hang on tight

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Casphian - 05-11-2021

Saturn blanket stared at Byriath, anger slowly filling his dead gaze. Their ears would flick to the sound of approaching paws, head tilting slightly towards Arvid and Angel. They would listen patiently to the son closest to them, the direwolf pup pressing into their side calming the feline slightly. A low hissed growl would vibrate through their chest, their fur puffing up before they could be content in attempting to curl up between Byriath’s paws. “Fine I won’t go after her but only this one time, if she attacks again I’m going to find her and rip her to shreds,” they threatened, glancing between Arvid and Byriath.

Re: Here i stand - 100th - helpless and left for dead - Byriath - 05-12-2021

With Saturn's words the god relaxed, body sagging as strength finally dropped substantially. Simply nodding to AngelEmbrace, the god examined his wounds with a weary sigh. "Hah. A creator that has done nothing but destroy. She takes her brother's duty with too much pride."

He patted his muzzle harshly. "It took three gods and a destroyer to actually subdue her, even if only for a while." There was a quiver in his voice - fear. But anger was paired with it, a vibrant fury.
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