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IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - Printable Version

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IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante didn't really intend on really hurting [member=18081]FRAGGLEROCK.[/member]  as much as he did, but unfortunately the cub did end pretty badly injured, with a scrape on his side that ended up at his hind leg. Maybe he could blame it on the high that he had at the time (still had, actually), but he just wanted to get some answers from the kid. Dante came back to The Pitt's camp with his head held high, carrying a small lion cub in his jaws, seemingly pretty proud of his achievement.

Dante dropped FRAGGLEROCK onto the ground, not caring about whether or not the kid was conscious by now. "I found this little vermin trespassing." The hybrid spoke, explaining the situation. "I ain't gonna hurt him and neither are any of you. Just thought it'd be nice to get some answers outta the kid." Answers like where he came from, considering The Golden Eye wasn't a relatively well-known group.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - aine. - 05-04-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Conclusions.  They were different not to make.  Especially with Dante.  Too violent.  Too fond of a dead era.  The sight of blood is enough to fuel rage within the petite deer-fox.  Ice through her veins as she padded forward.  Hazel hues accusatory on Dante.

"Dante." Cold and quiet.  Direct.  On him.  "He's a child you piece of shit." No hesitance.  Her wings were more than ruffled.  Enraged at the sight of injury on the youth.  She understood defending their borders but she drew the line at children.  "Who I will be healing then escorting home.  He doesn't- he doesn't have to tell you shit."

And she lifted her head.  She wouldn't be tolerating anything in her way.  Not today.  Not ever.  Her hooves dug into the ground.  The last Pittian who thought hurting a child was okay, for naively crossing the border, had been exiled by Kydobi.  If she had the authority, the words were more than tempting.  Among other choice phrases.

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Of fucking course. Dante let out a loud, aggravated sigh as Aine came over. "Yeah, a kid that could tell us things. Kids are very impressionable, are they not?" He shot back, peeling his lips back in a snarl, though his tone was calm. "The kid was trespassing and I defended our lands. Y'know the land that you worked so hard for?" Since Aine was all about the present, why not try to shove it down her face? Dante wasn't too bothered by the fact he made Fragglerock bleed and in fact. "I ain't gonna let anyone hurt 'im." Unless he wasn't compliant, but obviously publicly hitting the kid wasn't going to work in his favor. "Didn't even mean to really hurt 'im myself, but it happened." A shrug that ruffled his own feathers, though they quickly slicked back down. "Just thought it'd be good to get some answers while he's here, ya know? Interrogate him for a lil' before we take him back." Getting information on enemies was a good thing, was it not?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - Kold - 05-04-2021

Thunder rolled across the sky as the marauder approached, sparks of lightning spidering off of her. "Dante, you dumb motherfucker." She snarled, aware of the electricity in her teeth, crackling and zipping with anger. Dragging him here. Fuck's sake. She looked over to Fraggle with sympathy. Worry.

And then the fucker, the motherfucker says he was defending the territory? "Dante he's a fucking kid, how dangerous would he fucking be?" Her blood fucking boiled, heat radiating off of her.

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - westley h. - 05-04-2021

What the fuck? The clouded leopard frowns as he bounds over, drawn in by the commotion.  Swiftly, his own eyes darken as he understood.  He had no children to call his own, but he saw Summer as one.  This cub was likely that to someone else.  Let alone the fact he was a child, for heaven's sake.  It should have been simple as that.

Westley narrows his eyes as he came to stand besides Aine and Kold, tail lashing to the side.  "He's a child.  They wander.  Let him be a child, Dante." No one needed to be ripped away from that.  "He's hurt enough, we're not going to interrogate him."

"If you're paranoid do some fucking recon," he adds harshly, ears flat.  "There's no good reason to mess with a kid."
**brontide (n.) —-- westley hawkins / paleblood / penned by petrichor

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
"OR-or we can manipulate him into thinking he's one of us." Dante shot back to both Westley and Kold with a grin on his face. "Either of you have that mind-manipulating ability shit? We could have a new member within our group, who would want to pass up that chance?" Honestly, the hybrid didn't understand why they were all up in arms over a child. Shit happens. Get over it. He had to deal with a lot worse than a single wound when he was younger, that's for sure.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - trojan g. - 05-04-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]A commotion was always something that caused Sweeney to come over if she happened to notice it, and it seemed as though the yelling of group mates in the camp was something that caught the kitsune's attention. Coming over she would look towards those there, ears flicking back as she saw the cub that Dante had brought over to try and interrogate. She understood why they were upset at it - he'd hurt a child and was no suggesting to make him one of their own - but in some sense Sweeney understood him. There were dangers around every corner and so many groups and things that were against the Pitt in and of itself, so she understood the want to know about those things, to make sure they weren't a harm to the Pitt.

She agreed with Dante on that front but there were many other things she didn't agree with him on.

A small sigh would leave the girl's maw as she looked over to the others, annoyed by their yelling instead of just simply talking. It was obvious nothing worked to get through Dante's thick scull so why would just being loud and annoying be something that made him think? "Why don't we all calm down, first of all." She would speak, tails swaying behind her for a moment before she continued on. "Let's heal the boy, let him get some sleep, it's late, and he can go back home tomorrow. If need-be he can stay with me and Atticus, I don't mind and I'm sure he wouldn't either." Atti seemed to be similar to his mother in that aspect, wanting to help out people. "And we can just simply ask him where he's from so we can take him back tomorrow, see if they're nice." And if Fraggle wanted to talk about his home more after that? Then sure she'd be more than willing to listen and learn. "We're not going to force him to be a Pittian if he doesn't want to be one. That never ends well, look at what happened to Stryker, for example." Dead and beheaded.

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - FRAGGLEROCK. - 05-04-2021

Where... was he? Why did his side hurt so much? And... and why was there so much yelling? Fraggle's ears were pinned down to his skull as he finally awoke, blinking tired and confused blue eyes as he looked around him. It took him a moment to remember what was going on, the memory of Dante's claws against his skin still far too fresh. The presence of the male that had captured him caused Frag to shrink back, shaking faintly as he finally spoke up, "Don't... don't hurt me more, please. I didn't mean to trespass. I was just trying to explore..." He had just been trying to figure himself out, but that goal was very much faded from his mind at this point. Now, all he wanted to do was remain alive, and return to his home. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though the other members of The Pitt were on board with what Dante had done. In fact, they seemed rather pissed about Fraggle's capture. That was certainly a relief, although it did little to make the cub trust them beyond a very small amount – he wasn't an idiot, he knew they could just be pretending to care.

As the boy struggled to remain upright, his aura seemed to fluctuate and shift, reflecting the inner turmoil and worry that was going on inside. The ever-present watchful spirit of Aurum remained nearby, translucent and drenched in red. The manifestation of Fraggle's locked away memories was silent as always, and didn't even seem all that aggravated to be within The Pitt. Rather, the spirit was merely looking around, a vaguely amused look on it's spectral face as it watched Dante's groupmates judge him harshly. The approach of Sweeney finally seemed to stir the spirit, however, the much larger lion looking up with interest and curiosity. His gaze almost seemed to light up with happiness and recognition at the sight of Sweeney, although he still said nothing. Instead, he merely flicked his tail on her direction, remaining watchful and protective as always. He knew that any Pittian with clairvoyance would be able to see him, but he wasn't too worried about that – Fraggle was still young, and didn't even have any of his old memories yet. There was no reason for the boy to be treated in a hostile manner due to the spirit's presence.

Usually, Aurum's presence would signal Fraggle being ready to use his elementals. That wasn't the case this time, however. Instead, the boy merely seemed scared and alone, curling his tail close to his body as he muttered, "I just wanna go home... don't even know anything." He then glanced down at his side, inspecting the still bleeding wound that was there as he spoke once more, "My... my side hurts..." The prospect of healing and rest was a tempting one, although Fraggle had to admit his mind was racing. What if they were all lying to him, and they planned to go along with what Dante had suggested? Staying and healing would be beneficial, but what if others from The Golden Eye came? He didn't want a fight to break out, but he also just wanted to be able to go home... he didn't know what to do. He shook slightly as he crouched down close to the earth beneath him, his paws over his head as he shook and rambled, "Hurts too much... can't go back yet. Please..." He knew he wasn't making all that much concrete sense, but he couldn't help it. He was panicking, and that was beginning to show.
☆ — what of the meek, the mourning, and the merciful?

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'M LOSING MY MIND TODAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, Sweeney. Perfect. Although Dante didn't particularly like the kitsune by any means, she did at least seem to agree with him. For the most part, anyway, and that was something Dante appreciated. At least in this very specific moment. "And where exactly is home, hm?" Dante asked the prisoner, trying to get in Fragglerock's face with a grin, as if trying to threaten the cub again. Hey now, if he couldn't hurt the kid, why couldn't he scare him. He didn't apologize for the wound on Fragglerock's side though; even if he hadn't really intended on making that deep of a wound, Dante certainly didn't feel any regret for it.

"Sure, Stryker failed 'n all that shit. But he came back and formed the Coalition, didn't he?" Dante responded to Sweeney now, shrugging his shoulders again and pulling back from his attempt to scare Fragglerock. "Doesn't mean that we can't try. The Pitt needs more members, y'know." Even if he didn't want children running around like they were back when Sweeney was younger, it did mean more fighters for The Pitt. And that was always a good thing, at least. Right? [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: IT'S EASY TO FAKE A SMILE // capture - aine. - 05-04-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
A harsh growl erupted from her throat.  The Pitt she worked for?  No.  It clearly wasn't Dante's Pitt.  A fact made clearer to her every day.  He was stuck in an arrogant and bloodthirsty past.  She wanted to part of it.  "You know nothing of what I worked for."

Her blood boils with fury anew at the vile suggestion of manipulation.  Without another word, the druid would attempt to fracture the earth beneath Dante, to ensnare any limb she could, nodding to Kold to strike if she deemed necessary.  And Aine hoped she did. "Anyone- anyone who does so, will die a slaver's death." For it was no better.  No better at all.  Cruel.  Unjust.

She still remembered.  The struggle in her best friend's eyes.  The pain and fight to remember.  It broke her heart.  To suggest doing the same to a child was unforgivable.  Irredeemable.  Enough to push the fae into more brutal action.  Murder in her eyes.  Only a strange sense of... Spirit froze the fleshweaver in place.  Throwing her off guard.  Hauntingly familiar.  Like a ghost.

With it followed the boy's voice.  Aine released a deep breath.  Slowly nodded to Sweeny.  The cub needed care.  This was foolish behavior for a medic.  Dante deserved nothing of her attention right now.  He deserved nothing but a trip in the nile.  Especially if they thought they should be anything like Stryker.

"... Let's just focus on- on getting you better." she murmured, lowering to a crouch besides Fragglerock.  All this chatter about making him talk.  He'd been through enough.  "We- we'll take you to the white temple.  I have herbs to help you there.  We need to- we need to stop the bleeding, okay?  You can rest there too."