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HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - Printable Version

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HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 05-02-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
A desert that was surrounded by a forest. Kasper recalled how his mother told him where his father lived, though she never told her son of his father's name. All he knew was that he carried the last name Northwest and honestly, he wasn't even sure if his father was still around. Or if this was even the right group that he was trying to visit.

Kasper found himself on The Typhoon's boardwalk, though he had a feeling that he... wasn't in the right place. Although this group was surrounded by sand and he could see a jungle in the distance (past the gate that he was nearing), he didn't recall his mother mentioning an ocean. Deserts are typically... without water, aren't they? The apprentice thought to himself, stopping at the gate and peering past the bars and staring out towards the distance jungle. There were some figures in the distance as well - members of whatever group this was, he presumed, and they likely would come over when they noticed him. If they noticed him.

Too late to go back now, Kasper told himself, exhaling a breath as he waited. Maybe they'll know where I can go to.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - Keona. - 05-03-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The dire wolf knew the desert.  It came with a mixed past.  Imprisonment.  Family.  What was once bitterness had become more curiosity.  A strange change, yet not unnecessarily unwelcome.  She found her cousins like-minded.  Quiet.  Thoughtful.

She would know exactly where Kasper was looking for.  Once she understood his search.

Until then, the familiar scent of Palm Glades brought the canine forward.  Sightless seagreen hues rested gently towards the stranger.  Head dipping. "Aloha," she offered softly.  "Can I help you?"

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - daniel - 05-03-2021

Looking for someone wasn’t an entirely foreign concept, though Danny hadn’t made any sort of trips to locate either of his parents, and there was certainly no point in doing so now. Like Kasper, the kid had no fucking idea about who his father was or what the guy even looked like, but he was also never given any other hints or explanation, not about living family or even his own mother’s history. Not that it bothered him, unlike Kasper, but at the very least he could offer an iota of understanding.

For the first time, Danny was scouting out the area just beyond the railroad, mentally noting places that were both best and worst for finding something to hunt and drag back to the rest of the crew. To bad though, he was distracted in his endeavor by Keona speaking to someone unfamiliar, and the closer he got the more the scent of a group unknown to him become obvious. Danny tilted his head with a small frown, not saying much towards Kasper but much less nervous about this stranger than the others that he had stumbled upon. Perhaps it was simply because he was getting a better grasp on his own inconvenient problem, and Kasper wasn’t exactly intimidating. Still though, new faces made him nervous in any case. 

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - michael t. - 05-04-2021

Michael had known his biological family from the very beginning, but he hadn't exactly been glad for that fact. His mother had often been zoned out and emotionally distant, and his father had been... well, a bastard, to say the very least of things. Getting away from them had felt like a miracle, and the freedom that had come afterwards had been what had allowed him to meet his late husband, and eventually join The Typhoon. Without an escape from his birth family, he never would've found the family he currently had within The Typhoon, all of whom he loved and cared for a great deal more than his mother, or father. Needless to say, the concept of actively seeking out one's father was pretty foreign to the black-furred bobcat.

It was because of this that the dealer simply assumed Kasper was here to join, like most strangers with a lack of group scent on their fur. As he approached and settled down next to Danny, he offered the newcomer a casual smile before speaking, "Hey there, kid. No need to look so nervous – we don't bite around here, promise." Unfortunately, that sentiment was undermined somewhat by the presence of his vampiric fangs, although the pun wasn't intended. Michael just wasn't able to withdraw said fangs, whether he wanted to or not.

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 05-04-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
If it weren't for the fact that Kasper's mother mentioned that his father was a sharkcat, the long-haired kitten probably wouldn't be trying to find him. Kasper was really just wanting to know what his father looked like, and maybe stay with him. "Um, hi! Yeah, hi." Kasper greeting the Typhooners, shuffling a bit where he stood. Did he really seem nervous? Shit, that wasn't his intention. Whoops. "My-my name is Kasper Northwest, I was wondering if maybe my, um, my Papa is here...?" He asked, pausing for a moment whether or not he should tell these people what his father looked like. It would probably help.

"Momma said that he lived in a desert surrounded by a forest, and he was a sharkcat. That's... that's all I know." If his father wasn't here, could The Typhoon even help him? Honestly, he wasn't sure. Kasper was just hoping he got the right place, though this definitely didn't seem like the description his mom gave him.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - Keona. - 05-05-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Kasper Northwest.  Well.  The name remained unfamiliar, but the wolf inclined her head, ears perked in gentle attention.  Nodding as she understood, though she knew no shark-cats (not that she'd be the best at 'spotting' them) she had a feeling about where he was talking about.

"I believe you're looking for the Pitt." She knew the desert more than the jungle, but it was there.  It was the only group with the description he sought.  "I can take you there, Kasper." she offered after a moment of thought.

Giving directions were... Not her strong suit after all.  But she could certainly guide him there and she hardly minded the trip.

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - michael t. - 05-06-2021

Well... that description and surname didn't exactly fit anyone within The Typhoon. It did, however, match someone within The Pitt. Someone that Michael knew of, actually. Not personally, but he had heard about the guy through Roan, when the other had gone to tell Trygve of Jaime's passing. From what little the soothsayer had said about Dante Northwest, the thief could only really remember too main points – a sharkcat, and an asshole. Remembering that particular description caused the dealer to snort, although he hid his amusement with a paw, not wanting to offend Kasper somehow. Not that he probably would, if the other didn't even know his dad.

Nodding along with what Keona said, Michael explained, "Keona's right – pretty sure you're looking for a guy named Dante. No idea if he's still in The Pitt, but he's probably there." He then glanced briefly towards Keo, hesitating before he added, "I could head over there too. I mean, to help with making sure the trip is safe... plus, I'd like to see if Ry is even still there." He hadn't seen his nephew and former apprentice in such a long time. Not since the other had visited on his own very briefly, that is. He might as well take the opportunity to head over for another reason.

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - daniel - 05-06-2021

And so the missing link was discovered. Danny blinked a few times, raising his brow in vague interest at the idea of Kasper finally ending his quest, and what the result would be when he finally saw his missing father face to face. He had never been to the Pitt, and had no interest in volunteering to go unless he was asked by either of the Dealers for one reason or another, but he doubted there was any place for him or a reason to bring him along. Brown eyes cast a sideways glance at Michael, then settled back on Kasper. A sharkcat, huh? Like, a cat with sharp teeth? Or fins? Both? Sounded like a whole mess, but probably not the kind of guy you would want to step to either. "Best of luck, man." Danny offered, though not the most helpful statement compared to the other two, he wasn't required to help find a group he had never been to for a man he had never met. But not offering any well wishes was a dick move.

Re: HIDDEN HISTORY // visitor? - KASPER NORTHWEST. - 05-06-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I'VE HAD ENOUGH, THERE'S A VOICE IN MY HEAD !。+゚.[/glow]
The Pitt sounded like a harsh place, but the idea of finding his father was far too enticing. At the very least, maybe, just maybe he could be with one of his parents. "O-oh, yea, if you guys wanna take me, that's fine!" Kasper stammered out, a little overwhelmed by their offers. Flattered, even though their reasoning likely wasn't just because of him specifically. Hell, the bobcat with all the bling even stated that he wanted to see some guy named Ry. "It won't be bad to have company." He added, giving Danny a nod to show he heard the canine's well wishes. He supposed it was sort of awkward witnessing it if you didn't really have anything to contribute, huh?[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]