Beasts of Beyond
I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - Printable Version

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I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - Aeternus - 05-02-2021

He didn't know where he was, and he didn't know where to go.

Once upon a time, not too long ago really, he had known comradery, he had known companionship. Never traveled alone, that wasn't his intention, and only now understood the sting of loneliness. There were many hardships one could endure in the middle of the wilderness, that was precisely the reason one should not manage on their own unless they had the prowess to do so, which he did not have. Perhaps a decent warrior in his own right, but not enough to survive on his own. Of course, as his streak of luck and a decent life would have it, as he had let his guard down somewhat, in an hour or less there was absolute chaos and misery that befell himself and those he surrounded himself with. All of them, gone. Reduced to blooded meat and bone with not a lively soul between them. How he had survived an onslaught was beyond him, he barely had the time to hide let alone understand, but in the wake of disaster he was left totally alone, soaked in blood and gristle and everything in between, until the soft greys of his fur were barely visible under the bright and dark layers of red.

Ah, perhaps he would be picked off later, and not have to ever remember, but something was insistent on keeping him alive. Something perhaps cruel, or merciful. He would decide later if later came, only half focused on the new strip of territory that he was intruding on. He came upon a wall of sorts, painted in a manner he had never seen before, though couldn't truly stop to appreciate it. Light blue eyes stared blankly at such things, wondering briefly if there was a large and imposing beast on the other side.

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - Casphian - 05-02-2021

There was in fact a large imposing beast on the other side, at least that’s how outsiders perceived the hybrid most of the time. The Spirit Watcher was getting ready to go out on another patrol, the tribe having slacked off in them these last few days. The fur in the back of his neck bristled when the stent had of blood and unfamiliar drifted across his path and drew the hybrid towards the wall. His gaze narrowed as he peered through the vine covered opening, his orbs almost glowing.

Finally Kainan would step through, his head raised as he looked fit the cause of the stench. He took notice of the creature before him covered in blood, an eyebrow flicking upwards at the sight. “You’re on the land of Tribe of The Molten Spirits,” he mused. “Er would you like to wash that blood off?”

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - rhosmari - 05-02-2021


[glow=white,1,400]I'M STRONG ON THE SURFACE !。+゚.[/glow]
Gordon was starting to regret following Kainan and Vanya today, with the visitor they spoke with literally covered in blood. The look made Gordon recoil, nauseous and wanting to just get away from this stranger. The munchkin tried to press herself against Kainan as he spoke, biting her lip as she just stared at her paws and refused to look at Aeternus.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - SirDio - 05-03-2021

Though Muse was not going to adversely react to someone arriving at the wall with blood in their fur, Gordon's reaction caused them to step forward and in front of the smaller feline, eyes watching the stranger. "Not to be rude... but a wash, maybe, before they enter camp?" Their wording was still stiff and broken, but they were working on it. Obviously Vanya and Kainan had already spoke on that, but it didn't hurt to say it again, just one last time.
Sometimes all i think about is you

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - Aeternus - 05-05-2021

Against his better judgement and knowing it was perhaps rude from every possible angle, Aeternus couldn’t help but hiss defensively at the presence of Kainan, despite just thinking of walking into a beast’s den minutes earlier. It was truly just instinctual, like the reflex to duck when something came barreling towards your head. Of course, noticing that the hybrid had spoken to him cut his reaction short, and though he didn’t say anything just yet, brain processing the situation at hand, the silver furred feline blinked with blank eyes almost as if to respond where his words were failing him. ”Molten Spirits....” He echoed, blue eyes darting over to each new face that arrived, none making any sudden moves to attack him, and one even offering a name.

The blood, there was the matter of the blood. Aeternus looked down, lifting a paw to observe the fur shrouded in darkened crimson, in a manner that made him feel disgusted and nauseous within seconds of each other. He bit back the bile, lip quivering but no tears following, not yet. He lifted that paw, reaching out but touching no one. ”Please help me.” A distant sounding voice, pleading to scrub the blood away, but a voice nonetheless.

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - Casphian - 05-05-2021

His mismatched gaze would narrow in on the hiss that seemed to be directed towards him, an answering low rumble of a growl building in his throat. The noise quickly died away, head tilting slightly to one side when the feline spoke part of the name of the Tribe. He watched in confusion as the other seemed to realize how much blood was dripping off of him. Kainan’s gaze softened at the next words rhat had been spoken, the strings in his heart being tugged at. Kainan padded over to the feline, a soft sigh slipping past him. “C’mon let’s get you cleaned up in the river, I bet you’ll feel better after,” he hummed gently to the feline. He would then attempt to lean down and gently pick the other up by his scruff so he could carry him into the territory.

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - rhosmari - 05-07-2021


[glow=white,1,400]I'M STRONG ON THE SURFACE !。+゚.[/glow]
Judging by the reaction of the stranger, it was almost as if they didn't realize they were covered in blood. How could you not? Gordon wanted to ask and yet, still felt herself frozen. Kainan moved forward and tried to pick Aeternus up, with Gordon subconsciously trying to shrink back into Muse's comforting figure (even if she didn't personally know the other, they clearly noticed her discomfort). Hearing Vanya welcome the bloodied stranger to the Tribe, Gordon peeked her head out from under Muse and blinked at Vanya. They're staying here? Again, something she wanted to ask, but the words wouldn't find their way to her mouth.

Truama. That could be true, this person could have witness something awful and she was being judgmental even though she knew exactly what being traumatized was like. Maybe she would get to know Aeternus better once he got cleaned and stopped being so wary of him.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: I LOVED YOU ☾ OPEN; JOINER - Aeternus - 05-07-2021

Oh. So he was being lifted up now. Naturally, when his scruff was held fast and his paws were no longer on the ground beneath, his body found itself going limp for the most part, minus his back legs curling up as to not hit anything on the journey over. He might have said something in confusion or similar, but conversation was still very much not in his list of priories. What was on his mind was the prospect of being clean, and a mention of a new home. Blue eyes blinked at Vanya, saying nothing just yet, but something had gotten through the haze if he managed to catch enough to purposely look to the Spiritualist. Perhaps he’d inquire later, he was busy being carried like a kitten. ”New home. Home?” Asking the rhetorical question, mumbling to himself, was the only response otherwise. It had yet to really click.