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PRIMADONNA GIRL ✿ OPEN - Printable Version

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PRIMADONNA GIRL ✿ OPEN - sunsetkisses - 05-01-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Living on a beach had it’s pros, it’s cons, and everything in between. One of the cons? Sun. Ironic, given her name she knew, but sometimes the rays that lit everything up could be a bit of a burden. And she liked the place too, so she had no intention of staying out of the sun, but the squinting on occasion was sort of stupid looking. Luckily for her, that wouldn’t be an issue soon, at least, not that big of an issue.

Having gotten bored, Sunsetpaw chose to deviate from her usual consistent hunting and investigate the damage left behind after Wyvern tore up the boardwalk like someone told her to tear the fuckin’ floor up and she took it far too literally, hopping over the things that had yet to be replaced or put back up. Like benches. Why was she here instead, you may ask? Simple, really, sometimes things were exposed to the light of day when everything was all fucked up and knocked over, sort of like cleaning a messy room and finding things you forgot you still had. And she was just nosy, really, there wasn’t much explanation of justification for that. She just wanted to see if anything cool popped up, or caught the light...and her attention. And something did! Eventually.

Something pink, bright and reflecting the color along the floor, a hint of metal sparkling in the sun as well. Shades or something, right? Sunset blinked, looking around as if she was doing something shady ( haha, shady ), tossing the sunglasses up and observing the shape. Heart shaped, pink and awfully cute. A whistle passed her lips, pushing them up onto her face. Sure, everything was colored the color of the glass, but at least it wasn’t so damn bright. And she looked fantastic.

Re: PRIMADONNA GIRL ✿ OPEN - rowena. - 05-02-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #76b8cc; text-align: left; padding-top: 10px; padding-left: 10px"]As an sliogán, Amhrán na Farraige
The boardwalk was a lot more interesting to explore now.  Like an obstacle course, the tiny hybrid had to climb or duck under things that were scattered about.  After all, climbing a regular bench was boring... Climbing a tipped over bench was fun.

As she clambered up one of those wooden towers (they were awful big for her) she spotted Sunsetpaw nearby.  Putting something on her face.  The tirone had never really done much accessorizing.  She'd seen earrings and necklaces among her mother's crew but... Whatever Sunsetpaw had on wasn't familiar.

They were shaped weird.  And colored weird... Could she see okay?  Rowena bounded over, seagreen hues large in confusion.  "What's on your face, Sunsetpaw?  It's cool."


[glow=white,1,400]CLINGIN' TO INSANITY !。+゚.[/glow]
The mess of the boardwalk was ironically also why Drayden was there. Though he saw Sunsetpaw shuffling through the wreckage, he assumed that she was just trying to clean things up like he was. That is, until he heard Rowena's voice, asking what was on Sunsetpaw's face. One of Drayden's ears flicked as he looked over at the two girls, now seeing that Sunsetpaw wore sunglasses.

"Those are sunglasses." Drayden answered for Sunset, with amusement in his tone and gaze. "They look pretty good on you, Sunny." Hey, if she could call him 'Spots', then he could call her 'Sunny', right? "You keeping them?" They didn't seem like something that someone would be up in arms over losing, in his mind.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: PRIMADONNA GIRL ✿ OPEN - rhosmari - 05-04-2021

The boy never considered other accessories. It just never popped into his head that he could potentially wear something else other than his crown that he essentially never took off. He was fortunate though to come across the whole situation and he stared at the molly. His non blind eye showed him a wondrous and beautiful picture, one that would always capture his attention. Sunset seemed to have some kind of power over him with the way his stomach did flips and the way he tried to speak but he could seem to form words correctly. It was here that he managed to walk forward, watching what she was doing. She had found something and that something appeared to be heart shaped glasses. He didn't know the correct term for it but he knew that they were normal worn in front of the eyes. Interesting.

When Drayden and Rowena spoke up he listened before looking down at his paws. " look pretty." It took him a moment to realize what he had said. A long embarassing moment where he felt as if he could die right then and there. "On you! They look pretty on you! Y-you look nice with them on..." His voice petered out as he scrambled backwards, trying to effectively hide himself behind Drayden.


Re: PRIMADONNA GIRL ✿ OPEN - sunsetkisses - 05-06-2021

[Image: DdB2JWR.gif]
Behold, her crowd of adoring fans. Kidding, of course, she’d never stoop so low as to be full of herself in such a way. Although, it wouldn’t be bad to have a little rabble of worshipers, a fan club of sorts. It just wasn’t something she’d create herself. Maybe.

”They are indeed sunglasses, keeps the brightness out of your eyes for the most part. But sometimes-“ She briefly took them off, spinning them around her paw before putting them back on her face with a bit of spunky flourish. ”You wear them for fashion’s sake. I should keep them! It’s a crime to look this good.” She stuck her tongue out with a playful smirk across her face, whiskers twitching to emphasize her high energy.

And by the grace of the powers that be, they were all joined by the father and son duo, who had little to no mercy on Goldenpaw that day. Now, sometimes she was oblivious and other times she was inattentive, but Sunsetpaw was no idiot, and was rapidly catching on to the cause of the discen’s reaction to her mere presence. She thought it was cute, poor thing needed some help. An amused laugh left her at the display, watching him try and duck behind Drayden but made sure not to stare too long or sound too harsh. She would never embarrass him. ”You’re just so kind to little ol’ me, Goldenpaw! What would I ever do without you?” Of course, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t have her fun, and she did mean the compliment. Probably should give him a little break though, Winterhymns could handle the rest. A parent had rights to tease their child gently, dontcha know. ”I might wear them around here and there, don’t want to break them on my little hunting trips, or get them dirty. That would be so tragic, you know?” She mewed with a shake of her head, just imaging the stupid little image of her washing them off. No thank you.