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what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - Printable Version

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what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - teef - 04-29-2021

[Image: original.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo. god of war - ancient. they/them/he/his. formerly blind. former hp of AE & RB. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. member of tanglewood. courting --. mentally moderate. physically hard.
The heat was something they had grown used to when they'd lived within The Pitt. If anything, it was a comfortable thing for them now, although everyone else struggled to remain comfortable. They hadn't heard much of the others, remaining solitary as was their nature after losing everyone that had once mattered to them. Silence ringing in their head, an around them - not even the bugs wanted to be out in the heat. The night was cooler but only by a little.

They were headed for the tavern, their mind a mess. There were too many painful things on their mind. It was somewhat close to the anniversary of fall of The Rosebloods, and everything only hurt even more. Breath shaking in their lungs, golden dragon in their black jaguar body, gray and white overtaking a good majority of it. Their gaze was tired and weary, though their thoughts were not so easy to see.

Stepping within, getting themself a drink as they waited for the few other brave beings to venture into the less intense night. Perhaps there would be others who dared to drown themselves in liquor. Their eyes closed as they sat alone for a moment, eyes half lidded as they re-opened, mind on faraway things.

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - SirDio - 04-29-2021

Starmap was never a drinker. She had never touched an alcoholic drink in her immortal life, as far as her memory served. But her husband had, how else would Etheria be filled with half-gods? It disgusted her, truly. But she never spoke out against it.

She tentatively stepped into the tavern, silver eyes scanning the area before she had spotted Bai Shi - the dragon. Of course, they were a Jaguar right now, but she had always known that Dragons were Dragons, no matter the forms they took. Steps were quiet and quick as she went to sit next to them, trying to get over the panic in her. "How have you been holding up?" She looked at her feet, ignoring the drink.

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
As a soldier, Vigenere had his fair share of drinks, though fortunately the demon didn't have a dependence on them. It was something to enjoy every now and again, though he wasn't going to drink during the heatwave. Alcohol could increase dehydration after all; though he couldn't blame anyone who wanted a drink, even an alcoholic one. "Good evening." The savannah greeted the two Tanglers - Starmap and Bai Shi - with a dip of his head as he approached. "I don't believe we've met." He commented, gaze on Bai Shi mostly (although had he ever officially met Starmap before?). "Vigenere Cipher." Might as well talk to people while he was here. The tavern wasn't really a place he wanted to be, with the temptation of drinking something.

But perhaps a conversation would distract him.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - arrow - 05-01-2021

Since she had returned from the dead, Arrow hadn’t had as much to drink as she used to. She certainly wasn’t going to try and revive that habit now, the dehydration of a hangover couldn’t be afforded and she was trying to be responsible for once in her life with these cubs on the way. A striking resemblance to the very reason Aurum gave for staying off the funny juice, but unlike the late angelic lion, Arrow would still be taking some sips now and again to keep her ass level. And to be sure no one drank her under the table in the future. Yknow, all her priorities in order, first came her family then came her self imposed title. Besides, she knew if she started then she would just keep thinking of all the many reasons she had to drink some more and it would be a never ending cycle until she passed out. A train of thought that Bai Shi also seemed to be on, but you couldn’t be around for that long without having some grief to drink away.

”Bask in my glory, ye tavern wenches and bastards, your queen has arrived.” Arrow pushed the door open with a rather interesting declaration, though frowned when she realized there weren’t many who would get a drink in the middle of the night. Hell, not even she would normally, but she couldn’t sleep and no offense to her lovely girlfriend, Elsweyr was not the type of woman you’d want to sleep next to in the heat, not even the cool of the night saved this one. That aside, she just couldn’t sleep. ”Well y’all are up at an unusual hour. Is there a story for that?” The cheetah inquired, blinking curiously at those already gathered within. Starmap made sense as the whole night goddess thingy she had going on, and Vig was a demon, did they even need sleep? But Bai...left her concerned, given the state in which they arrived.
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Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - teef - 05-05-2021

[Image: original.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo. god of war - ancient. they/them/he/his. formerly blind. former hp of AE & RB. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. member of tanglewood. courting --. mentally moderate. physically hard.
"How have you been holding up?" The question was the first thing to reach them, breaking through the barricade of mingling thoughts and partial memories. Blinking blue eyes, stretching their neck as they took a deep inhale and releasing it. They'd been a little startled to hear the soft voice, even with their waiting for other presences. "Ahem, I'm doing alright. How about you?", it was only customary to return kindnesses. Their gaze turned to her, an odd sense of fresh loss striking at their chest. They couldn't let the pain distract them. She'd been there at their arrival, and she still seemed to be on edge around them.

Next to come was another feline. Had they met before? He sort of reminded them of Atbash, maybe there was a relation? "Evening or is it morning?", they cared little to track the time these days. "Bai Shi Lingré. Feel free to call me Bai.", they would introduce themselves. There was nobody here they would let call them Lynn, at least not yet. It seemed he may be related, through his name at least to Atbash, "Are you related to Ms. Atbash?", call them overly curious.

Third to come was Arrow, humor flashing through their eyes at her announcement of arrival. "Good'ay to you too, Arrow. Story's the same. Nothing better than to down a few.", they would rumble softly. The others shouldn't have to be concerned over their state, but that's what good group members did. The lingering loss and emptiness in their chest could only remind them of their broken promises. "When this heat's gone ... say we have a drinking competition?"

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-05-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DO WE SENSOR OR DO WE FLOW ?。+゚.[/glow]
Was it morning? Vigenere supposed one could consider it morning, or one could still consider it evening; time was enigma, after all. Hardly mattered what one thought, at least in his mind. At the mention of Atbash though, Vigenere's gaze seemed to light up. "Indeed I am. She's my littermate." So was Caesar as well, though the former leader didn't bring his brother up; if Bai heard of him, then they would bring him up, would they not? Besides, Vigenere didn't really consider him a brother. Only by blood. Caesar lost the right to call himself a brother a long time ago.

Arrow came over, declaring that 'the queen' has come, making Vigenere roll his eyes in amusement. She then asked what the group was doing up so late, to which the savannah shrugged as an answer. "Don't really need to sleep." Their soul didn't, at the very least, though the mortal body they possessed did. Prior to the heatwave, Vigenere typically slept at night, since it brought him to the Mindscape - where he was able to see his family again, if only as a memory. But this heatwave made things almost unbearable, even feeling it throughout the night. Not as harshly for sure, but it existed nonetheless. Starmap was likely the same way, he'd assume, though he'd let her answer for herself.

Bai shi brought up a drinking competition and Vigenere was reminded of how his fellow soldiers used to do so. It wouldn't hurt. He wasn't an alcoholic by any means, but a competition sounded fun. "I'd be down for a little competition." The savannah finally decided, looking back over at Bai shi.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - SirDio - 05-05-2021

She looked back to Bai, tail flicking to Vigenere and Arrow in greeting. "Hanging in there." She spoke in a hushed voice, but turned to Vig and answered with the same tone, "Starmap."

Silvery eyes looked at Arrow, shrugging. "Yeah, I don't really need to sleep, either." And her face hardened slightly at the suggestion of a competition. "I... certainly don't mind watching."

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - rhosmari - 05-05-2021

Coming here and finding herself staring at the door to the tavern was an odd thing. She never really thought about the place and couldn't remember a time she had ventured into the tavern. Odd all things considered. She had been here long enough to know about it but her brain was all muddled. Yet she felt like she had been in it before. The Luminary was not really a drinker. She didn't find the soured liquid to be appealing but she knew of those that did. It was pleasant enough to them and so she didn't complain as long as it was in moderation and kept under control. It was here that she heard the voices talking amongst themselves and she was curious about everyone else's reasons for being up so late. She knew why she was up, given the situation that Tanglewood was in.

The heat gave her little room for sleep. She was restless and worried. But she supposed that she should at least try to find comfort in the company of others. Carefully she entered the tavern, shifting slightly at the stuffiness of the room made her fur bristle she would give a smile. "Well she is here now. So they can make it an actual party." The humor in her voice was slightly strained but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try and have a good time right now. Moving to stand near Arrow she brushed against her love before she sat down. "She is happy to see everyone is doing okay. Hopefully things will get better soon. What drinks is he having?" The fiery lioness questioned Bai as she tilted her head.

Re: what was right is wrong ◍ drinking, - teef - 05-10-2021

[Image: original.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo. god of war - ancient. they/them/he/his. formerly blind. former hp of AE & RB. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. member of tanglewood. courting --. mentally moderate. physically hard.
So Atbash was his littermate. Lingering in the depths of their mind was a partially familiar piss-colored feline with a sour attitude. Their gaze faltered at the painful memories of those gone before them, missing children and the like. They didn't know what had happened to the other members of Alithís Evgenis. They'd given up on leading and had taken their leave following the battle with the bandits. They hadn't been in the proper head then, nor now still, but this was their reality. They weren't going to turn their back and disappear again, not on more clanmates. Closing their eyes for a moment at the feelings building inside, taming the losses they knew.

"Sleep isn't an easy thing to come by. Easier to take a drink and keep things at bay for a lil' longer.", they would rumble in better answer to Arrow's question. Sleep was something they had a love-hate relationship with. Vignere, Starmap, and Arrow. A drinking competition would be fun, they found themselves thinking. It had been a long time since they'd had the company of others to share a drink with, let alone others who shared a similar sleep schedule as them. Head turning as Elsweyr as she entered, bowing their head to the lioness. Tanglewood seemed to be having a pattern of flaming lions in the seat of leadership - not that they minded. They didn't know the history of the land, and Aurum wasn't here. Their disagreements in the past weren't things to be brought up, and they were grateful for this group to have taken them in as they had.

"Greetings, Elsweyr.", they'd heard her name and appearance from the mouths of others in their stay. It would be strange for a former leader of other groups not to recognize the Luminary of Tanglewood. Taking a look back at their drink, "Scotch, I think. I can get you a drink if you'd like?", it was a friendly offer. Drinking wasn't always the smartest in intense heat, but they were a sucker for punishment. The atmosphere was one that they had learned to enjoy after years of leading their own soldiers into wars and battles they wouldn't come out of unscathed. Those years were behind them, years they would never forget, never even as they had become crowned the Imperial Prince and then Emperor. How could you forget the sacrifices of your brothers and sisters in arms, when you had survived from their sacrifices? Shaking their head abruptly, shaking back into place the fur that had lifted as if touched by ghosts, licking their scarred and interrupted shoulder fur down.