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WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - Printable Version

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WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - gael - 04-28-2021

They had a particular issue to discuss; set in the vulpine's jaw and icy gaze as he trotted up to the 'throne'.  The month had seen new members, recovery from the freeze, but the celebrations would wait.

"Pittians, gather for a meeting!"

Gael waited patiently, a stone, but his eyes remained the same cold even as he began.  "First, we welcome [member=18157]MAVIS V.[/member], [member=18073]HYDROSTATIC C.D..[/member], [member=18074]ASMODEUS[/member], [member=16139]westley h.[/member] and [member=16088]summer.[/member], into the Pitt."  A large number of new faces. "And welcome back, [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member] and [member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member] "  The latter they had seen before, but it was good to see them both well enough to make the journey back.

"We've placed markers along the edges of the nile.  So far, we have yet to see the water rise too high, but please remain cautious if you're ever nearby." No one should desire a mouthful of the blood nile. 

"Otherwise, I would like to encourage everyone to lend a paw to the hunting patrols when possible." They had a feast to prepare -- to celebrate the bloodings of the winter, as promised, although the faerie had more to say about one of those blooded individuals.

Now, the ardent frowned.  "As promised, Tanglewood has returned [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] to us.  He has met their justice, now he shall meet ours." He knew the jaguar had suffered grave injury, but he had still betrayed his clanmates and risked their safety.  "Jormungand, you are hereby stripped of your blooded status."

"You may eat only when your clanmates have had their fill, or only what you catch.  You may receive treatment for injuries, but never in full.  You will never cost more than necessary supplies. You will be watched, when you leave camp."

"You will pay this sentence until the ones you betrayed decree otherwise."

Gael scanned the crowd, ear flicking.  "Likewise, is there anything anyone would wish to add to this sentence?"

// tl;dr
— Welcome to everyone who has joined! [member=18157]MAVIS V.[/member] [member=18073]HYDROSTATIC C.D..[/member] [member=18074]ASMODEUS[/member] [member=16139]westley h.[/member] [member=16088]summer.[/member] and an official welcome back to [member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member] and [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member]
— A reminder that there are warning markers placed by the nile in case the spring rains bring the water level too high
— Hunting patrols are encouraged
— [member=18043]JORMUNGAND[/member] is to pay Pittian justice for his maiming of a Tangler and breaking the truce -- he is stripped of his blooded pittian status, may only eat last or what he himself catches, receive minimal treatment for any injuries and have an eye kept on him should he leave
— Gael asks if anyone wishes to add to Jormungand's sentence
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-28-2021

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - trojan g. - 04-28-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]Her first meeting in the Pitt since the Coalition had been defeated and run off to their own territory, since Stryker died and since she and Atticus's brainwash had been broken and they were left half dead to find a way home. The closest place that they could call such a thing had been Tanglewood, so there Sweeney had stayed for the time being, waiting for both of them to feel well enough to actually head back to their true home. It seemed as though once things had been well enough though, the shit with Jormungand happened and Sweeney had decided to stay back in Tanglewood, watching as he got beat up and as the leader of the swamp dwelling group tore claws through his chest to make the shape of an alligator's jaws there, hopefully scarring him forever.

She listened to the words that came from Gael's maw, taking note in what was said, eyes shifting around for those that were new, hoping that all the names that were said were the only ones that Sweeney couldn't put a face to, that eventually she'd be able to know who they were and know if they were pieces of shit or worth her time. Ear flicked at the mention of hunting patrols and she'd let a small nod leave her frame, tails curling around her paws as she listened to the final part. Gael wanted ideas for punishments for the traitor? A silent scoff left her at the thought. He already knew that Sweeney's thoughts were to kill the bastard, so she stayed silent as she thought of creative ways to do it, just in case.

Thoughts were broken as the voice of a child reached the kitsune's ears and she'd shake her head in response. "Suffered by the paws of a different group that he wronged, yes, but he also wronged his own group. He's lucky he's not dead for all the shit he brought back to us by pulling his stupid stunt." Not to mention the Coalition. He was exiled there, but she was sure if he ever set foot near them again they'd have their fun with him too.

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - aine. - 04-28-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
It'd been enough... To focus on the good.  New faces.  Tea.  Watching the spring bring new growth to the jungle.  But the petite deer-fox was still frustrated.  Furious.  Bitter.  And she sat on the edges of the crowd, tensely.  Wings pressed close to her sides.

Her father wanted their voices?  For them to offer their judgement?  Part of her agreed with Sweeny.  Part of her wanted to rip one of Jormungand's legs off.  The wanderer had told them... He'd taken the Tangler's wings.  Crippling damage.  They wouldn't be able to fly now.  Why shouldn't he suffer a similar loss?

Aine's ears sat flat against her skull.  Hazel hues dim.  Suffered enough... No.  But she understood... The children cared for their father but... He had risked their safety too.  "... He-he's lucky... It didn't start a war."  If it had... Well.  She doubted her father would be bothering with all this... No.  There wouldn't be a shred of hesitation to kill him.  Regardless of the children.  Being a father hadn't kept Jervis from justice.  He got what he deserved.

She didn't want war.  Not again.  She wanted to keep pushing forward.  No enemies.  No allies.  Finish recovering from the winter.  Build up trade.  They were getting ready to work on that with the Palm Glades... She was tired of seeing the peace and potential for prosperity ruined by the actions of foolish individuals who had no regard for the wellbeing of the group.  Tired.  Done.

"He deserves worse," she muttered under her breath, hooves pushing into the dirt.

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - westley h. - 04-29-2021

This is Westley's first meeting with the Pitt, his tail resting gently over his paws as he finds a seat.  When his name is mentioned, his head dips in acknowledgement.  He knows Gael is not the happiest to see him however, given the truth of who is was but he takes any welcome he can, whiskers twitching at the thought.

The clouded leopard blinks slowly as the matter of Jormungand is issued out -- a fascinating and unfortunate situation.  New as he is, Westley had heard murmurs of the matter but little else.  Now, he listened as Gael opened the floor to his clanmates to have a say in the sentence.  A decision he approved of, though he had no thoughts to add.

He is still new to the Pitt, with little context but the research he had done before hand.  Yet he had left another group for their unjustified war, he did not want to find his new clanmates here suffering for an individual of the same bloodthirsty mindset.

Westley had to feel for the kids though, hazel eyes soft on Hydrostatic.  "What he did sounds very serious.  Unnecessary bloodshed is costly." Believe me, I know.
**ilunga (n.) —-- westley hawkins / paleblood / penned by petrichor

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-29-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── worried glance was cast at his father, the older panther had been acting differently ever since coming here. he noted gael's punishments with a frown, the last words causing the corners of his lips to pull back in a grimace. he watched his brother hydro express displeasure and walked up to him, touched his nose to the top of his head gently. "there's nothing we can do about it, hydro." the fight with dante had allowed him to let out some steam but that didn't mean he still wasn't fuming.


Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-29-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
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IC TEXT | IC opinions only

Well this was to say the least interesting. Gael had called a meeting to specifically mention him. How nice. The cubs were welcomed and he cast an approving gaze in their direction, noticing asmodeus' concerned one shooting back at him. He shook his head ever so slightly, mentally chiding his son not to do anything. Hydro was loud enough for him to hear and he watched asmodeus walk up to him and show some sort of untaught affection. The smoke was still pouring across his body, wrapping him in darkness, and he flashed a smile at the dirt, chuckling quietly at a memory.
Sweeny was welcomed, his ears flickered in surprise as he looked over at her. She had been there, when Elsweyr branded him. Paw came up to chest again, brushing against the mark. Mouth opened, smoke coming from the back of his throat in a huff. Why was she here? Were they allowed to just go to whichever group they wanted to? Super. He'd remember that. A shrug as Gael announced his punishment, it was kinda sad he lost his rank, he had worked hard for it, but hey, at least he'd gotten a skull from the beast and scored a sweet pair of wings from the wench. Hopefully she burned in hell. Next time he wouldn't just... beat her up.
Next time she was done for.
Optics turned bright red, he looked up with a tilt of his head.

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - Kold - 04-29-2021

Kold huffed gently. The Marauder seemed to ignore the conversation that included Jormungand, but her ears angled toward them. "That, unless some others have a different idea, should be punishment enough." Not really, for she didn't know if the wild within Jor would be stopped after this. He had a chance, hopefully he didn't fuck it up. If he did, the children would end up hating Kold for what she would do. Fire flickered for a second. She wouldn't burn him.

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
The fact that Sweeney and Atticus were allowed to travel between The Pitt and Tanglewood was something Dante didn't approve of, though he never voiced his concerns out loud. What loyalty did those two have, if their attention was split between the groups they were apart of? Gael should have them choose. But whatever, Dante wasn't the Ardent nor any sort of high position and therefore, couldn't really try to enforce anything.

"I can start first watch over Jormungand." Dante offered, coming to stand next to the panther. He wanted to talk to the other guy, if he allowed him to, but he mostly wanted to make sure Jormungand didn't get himself in any more trouble. Dante was a troublemaker himself for sure, but Jormungand was one of the few that actually seemed to care when he had his own punishment to deal with.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: WALK THROUGH THE FIRE | meeting 4/28 + judgement - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-29-2021