Beasts of Beyond
GOING TO WAR WITH MY THOUGHTS // passed out - Printable Version

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[glow=white,1,400]DEEP IN THE OCEAN, DEAD AND CAST AWAY !。+゚.[/glow]
The heat was getting to everyone, this was an obvious fact. Although it clearly affected Elsweyr more, as evident by the emergency meeting that happened. It made sense, considering the other lioness was practically almost always ablaze; it likely didn't help her cool down any. But Chalice wasn't completely safe, either; being a maned lioness meant that she had a bit more fur as opposed to other lionesses and while she was accustomed to some heat, this didn't mean she was immune to it.

Chalice was planning on going out to hunt, to try and find something to be useful during this time of suffering. Prey was hard to find in this heat and everyone was having trouble and honestly, the woman wasn't entirely sure if even she was going to find anything. But I still have to try. She urged herself, despite the heat already making her feel nauseous. Despite being in the shade of the trees within the swamp, Tanglewood and herself were still heavily affected by the heatwave; the swamp was drying up and wasn't nearly as sloshy or mushy as usual. Which prevented anyone from getting some sort of moisture on their fur in an attempt to cool themselves off.

Hearing the rustle of leaves, the maned lioness dropped into a crouch, her ears pricked as her sights landed on a small squirrel. Anything will do. Chalice told herself, preparing to jump after the small creature - but just as she released the pressure in her hind legs that she built up, a wave of light headedness crashed over her. Chalice swayed on her paws for a moment, stumbling and scaring her prey, before ultimately she collapsed. Passed out, but thankfully still alive. She didn't fall on the side that held her sword either, thankfully.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: GOING TO WAR WITH MY THOUGHTS // passed out - VENUS C. - 04-28-2021

Venus usually liked the heat, and that was a well known fact, but right now? This was way too much, even for them. Being a shorthair and having the ability to bend water out of plants helped, of course, but since most of the vegetation was drying up, there was barely enough for them to drink and be satisfied. Yes, things were getting pretty fucking bad. Venus just hoped there would be an end to it soon, otherwise, they were seriously considering jumping ship on this one.

The demigod, like Chalice, had also been on their own hunting trip, attempting to find any sort of creature they could bring back for a meal. However, there really seemed to be nothing left out here. As soon as things started to dry up, most of the prey had probably high tailed it out of Tanglewood's territory, sensing the dry spell's death sentence on anything that dared to stay behind. Unfortunate. Stomach grumbling in response to Venus' thoughts, the blue feline would sigh miserably as they trodded along.

Suddenly, the sound of a loud thump would make its way to his ears, followed by a squirrel crossing in front of them, running for its life. What in the fuck had just happened? Had the Gods heard his complaints and decided to give Venus a blessing? Either way, they had completely fucked up their opportunity, the small critter now long gone and out of sight. Deciding to investigate where the commotion had come from instead, Venus would nearly trip over the collapsed form of Chalice, a clanmate they had yet to meet before now. "Oh shit!" Was she... dead? Putting their head down as close to the lioness' chest, they could tell her heart was still beating, which was a good sign, but this was still pretty fucking bad. "HEY! I need help, quick! Anyone?" Ven would call out from Chalice's side, his voice hoarse from dehydration. Gods, hopefully someone with medical knowledge heard their call... cause' they didn't know if they would have the strength to drag her back to camp on their own.
the road i walk is paved in gold to glorify my platinum soul