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getting ready - open; gathering water - Printable Version

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getting ready - open; gathering water - rhosmari - 04-25-2021

Just a couple of days later she was back up and working again. Even after she had been told that she was pregnant and that her cubs were coming soon she was back up and going. Her belly was well swollen and her paws felt the weight of it but she felt like she had no time to just sit around and do nothing. With the heat continuing they all needed to work hard and do their part to try and survive this. Breathing hard she had left the house early that morning, fighting her nausea and making her way back and forth with what she could find to gather water. The day she allowed for herself to take a breather was the day she had started using skins to make small containers to hold water. Leather pouches she had sewn together with a bone needle and thick straps of leather. With these and bowls and leather jugs she was ready to get to work. Making her way with as many containers she could carry she began the walk to the nearest water source. A small lake that was much more clean than the swamp waters.

To her dismay though it was looking rather low. The bottom nearly visible. "How long will this last?" She muttered to herself as she started to fill the containers. Water and food would become rare for them and the idea of asking for help was on her mind now. They may not make it much longer if things did get worse and she had a feeling that it would get worse before it would get better. Shifting her large stomach she leaned down to get a drink herself but not too much as she knew they needed to conserve what they had.

Re: getting ready - open; gathering water - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-26-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Having control of the element of water could only do so much. Atbash could only manipulate water that was nearby, whether it be dew on a leaf or pulling some from the beach - but with the heatwave, it was getting harder to even find a source of water. Hell, she was lucky she even managed to try and get some during the meeting whenever Elsweyr crashed. It took a lot of focus and a lot of energy.

Atbash hadn't been there for Elsweyr's pregnancy announcement, but it wasn't hard to notice that the Luminary was expecting. But that wasn't why the savannah was nearby; no, she was here to get a drink as well, something to at least last her for an hour or two. "Shouldn't you be resting?" Her tone was light-hearted and joking as she approached the lioness, though she did genuinely have her worries about Elsweyr being out-and-about. After a moment of silence, Atbash spoke up with concern in her voice now, "... Should we see if The Typhoon can help?" That was their only ally at the moment, were they not?
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: getting ready - open; gathering water - SirDio - 04-26-2021

"You should be resting, ma'am." Starmap said softly, voice rasped and throat dry. She had come for water but had heard of what happened, the collapse and pregnancy announcement. She swallowed thickly, looking up at the sky. "Chas'ma chel Solstice. Abyssia ytu Fathom." And she shook her head, looking back at the two. "The Typhoon sounds like a place where Fathom would live. He likes oceans." And she hoped he was there. He would manipulate a little bit of water as well, though his will was strongest under the waves.

And she knelt by the water, suddenly unable to will herself to drink. She stepped back, squinting at the reflection of the sun on the water.

Re: getting ready - open; gathering water - COLERE! - 04-27-2021

Colere Kokytos

"As they say miss leader, you should be resting" Cole stated smoothly as he came into view, narrowing his gaze slightly at the leader-it was too hot out and, with all the stress going on due to Moth going missing and the increase in the weather...their own leader shouldn't be going around and putting so much pressure on herself, especially now. "Take a break, we'll take over from here" he sighed lightly-looking away a bit with annoyance easily hidden by a soft look in his gold gaze. He didn't care but... he just wanted to make sure that their own leader won't stress themselves out so much.

"Speech"  Thoughts

Re: getting ready - open; gathering water - rhosmari - 04-29-2021

They all wanted her to rest and she could understand that. Rest was important for anyone but especially for her right now. She was pregnant. The woman had cubs growing inside of her. New life. It was almost surreal but she felt for those children it was just bad timing. She wanted to give them more but there was nothing she could do the currently situation. Her eyes shifted to look at Atbash for a moment as she mentioned the Typhoon. Getting help had also been on her mind. Slowly the flaming lioness sat down and she breathed in slowly, dry air filling her throat before she gave a small nod. "She is fine. She doesn't have time to rest right now. She will take a break soon she promises but we need to prepare for the worst." Slowly she began to film the containers with the water

As Colere came forward she turned to look at him before looking to Starmap. "She does think that Tanglewood will need the Typhoon soon. Everything is disappearing, too fast. She will be going soon to see if they can help."

Re: getting ready - open; gathering water - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-29-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Atbash's main concern was with the children that were growing inside of Elsweyr; stress could cause her to lose the litter and of course, Atbash didn't want her to experience that. No mother should. But at the same time, Elsweyr was their leader. Maybe it was a pride thing, she didn't know, but Atbash could relate to wanting to help despite the overwhelming duties leaders had. "The least they could do is provide prey and water for us to drink, I think. Maybe some herbs too." The savannah suggested, speaking some of her thoughts out loud. "Or maybe... one of their medics could stay while we try to find Moth."
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi