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The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Printable Version

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The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Casphian - 04-23-2021

Saturn had been in the Coalition long enough by now to of formed relationships with others which they luckily had. With these new relationships the snow leopard knew that they needed to gift these people in some way and what better way than to make flower crowns for each of them. And this is how Saturn found themself bounding towards the meadow that had planted some time ago. The feline slowed their pace as they drew closer to the flowers, finally stopping once they reached the area.

The leopard sat back on their haunches, a soft hum slipping past from them as they reached a paw out to gently touch a few of the flowers. They debated on who's crown to work on first and honestly it wasn't that hard of a decision. Byriath's crown they already had in mind for what flowers they wanted to do. Saturn reached out and gathered a few Red Carnations, Hyacinths and Honeysuckles, lucky that they were able to tell which flower was what by touch and then of course labels they could feel. Once they had the flowers they set to work gently tying the flowers into a simple yet elegant pattern. Eventually once they finished this one they would work on one for each of their kids, Dev, Anthem and Noémie.

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - RAVENWOOD - 04-23-2021

i'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
hoping to hit you somewhere vital

Flowers, just as Merlin had asked for. It plagued his mind, the seeping sweet scent filling his mind. It was almost intoxicating, the smell of flowers, sending his mind into a daze and made him fight consciousness. He was laying on his side in the meadow, his eyes closed and ears lowered. There were many thoughts plaguing his mind, his healing body, but there wasn't much more he could do besides let them play out. Something felt as if it was missing, drifting in his mind...

The sound of rushing paws stirred him.

Ravenwood's head picked up, looking across the way towards Saturn. A soft huff left his muzzle. No nap, albeit it wouldn't have been very peaceful anyways, but it still would've been a nap. Slowly, the wolf pushed to his paws, stretching his body and groaning. And, with that, Ravenwood slowly approached Saturn. "Whaddya doin?"


Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Grimm - 04-24-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Fragile blooms, delicate petals akin to paper anchored to a pistil, a fleeting beauty. Misunderstood appeal, never found. The way of things, beauty a trivial notion others may bear, indulge for given to them everything that allowed it to transpire. Accepted the fate hand dealt, handled with a grace it did not bear well.

Meandering that which drew silent presence to the thick growth of flora, purpose lacking, unneeded when accustomed had it grown to carve out a path all its own. Falsehood proven this time, beneath the sweet scent drawn together into heady aroma, numerous the blooms grown full and beautiful beneath the gentle touch of spring light, another. Earthen and distinct, in the hidden strands of its coat lodged, deep the breath expelled through dark nostrils, next seeking it.

Distance closing, steps not quickened from languid pace, tread careful, woven progression seeking not to crush the blooms that clustered about. Short the time before they were found, familiar one while other was lacking from recent memory, curiosity gentle, driving force behind approach. Sudden huff, audible the breath, exposed lips curling. Strange the sensation, lacking the drag of old fabric, breeze gentle against, shadowed beneath raised hood. There is it still, a smile meagre and ever so brief, gone as vision turns, that which was handed with care caught.

Experience in the manner stems were woven, unbroken beyond where severed from the soil once lodged within. Large blooms central point, about clustered smaller, spaces filled with bright hues. Forth drawn, nose twitching, inspected the incomplete adornment. Still was there distance between self and other, a figure enjoyed, presence soothing compared to most, to mark them as anything significant beyond it.

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - rhosmari - 04-24-2021

Walking slowly the woman was curious of what the other was doing. She had never thought of having a craft like this. It was not her style, playing with flowers. She didn't see anything of worth there but she was drawn in none the less. Tilting her head as she paused she watched as the flowers were woven together almost intricately. The thought of doing this herself almost made her frown, she would easily get frustrated. Yet she was okay with watching someone else do the pointless endeavor. The Kingpin finally stepped forward and she was as curious as Ravenwood was on what the other was doing right now. Glancing to the new member the leopardess would sit down and focus solely on the individual making the flower crowns. "I'm assuming you are making those to give to someone." The woman began as she looked at the flowers and stems after all what else would this whole thing be about.

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Casphian - 04-24-2021

The snow leopard had been fully unaware of the wolf that had been resting within the meadow so it came to no surprise when Saturn startled a little when the other drew closer and spoke up with their question. They had been so focused on getting started with their gifts and then gotten so drawn into their work they had completely lost touch with their surroundings. They blankly peered up at Ravenwood, words seeming to die on their tongue for the time being. It wasn't much longer that Noémie would appear, curiosity radiating from them drawing the feline back to the reality that had partially slipped from when they had been startled. "Oh I'm just making flower crowns," they mused, finally responding to Ravenwood.

Head turning to the side slightly, an ear would flick at the sound of another feline approaching and by the scent alone Saturn could easily tell that Sojourn was the one to be approaching. "Ah yea I wanted to gift some of the clan members gifts since I wasn't sure how else to show my gratitude of them accepting me," they hummed, turning their attention back to Byriath's crown, finishing it up and then setting it aside. They gathered more flowers, different ones this time, and set to work weaving another crown.

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - ARVID R. - 04-25-2021

Flower crowns. They were honestly a foreign concept to Arvid. He had never been taught to make them by anyone else, and it wasn't as if he had seen them during his travels. His human family hadn't lived anywhere near a flower field, and the scientists certainly hadn't cared for such pretty, frivolous activities. Even during his still rather recent explorations of the Beyond, he hadn't come across anyone making flower crowns. Maybe he was just looking in the wrong places, or perhaps everyone was just too damn busy everywhere he went. Either way, the pup had a look of confusion on his face as he approached, watching what Saturn was doing with a sense of curiosity. They were making those things to... give to people? So they were gifts, then. Well, that was pretty nice, although he had to wonder how someone would cope if they were allergic to the flowers they were given. Hopefully it wouldn't come up, though.

With his tail wagging from side to side behind him, Arvid questioned Saturn with a surprising amount of innocence, "What are those things? I've never seen 'em before. Are they just... exactly what they sound like?" Flower crowns... a purely aesthetic item? Once again, it seemed nice in concept, but wouldn't the flowers eventually wilt and fade and make the entire thing look much worse? The canine didn't want to rain on Saturn's parade, though. So instead, he just offered the other a somewhat mischievous smile as he asked his follow up question, "And... am I getting one too?" It seemed like he would, considering he was Saturn's son, but one could never be too sure. Besides, Arvid still wasn't really... used to gifts, in any capacity. He was used to needing to seek things out himself, and take them.
i wanna be the sand inside that hourglass

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - angelembrace - 04-25-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Flower crowns, a fascinating project to pass the time. Flowers in their entirety had worked their way into Angel's mind as something always associated with Saturn, despite one perhaps assuming with a such a name something more astrologically oriented might fall more in line. However, between the field and now the gifts, it was inevitable.

"So these are gifts!" Angelembrace mewed, nearly squeaking as excitement entered his little baby voice, pacing around to observe all the flowers that would be made into little crowns. Various colors that it occurred to him Saturn couldn't even see, which made him a little sad.

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Byriath - 04-25-2021

Flowers. Flower crowns. The Guru padded forth, tilting his head at the flowers that were around Saturn, dipping his head to everyone else who had showed up. "Gifts, hm?" He sniffed the air. "They do look quite pretty. I do believe they're called Flower crowns." not that he would have ever worn one. There was never time for flowery shit on the battle field.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Casphian - 04-28-2021

An ear swiveled towards Byriath when he approached, his voice washing over the snow leopard sending a small shiver to race down their spine. “Ah Byr I have yours finished already,” the called out to the other, gently lifting up the crown in their paw. They teaches out towards him, attempting to find the other so they could either hand the crown to them or place it on their head.

Saturn chuckled lightly at what Arvid said, huffing slightly in their direction. “Of course you’ll be getting one, you and Angel both,” they mused, wishing to be able to nuzzle into their wolf pup. “Ah yes Angel these are gifts, one of the many things you could gift someone,” they hummed. It saddened Saturn to know that Angel didn’t know what a gift was but suppose it would make sense knowing who his mother was.

Re: The flowers, they call to me + flower crown making - Byriath - 04-29-2021