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NEVER KNEW I WAS A DANCER / open - Printable Version

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NEVER KNEW I WAS A DANCER / open - Nayru - 05-20-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
In her dream, everything was dark. Nayru had stumbled through the suffocating black for as long as she could, bumping into unidentifiable objects and hoping and praying to the Goddesses above that she would not come across anything dangerous - she was a princess not a warrior after all, and though the two could peacefully coincide within one being, she was far from adept in anything combative - but it was growing to be too much.

The voices helped her not. Detached whispers that seemingly belonged to no one, they surrounded her trembling form as she continued on within this awful place. The nurse had been, as far as she was concerned, alone... so who kept speaking to her? The whispers only managed to grow louder and more audible as she pressed on and a chill coursed through her petite figure when she realized that they were talking about [i]her

[b]"The Goddess of Wisdom is dead!" One cackled.

"Her sisters will follow her soon!"
Screamed another.

But she wasn't the Goddess of Wisdom. They shared a name, certainly, but she was far from a divine entity. Why did she feel as if this was about her?

"Their worlds will fall apart. We've succeeded."[/i]

And then, Nayru woke up.

She was obviously distressed as she abandoned her tiny room, needing to feel the sun on her face more than anything. [b][color=#6b7e99]"What was that?"
Nayru inquired in a small voice, finding a place situated in the sunlight to resettle within. A foreboding feeling had all but swallowed her as she gazed at her clanmates, lips twisting into a frown and her mind going about a mile a minute. She so desperately wanted to understood but found that she couldn't. She absolutely couldn't. A sigh fell from alabaster lips and she shut her eyes for a brief second.

[color=#6b7e99]"Maybe I should never have left home."

Re: NEVER KNEW I WAS A DANCER / open - Luciferr - 05-22-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"something wrong Nayru?" came a voice behind the scarfed nurse, as fenris stepped into view and moved to lie down on the floor beside Nayru - no doubt something concerned her if what he'd overhead and her general current demeanour was something to go by and fenris, much like his father before him, was rather predisposed to wanting to help those under his purview so to speak.


still the hellion inclined his head, gaze assessing "are you alright?" fenris had never been one to scorn an omen but neither one to outright take it as truth, fate could be changed after all.


Re: NEVER KNEW I WAS A DANCER / open - COSMIIX - 05-22-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Arriving next, the jaguaress would angle her curved ears forward hearing voice off in the distance before finally approaching hoping she wasn't interrupting anything but the way Fenrisulfr seemed to handle the situation itself was. . . Heartwarming to say the least. The Goddess would watch for a bit before she would lower her own form a bit and come forth letting her side brush against Fen's only to tilt her head in her own inquiry, she hoped that Nayru was doing alright and well, if the young nurse needed anything then Amunet would be sure to try to get it. Fen seemed to have asked all the questions as of right now and she only offered a gentle smile before uttering in a quiet yet gentle voice "Do you need anything, dear?" The Goddess would twitch her whiskers briefly in a bit of concern.

Re: NEVER KNEW I WAS A DANCER / open - Nayru - 05-23-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
As Fenri and Amunet joined her, Nayru was forced to combat her innate desire to shrink away from their presences. They appeared to be worried about her... and not in the sense that she was used to. Her father had never taken to busying himself with her inner turmoil unless something pertaining to her seemingly non-existent clairvoyance had occurred. This pair simply seemed interested in her general well-being. The change of pace, though foreign, was nice admittedly.

[b][color=#6b7e99]"I... Uh..." The young medic began, grappling for words that she felt could accurately convey her situation. [color=#6b7e99]"I had a bad dream." She felt suddenly childish for confessing that and, in result, permitted her cerulean gaze to fall upon the ground ashamed. "A nightmare? Have our Goddesses forsaken us, Nayru? You're useless! You can't save us!" Her father's voice rang in her mind, forcing the creamy tabby to flinch.

Her thoughts returned to her initial statement suddenly, and she realized with shocking clarity that she was in every right to have left. Nobody seemed angry at her for being a failure here. If anything, they accepted it. This life had already succeeded in treating her better than the one she had led as a disappointing princess. [color=#6b7e99]"May I have some water, Amunet?" She inquired softly, dismissing her thoughts and deciding to take the fae up on her offer. 

Re: NEVER KNEW I WAS A DANCER / open - beck. - 05-25-2018

    The last time he ever dreamed, much less trapped himself in his own nightmare felt like eons ago -- which wasn't that far from the truth. Centuries, eons, eternities, it all was the same to him. Years without sleep had severed all ties with any sort of dream state. But he knew other beings had dreams, he saw it in their limbs as they twitched in their sleep and their eyes as they fluttered beneath their eyelids. Not that he watched people as they slept, but he did. What else was he to do with twelve hours of night?

      Nayru didn't wake up to a looming spirit staring down at her this time. Yet the unkempt feline lingered not too far away, busy exhuming worms and grubs, and trapping them within recycled containers ranging from tuna cans to discarded cups. Most passerby never questioned their commander's childish methods, their concerns either ignored, refuted with a defensive "leader business", or simply answered with a deranged glare. Scooping up his most recent find -- an iridescent pillbug -- Beck coddled the isopod for a moment, entranced by it scuttling across his branded paw pad with ticklish legs. Flipping his paw over as the pillbug crawled to the edge of his palm so it wouldn't fall and escape, Beck studied it blaze trails through the mud and soil caking his fur. A notched ear swiveled to the direction of where a nearby creature left her overgrown home in a royal flurry, eager for the boy to stalk over and investigate. Distracted instincts were far more focused on the roly-poly at first, inky nose tetchily sniffing at its glossy, armadillo-like shell instead. It was only when the regal forms of their resident "gods" approached to confront Nayru did he tilt his head up to watch.

      Lifting his muddied paw to ease the isopod onto one of his bony shoulders, Beck stumbled to his feet, not bothering to brush away the grime collected on his underbelly, darkening his front, or smudging his freckled cheeks. He quite easily slipped under Fenrisulfr's legs to get a better view, mindful of his pillbug passenger as he squirmed past the taller hellion. Blurred eyes failed to make out the finer wrinkles portraying a frown on the princess' features, but her uneasy posture was enough to give him a clue. Still, just to be sure, the poltergeist crept closer until he was nearly under her chin, blinking owlishly up at her before croaking out, "Why the sad face?" He didn't remember what was so bad about dreams, they were just weird hallucinations, right? Maybe she had a visit from that one villain he could recall watching on a screen -- although he doubted Nayru would have caught the attention of that sweater-wearing freak. Once more raising a scarred paw up to his shoulder blade to capture the scrabbling isopod, he offered his discovery up to her wordlessly, swiping a pallid tongue over his teeth in an effort to stop any vibrant chemicals from leaking out of his disfigured maw.