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Take my body - Painting - Printable Version

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Take my body - Painting - SirDio - 04-21-2021

The god walked the stone wall that circled camp, taking in the artwork that decorated it. It seemed one of the more common references in most of the artwork was the sun. That... well, that unnerved them. The sun that the tribe worshiped seemed different, much different, than the sun he had followed. The sun that made the god who they were. Who made them a god. Who branded them, then killed them after she was dethroned. The sun that watched Muse was different than the sun that watched over the tribe. Legs shaking, breath stirred, the god placed a black paw against a blank spot on the stone. Maybe they could... Maybe.

They shuffled through the bag on their left side and pulled out a container of black paint, then containers of red and white. Opening the containers and setting them on the ground, they dipped a shaking paw into the black paint. Then they started to paint. At first, it seemed like they were doing okay. A night black sky, maybe. They dipped their paw in the white and dotted the sky with stars, though at some point, with how shaky their paws had become, some of the stars were smeared. With red paint they had begun to outline certain shapes, feline and serpentine. These were the worst, as they were smudged and shaky.

With the sun beating against their back they stepped from the small piece they made. Rainbow eyes looked pained at the sight - black sky with smudged stars and even more smudged outlines meant to be people. Paint stained paws dug against the ground and they sighed, trying to steady themselves. Steady their paws, their breathing. He was watching, he had to be watching.
Sometimes all i think about is you

Re: Take my body - Painting - Casphian - 04-23-2021

Kainan was sat off in the distance, resting under a tree while observing the Tribe as most mingled about. His mix matched gaze drifted towards Muse when he noticed the black feline padding close by, head tilting slightly as he watched the other place down buckets of paint in front of the wall. It was always nice to see what others would paint on the wall, especially new members of the Tribe. The hybrid lowered his head onto his paws, silently watching Muse set to work oon adding a new painting to the wall, and much to his surprise one that wasn't about Harpous, which was also a welcomed change.

As the painting went on Kainan could easily spot where the paws started to tremble and the lines started to become blurred and wobbly. Confusion and concern snaked through his body but not enough to cause him to speak up about it and voice any questions he had. No instead he would push himself up from where he laid and silently pad over to Muse, standing beside the feline once they had finished their artwork. "It's a lovely piece, you have a talent for painting," he hummed.

Re: Take my body - Painting - MORAG TONG. - 04-24-2021

Before joining the tribe, Morag Tong had never been a particularly spiritual individual. It was quite ironic, considering his title within the group nowadays. Regardless, he hadn't been raised to believe in spirits, or gods watching overhead, judging the actions of "mortals." His birth home had been far more focused in jobs and getting them done, rather than obsessing over individuals that lived in the sky. His attitude had changed when he had joined the tribe, however. He had come to appreciate the idea of gods much more, although he remained somewhat skeptical, if he was being honest. He supported and respected both Harpous and Vistarious, but he also occasionally saw them more as constructs, rather than proper people. He tended to see them as representing the sun and the moon, rather than literally living within them, or being them. He mainly kept this to himself, however, not wanting to clash with anyone else's interpretation of things.

He had never really thought about what would happen if someone else arrived, who had a completely different idea of who represented the sun. Muse's presence seemed to represent something uniquely new, although Morag Tong wasn't completely aware of this, just yet. He didn't quite see everything between the lines, although Muse's painting certainly was... intriguing. Moving over to sit down nearby Kainan, Morag remained silent for a moment before raising one of his white paws. He pointed at the rust colored vague shapes that lingered within the stars of the painting, questioning, "Your work is very nice... although, if you don't mind me asking, what are those meant to represent?" He didn't notice the other's unease – not yet, anyways. Instead, his focus was solely on their painting, and what it could mean about their past.

Re: Take my body - Painting - rhosmari - 04-24-2021

Re: Take my body - Painting - SirDio - 04-27-2021

The god drew in a deep breath as Kainan walked over, steadying a paw and looking up at him. "Thanks.." There was a smile, hardly noticeable, that tugged on their lips as they looked to Morag. Then to Vanya. "No need - relaxed, now. If needed, can ask." The smile got wider, then they decided to answer Morag's question. "Old friends. Night," They pointed at the smaller feline figure, "Good friend, had bad husband." And they looked at the sun. "Solstice." and the smile dropped.
Sometimes all i think about is you

Re: Take my body - Painting - Casphian - 04-28-2021

Kainan followed Muse’s gaze, taking notice of the smile that feel from them when they peered up at the sun. “Is Solstice your version of Harpous?” He asked, turning his attention back towards the God. “Oh well I assume you wouldn’t know who Harpous is yet so let me rephrase, is Solstice your sun?” He asked once more, this time wording it to be easier for the feline to answer.

Re: Take my body - Painting - rhosmari - 04-30-2021

Re: Take my body - Painting - SirDio - 05-01-2021

The god shuddered. With a gentle nod to Kainan and Vanya, they placed a paw against the painting. "A horrible god, Solstice. His eye is the sun. Always watching me." They shook their head with vigor. "Hurt Starmap, hurt the night herself." Their only friend, the only one who defended Muse. "Muse hate's Solstice. Hates the sun."
Sometimes all i think about is you

Re: Take my body - Painting - Casphian - 05-01-2021

A soft, thoughtful hum sounded from the Spirit Watcher, his gaze flicking towards Vanya as he announced his departure, dipping his head in farewell. The hybrid shifted his attention back towards Muse, debating on his next set of words. “He sounds awful and I’m sorry he hurt you two but I can promise you Harpous won’t ever hurt you, his rays are soft and comforting,” he mused. “But it is understandable if you do not trust him right now or ever, it sounds as if you’ve been through a lot.”