Beasts of Beyond
Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - Printable Version

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Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - SirDio - 04-21-2021

The sun was warming up their back considerably fast as they walked, rainbow eyes squinting against the light as they halted. The jungle before them was welcoming, a way to hide from his gaze, but the territory marker that was placed before their paws told them it was not free land. Under their tan cloth scarf the branding felt like a burning welt, as though it had still been recently burned out. It had been there for several centuries, however. The bags that hung from the left and right sides of their body felt heavy with art supplies, and they sat down.

They hadn't been to a group's territory at all, usually steering away from such places out of fear that he would be there, ready to demand loyalty from the artist god. So they stared across the way before their soft voice reached out, "Cshio'ku? Anyone live here?" His native language felt rough on their tongue, but still they greeted the air with it.
Sometimes all i think about is you

Re: Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - Casphian - 04-21-2021

Kainan had been flying through the air above the trees, taking the time to patrol the territory from the sky since it wasn't done as often as land patrols were. Plus it was just nice to be able to stretch out his wings and soar through the air as Galid's wind ruffled through his fur and scales. It wasn't much longer that an unfamiliar scent drifted through his nose, drawing the hybrid to dive towards the ground, following after the scent that seemed to be located at the Tribe's borders.

Landing on the ground in front of Muse, Kainan folded his wings against his body, orbs shifting towards the pure black feline. "Hello there, the Tribe of The Molten Spirits resides here, what is it that you seek?" The Spirit Watcher hummed, tone neutral as he spoke to the other. Kainan almost always kept neutral stances with newcomers until proven good or bad, the few exceptions being slim.

Re: Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - MORAG TONG. - 04-21-2021

Cshio'ku? That was certainly... a new one. Morag Tong had never heard such a word before, confusion filling him as the rough voice of Muse rang out through the air. Despite not recognizing that particular phrase, the words that came after held more familiarity, drawing the spiritualist over as usual. He arrived shortly after Kainan, settling into a seated position beside the hybrid as he looked Muse over. The bags that hung from the other's sides were of particular interest to the male, although not because he thought they would be an issue. They didn't smell of herbs, nor did they look like they held any weapons, instead he smelled... paint? Was that from himself and Kainan, or was it from this newcomer? Had an artist stumbled upon their humble little tribe? That certainly was lucky, considering their traditions.

Seeing as Kainan had dealt with the usual opening question, Morag simply waved his tail in greeting at Muse, his voice a calm rumble, "Hey there. I'm Morag Tong, the spiritualist of the Tribe." He knew the other wouldn't know exactly what the title of spiritualist entailed, but that was fine. Hopefully the title alone would be enough to let Muse know that he and Kainan were serious. It didn't seem like the other had come to cause any trouble – they probably wouldn't have called out if they were going to – but one could never be too careful.

Re: Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - SirDio - 04-21-2021

The Art god stood and stepped back a bit as Kainan landed, ears flicking. No sign of him, good. That let them relax, a smile gracing their gentle face. Just a group, just a leader asking why he was here. At least, Kainan seemed like the leader.

Their eyes instantly caught onto Morag's colorful pelt as he approached; for a slight moment fear graced their rainbow eyes before they relaxed. That, for sure, wasn't him. The sun never stood that tall, never stood with a colorful pelt. That was more cause to relax. "Yes, uhm.. My name is Muse and.." They focused on a plant in thought. What did they seek? After Etheria, after their death, Muse had wanted to stay away from groups. But this group might be different. Maybe they should give it a shot. "I seek to join, if that's okay."
Sometimes all i think about is you

Re: Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - Casphian - 04-21-2021

Kainan shifted his head towards Morag Tong briefly when the other appeared and greeted the other. He flicked his tail towards the river in greeting, appreciating that the other showed. The hybrid turned his attention back to Muse, humming softly as he listened to what the feline had to say. He perked up at the mention of wishing to join, the tip of his tail wagging slightly much to his dislike. “Well Muse we’d be glad to have you here in the Tribe,” Kainan said, a smile gracing his features. “Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Kainan the Spirit Watcher if you’d like I could show you around the camp so you can get adjusted to the territory.”

Re: Nothing left to say now - Joining, Open - MORAG TONG. - 04-24-2021

The brief fear in Muse's eyes was not lost on Morag Tong, although he did find himself vaguely confused by it. What did the other have to fear? Was this someone related to one of his past assassination targets? It didn't seem likely, considering he did a large amount of research into his old targets before taking care of them. For now, though, the tiger just made a mental note to keep an eye on Muse. He did so with most newcomers anyways, so it didn't seem like all that big of a deal.

Taking in a deep breath, Morag allowed himself to settle slightly before he spoke once more, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Muse. Welcome to the tribe. I definitely recommend one of Kainan's tours, by the way. He has a certain way with words that makes the entire territory seem rather magical." The male shot a small amused grin in Kainan's direction as he spoke, tail flicking behind him. He could still remember when he had first joined the tribe, following after Kainan and asking so many potential security questions that the spirit watcher had nearly grown light-headed.