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atonement - open; returning jor - Printable Version

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atonement - open; returning jor - rhosmari - 04-20-2021

Time had passed and they had come and taken their prisoner. The woman had been more than happy to take him to pay for his crimes against Tanglewood. She had more than enough of the Pittian being in the swamp and the distrust she was constantly given despite her having done nothing to wrong the Pitt since she had come to these lands. Things in the tribal huntress' mind were backwards. She had never know these animals and her being leader was a different story being unfolded. Yet she had been ridiculed and attacked. Called an idiot because of her speech. Her muzzle curled in disdain and frankly she didn't want to be here much longer than was necessary. She only struggled to keep the peace because of three individuals. But her patience was growing very very thin. Very.

The woman was currently pregnant, information she had yet to find out herself. Frankly she just thought she was catching a cold. With how nauseated she was getting and sluggish she felt she assumed that must be the case. But she also noticed she felt heavier. So walking the distance to the Pitt with Jormungand in two as well as with Sweeney and Atticus was a bit if a chore. But as the Luminary she had duties she needed to handle. To protect her from the sun's ray she wore her crocodile skull and the skin of one. The dark colors she painted on it to reflect the rays and keep her cool. Flames flickered just beneath the skin and skull mask as she paused upon the border with the trio in tow. The prisoner had suffered a varying amount of wounds plus a branding that she had done herself.

But she had other things to worry about considering Moth had went missing during this whole punishment giving. She just wanted to get home as soon as possible and leave this miserable desert behind. Now they just needed to wait for someone to find them.

[member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member]
[member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member]

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - trojan g. - 04-20-2021

[align=center][div style="width: 60%;text-align: justify;font-size: 10pt;"]Sweeney had wanted to go home for a while now, but it had seemed that every time she was just about ready to leave to do so, something happened. The most recent of such "things" had been, of course, the prisoner that Tanglewood had taken with them. It wasn't often the swamp did things such as that, so the kitsune had stayed there in Moth's home up until now, watching and listening to what was happening. If it had been up to her she would have simply killed Jormungand on the spot, children be damned. She was tired of others making the Pitt the fool of all the groups, testing the waters to see if they could get away with something then running back home with their tails between their legs in the hope that nothing would be done.

This has been a step in the direction Sweeney wished her home to be in, though she knew that as long as Gael led it wouldn't be as violent as it was before. The kitsune wished for things to be similar to how it had been under other's rules, but it had seemed as though as well that Gael had been able to keep the peace rahter easily with the other groups around them. As much as Sweeney had once hated Tanglewood and all they stood for, it now held a special place in her heart, and she only hoped that they would one day be a group that the Pitt had good relation with. The actions of others weren't helping that though.

A small sigh left the Kitsune's throat as she sat down, ears pricked as she waited for Atticus to catch up and waited to see who would arrive at the border first. Of course, depending on who it was would depend on her attitude at the situation. She could only hope that it wasn't Dante or someone similar to him. She had been gone for a while so didn't know who was still here and who else had joined, so she had no clue if there were others similar to their prisoner here still or not.

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Unfortunately for Sweeney, it would be the hybrid approaching first. Dante had taken it upon himself to patrol the area a little bit more often than he usually did, mostly for the chance to catch that murderer that was on the loose so he could let some frustrations out. Dante had been angry at Gael for allowing Elsweyr and Tanglewood to take Jormungand, even if he expected some sort of punishment to come out of what Jormungand had did. The Ardent was all about loyalty... How much loyalty did throwing one of your own to the wolves get you?

"What do you want now?" Dante's voice was clearly irritated as he approached the small patrol, purposely trying to puff out smoke from his cigarette in Elsweyr's direction as he spoke. He did note that Jormungand was in tow behind Elsweyr and in the back of his mind, he was hoping this meant that his punishment was over - but he didn't get his hopes up. Dante ignored Sweeney and simply glared at Elsweyr, awaiting a response from the Luminary.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - aine. - 04-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Cold.  The only feeling aside from wrath the druid had left to give.  For Jormungand.  Entirely cold.  Ice in her hazel hues.  He deserved what he got.  He deserved worse.  He put everyone she cared about in danger.  He put the lives of not two, but three groups, in jeopardy. 

He deserved no loyalty.  No protection.  Not from her.  Not from her father.  Not from any true Pittian.  They protected their own... Not endangered them.  Why should they give him anything when he lacked consideration for them?

The fleshweaver trotted over silently, wings folded close to her sides.  Cold.  Wary of the fire-wielding lioness... Though something... Looked different about her.  Still.  The flicker of flames made her mind buzz uncomfortably, lungs tight. 

The deer-fox shouldered past Dante for once.  Into a stance of some authority.  If he wanted to be an ass, well.  Fine.  But he had no command here.  And he was being stupid regardless.  Nearly made her roll her eyes.

It was blatantly obvious what Elsweyr was here for.  Returning Jormungand.  And it seemed Sweeny and Atticus were with her.  She flicked her ear.  More relieved to see the other two than anyone else.

"Sweeny.  Are- are you okay?"  The other vixen would have first priority to the healer, though she looked well to her.  Sweeny deserved it more.  After what the Coalition did, then having to deal with both Dante and Jormungand's actions.  None of it was fair.

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-21-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── he had  been fuming for a while, furious, snapping out at anyone and everything who attempted to calm him down. he smelt danger, enemies, blood, lots of it. followed aine, frown on his face. stopped next to the druid. saw elsweyr, saw his dad. jormungand, on the floor, weak. blood everywhere, hole in his chest. he expected punishment but not that. furious gaze turned onto the
luminary and fixated onto her, body shifted slightly and sparks danced across skin, fur spiking up. felt weird, felt new. different, but he liked it. pretty. twitched tail, watched blue electricity glitter before returning attention to the enemy. "what have you done to him?" this made him angry, mad, he wanted to lash out and hit someone or something and destroy.


Re: atonement - open; returning jor - rhosmari - 04-22-2021

There was really nothing to say here and she didn't have time to twiddle her paws at the border of the desert so instead she merely looked at Dante and answered his question as straightforward as possible. "Bringing back your rule breaker." In one piece she supposed. Though he didn't have many wounds. A torn shoulder, a brand on his chest, and anything anyone else had done to him prior to his old wounds. He simply needed treatment if the Pitt was even willing to give it. After that she turned to the child, one in which she simply looked upon before she turned to look at Atticus and Sweeney. A small smile pulled at her muzzle before she dipped her head to the both of them. "She is sure the both of them can handle it from here. She has business to attend to back at home." With a light dip of her head the Luminary took a step back before she turned and left the scene. She felt much too hot for this desert right now and she needed to figure things out back at home with this heatwave they had going on.

- out!

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - Kold - 04-22-2021

She was quiet in arrival, stepping into the scene as Elsweyr left it. Good. She didn't want to get snippy. Asmodeus was already about to go like a bomb around anyone. What did they do? Should she tell? Her own electricity, white and gold, sparked across her wings. "Law is merciless. Your father is alive." Be grateful. Her face was cold and emotionless as she stared at Jor. They kept their promise. There was no reason for her to feel - not for Jor, at least. But she worried about the children. Asmodeus, specifically.

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-22-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── elsweyr didn't say anything. she just looked at him, turned tail and left. he watched a small smirk appear on her maw, one he wanted to rip straight from her bones and crunch into shreds and dust. a figure approached, by scent he recognised the marauder. her  wings sparked and his fur pricked up in return, static in the air nearly unbearable. he hopped in spot, shaking his head. "i don't care if he's alive. i want revenge." he wasn't there to witness what jormungand had done to merlin but he frankly didn't care. his ties to his father ran deep, very deep and he wanted to make her or at least somebody pay.


Re: atonement - open; returning jor - gael - 04-22-2021

"He received what he deserved," the Ardent spoke coldly as he approached, a warning glinting in his hazel gaze.  There would be no 'revenge' for Jormungand's injuries, for he had earned them -- the justice for his actions.  "He has met Tanglewood justice, as was his due."  He would meet Gael's soon enough, but he would be permitted to recover first.

"His wounds will be tended to," he added, eyes shifting briefly to Aine.  He doubted his daughter wanted anything to do with the panther, but it was her responsibility and he trusted her to preform it despite her anger. 

As for Asmodeus, Gael could hope the boy would mature to understand one day, but for now he would make himself crystal clear.  The vulpine understood a son's wrath, but that did not change the truth.  Law is merciless.  Jormungand had acted recklessly, against the rules of both the Pitt and the Coalition, without consideration of his clanmates' safety -- betraying any loyalty Gael would have offered him.

"There will be no revenge." The Ardent knew the consequences of such a path -- he lost his wife and son to others on that path.  "For your revenge will only incite another's and endlessly so, Asmodeus.  Until there is no sense of who is to blame.  You could lose everything." You will lose everything.

"So I will ask you now, to be better than that.  Allow your father to own up to his actions; to atone. Do not make his sentence resolute, or his pain, for nothing."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: atonement - open; returning jor - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 04-22-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Asmodeus being here was concerning, what with the kid having a rather explosive personality. But like the Cipher-D'Angelo cub, the smirk that Elsweyr put on her face before she departed made the hybrid's lips pull back in a snarl. Fortunately though, the Tanglewood leader decided to take her leave and Dante didn't care whether or not Sweeney stayed; she was, unfortunately, technically a Pittian.

"Come on, kid." Dante spoke after Gael's own speech, a sigh escaping him. "I'll show you a way to take out your anger, alright?" He certainly had his ways that actually didn't include drugs, and the hybrid snuffed out his cigarette to try and show the other adults that what he had planned wasn't relating to drugs. He wasn't an idiot, he knew kids shouldn't have the same shit he's gotten himself addicted to. No, Dante was going to let the kid tussle with him, put that anger into something with flesh. He wouldn't mind; how bad could a cub's claws be?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]