Beasts of Beyond
ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - Printable Version

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ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - charrie graveyard - 03-17-2018

The roaring thunder, the dark, all swallowing waves threatening to pull him under... he could still remember it all. The memories were fresh in his mind, as if that storm had happened yesterday.

What happened to this poor boy, one may ask? He had been with his family, travelling to a new home alongside his mother and two older brothers. It had been raining hard for days, and they had foolishly taken shelter in a narrow valley under a tree. From somewhere behind them, a lake had overflowed, spilling into the valley. Desperately, they had tried to stay together, but it was useless... in the end, they were all washed away. There mother was, unfortunately, not so lucky, drowning in flood water. Lance would have joined her too, had it not been for a large piece of driftwood scooping him up and keeping him above the waves. Then, before he saw what had happened to his brothers, the boy’s vision had gone black...

Cut to the present day, the boy had washed up near the town of Tanglewood a few days prior. Of course, he had no idea what it was called, but it was civilization, none the less. Hoping he could at least find a place to stay here, or maybe even find his brothers, Atlanticpaw had headed in it’s direction thanks to the help of some NPCs, stoping by the border with a hopeful smile on his face. "Um, hello? My name’s Atlanticpaw! Atlanticpaw Mcelroy... but everyone just calls me Lance. Can I stay here?" The brown and white tom called out, tail flicking nervously.


Re: ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - beck. - 03-18-2018

    Churning waters had wedged themselves in his mind, yet there was an acute absence of a storm in his memories. Only the thundering roar of the river and stunned fear pounding in his aching chest as merciless pressure planted a boot down on his back and forced him under. He was an utter idiot for settling in the middle of a swamp, and even more so for venturing towards the flooded outskirts in broad daylight. His instincts were going haywire, screaming at him to return to higher ground with every cautious pawstep wobbling dry root to dry root. Lantern-like visage locked on the idle ripples of murky water teeming with manmade toxins, the boy failed to catch the ginger blur shoving its way through the reeds until the voice caught his flighty attention.

    His burning gaze snapping up and the scrawny feline halting in his tracks, balanced atop the gnarled roots of a cypress, Beck tilted his head left to right, lazily staring down Lance. A twitch of a disfigured maw displayed his brief confusion, and as if he only just remembered the entire clan situation as well as potential newcomers, he hastily wheezed in muffled response, "Oh, right -- sure, ya can join. Jump on the bandwagon, all that fun shit." His bristling stub of a tail flicking once or twice in thought, Beck sorely rubbed the burnt tissue of his muzzle's scar with a frigid paw, flopping back on his haunches and casting his glare towards the ground. What was next again? "And... m'name's Beck, nothin' else." A rattling sniff sounded from the poltergeist, outstretching his neck in order to more accurately detect Lance's scent, and satisfied with the learned identity, he offered a crooked half-grin. Through gritted teeth straining to hold a proper welcoming smile, Beck countered the first question with a few of his own: "So, Lancie, where ya from? And what exactly do ya think your good for? Gotta be able to hold your own in a group, ya know." Or rather, he was determining just how disposable the young scrap of fur was.

Re: ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - COSMIIX - 03-18-2018

Someone new? My, my, my, they were certainly growing in numbers and Amunet was actually quite glad about that though she'd never mention it to anyone one at all but probably herself. She didn't even tell Vladimir of all people and she spoke to him the most out of all the people here, the jaguaress would walk over with her hood down revealing her halved appearance to the child wondering where he had came from though she wouldn't question him about that since Beck had already asked a few questions of his own but she would introduce herself nonetheless with a smile on her beautiful facial features "I am Amunet," Hearing Beck ask Lance what he was good for made the jaguaress inwardly scowl yet she didn't say anything quite intrigued to hear what would come out of the young tom's mouth for an answer. She was sure that the questions would probably be answered more or less and whatever was the outcome, she'd wait patiently before speaking once more "Yes. Well, aside from that I think you'll fit right in since there's several of us with quite diverse personalities and such. So welcome to Tanglewood,"


Re: ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - venus - 03-18-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; color: black; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]The fear of drowning was a rational one, but not one that Venus ever quite had come to fear genuinely. Despite being born by the seaside, Venus scarcely ever got to hear the gentle lapping of the waves drifting onto the shore as the tides shifted with the movement of the moon. It was a breathtaking sight to behold yes, but Venus did not resent where they had been brought up. The city life much suited the feline better. It was just in their nature. Yet then there were those whose lives were carved out by those same waves deprave in Venus' life - like forming canyons. One of those people just happened to be Atlantic and his rather unfortunate washing up on Tanglewood's door. Poor boy.

Following in the steps of Beck and Amunet came the silvery hued Angora, as sapphire hues eyes played by the sun's rays scanned over Atlantic's form with curiosity scrutinising and unforgiving. Trying to figure out this boy so carefree and lax. How? But no one even gave too much of a thought for this boy's peculiar behaviours, holding back Venus from probing Atlantic too much. "Got any special talents? Are you double-jointed by any chance?" Mocking the boy it was virtually indistinguishable from dead serious tone, Venus' lack of social skills shining through in the way they spoke to poor confused Atlantic. Venus' silvery head coking from one side to another as their gaze scoured the boy once more. "I'm Venus by the way, welcome to Tanglewood I guess. If you've got the talent." Chuckling at that one, Venus eagerly awaited Atlantic's response.

Re: ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - charrie graveyard - 03-19-2018

He hadn't been expecting anyone to show up so soon, jumping slightly in fright as Beck spoke. Turning his head, it was hard to suppress his shock at the poltergeist's... "injury" on his face, nevertheless, the boy was managing- somehow. Swallowing, he politely listened to the other boy, tail twitching anxiously. "It's nice to meet you, Mister Beck! Wh-what am I good at? Umm..." Atlanticpaw trailed off, trying to think. "Well... I'm a fast runner! And uhh... I like to climb trees... is that good?" He sure hoped so. As long as they didn't require him to be a good swimmer... a small shiver went down his spine at the thought of water, anxiety flooding his body before it was interrupted by another voice.

Turning now to face Amunet, he was again, shocked by her appearance, but not in a negative way this time. Lance found the leopardess to be quite... pretty, for the lack of a better word. However, he meant that platonically, since she was wayy too old for him- she looked like she could be his mom, in fact, if she were a leopard... and still alive, of course. "Thank you, Miss Amunet. It's nice to meet you!" The boy chirped cheerfully before whipping around to face his next greeter, a smile finally forming on his muzzle for a few brief seconds before fading into slight confusion.

Double jointed? What was that? He had never heard of that before... was it a talent, like the Angora was suggesting? "What's "Double-jointed"? I don't think... I've heard of it before." Of course, that could've been because his family was quite sheltered, and definitely not all-knowing of all the talents of the world. "It's nice to meet you, Venus! Err, I sure hope I have the talent..." He answered with slight worry in his voice, blue eyes darting back to the figure of Beck as he waited for some kind of answer.


Re: ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - BUGGEDOUT! - 03-21-2018

Small black paws pressed against the ground with each passing foot step, a half-lidded gaze moving in the direction of a voice that soon followed with others that were a bit more until he too, had found his body being carried off towards the group of people with one standing out quite clearly to Buggy in that moment much to his discomfort from simply looking at this kid who couldn't be much older than himself at that moment. The wolf's ears lifted from their usually flopped or pinned back place in order to give his full attention at least until he could properly judge the feline before him, which would be all the more fun for himself and perhaps not so much for this "Lance" guy who seemed a bit confused by all the strange people (as well at the aesthetically pleasing ones), so it was his time for Buggy to be less of an asshole for once and give the dork a break.  " Tsk tsk, I'm afraid climbing trees isn't going to cut it! Looks like we'll have to throw you into a barrel along with the other poor souls who've crawled this way..." His voice cut through the somewhat pleasant atmosphere like butter as he grinned lazily with teeth bared for all to see, though this was actually a failing attempt at joking and smiling afterwards. Buggy seemed to notice moments later and awkwardly his eyes in an effort to save whatever impression he might've made on Atlantic in this first few minutes. " I'm Buggedout. Tanglewood is alright, I guess and we wouldn't mind having you if you can keep climbing and running. " The crystal covered child spoke like normally would have and gripped at the soft hoodie wrapped around his body. He was really nailing this being normal thing, wasn't he?
code by spacexual

Re: ALL MY LIFE I’VE LOOKED FOR DELIVERANCE [ o, joining ] - Dragon- - 03-25-2018

[tr][td][Image: avatar_64eca7575bc7_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_10cbf1410e94_128.pnj]

[Image: avatar_2f943f37ef6c_128.pnj]
[size=7pt]made by cafuné
[/td][td][div style="width: 450px; height: 350px; text-align: justify; padding: 8px; overflow: auto;"][size=8pt] Phobeus was actually in a tree of his own when he noticed the gathering group and would quickly jump down to the ground before heading over. He only really caught the last bit of the conversation but would grin at the kid when hearing that he liked climbing trees. "We can be tree climin' buddies,
my slightly younger dude!
" He'd exclaim, head tilting to the side as he examined the other adolescent.
It was nice to meet himself some new dudes of the clan, he didn't have many friends yet but soon the whole world would be his friends!..friend? whatever.

"It's nice to meet ya, my dude. I'm Phobeus the rad dude and I also really love climbing trees!" The clouded leopard would suddenly yawn loudly and his back arched as he stretched, front legs stretching in front of him. "Welcome to Tanglewood, we're glad to have ya.[/td]