Beasts of Beyond
Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - Printable Version

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Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - ANTARCTICREIGN M. - 04-18-2021

Tired, worn down by sleepless nights watching over a small flock, the feline glided down to the sand beaches. He had spent a few days looking over them, judging them and debating. He needed somewhere for his boys, he knew that his current lifestyle was ill suited for raising them. So, he had listened to traveling merchants, spent hours atop cliff watching their movements. He ahd finally decided, after days of begging from his trio, he would go down and visit, perhaps they could all go soon. He'd firmly instructed his boys to remain on the cliffside, empty threats that both parties knew were bluffs made. Side comments made of plucking feathers and grounding that the trio of boys had laughed at.

A smile gently drifted onto the angels face as he sat at the border, thinking in passing how he hoped nobody with clairvoyance passed by. He'd rather not deal with the screaming that normally came with his true form, though he couldn't blame that saw it, it was properly frightening. Thankfully, he could keep all of that tucked firmly away, power hidden from the natural eye.

The old feline stood now, wings tucked firmly against his side, at the edge of the beach, right along the border. He heard a soft caw and turned his head to see a raven settling on his shoulder, rubbing its head against the back of his neck. "Shining! Shining! Not as pretty as the gem!" it cried and Antarcticreign chuckled, swishing it gently with a reminder to be kinder, as this was not their home "No home! No home!" was the response he was given, once again causing him to chuckle and return his gaze forward. He thought to the small emerald he kept tucked away in a bag, now resting upon a cliff, once fashioned into an earding. He'd long stopped wearing it, too weary of it falling or becoming cracked. It was safe. It had been left in a big upon the cliff where his trio of boys were supposed to be and oh, how he hoped they still were.

He stood patiently, distinctly aware of the other corvids that crowded around him, particularly the raven upon his shoulder and pesky magpie that had taken to occasionally dive bombing past him, nipping at his chipped ears. He payed no attention to it, instead idly swishing feathered tail. knowing it would swiftly grow bored when it gained no reaction.

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - WINTERHYMNS P. - 04-18-2021

A lifestyle of mainly travel? Winterhymns Pendragon had dreamt of it once when he had been younger, oh, how he spoke of it so much to his brothers yet... He found himself anchored down by his growing family and the responsibilities of a group, those thoughts of once traveling to wherever without a set destination a mere whisper within his thoughts. Ever since he had arrived here and had his children then a former partner leaving, well, he swore that he'd never leave his children. He wanted to be there for all of them and he had to keep Palm Glades afloat after the sudden disappearance of Rhinestonestar. Several new responsibilities and traditions that he had to grow accustomed to, his ears twitching lightly as a soft breath would leave his maw that morning. With a lash of his tail, the man would step out from his home being quiet enough not to wake up his little ones.

The sound of avians caught his attention and a frown present on his maw. Damn, his curiosity. Winterhymns would walk forward after fixing the bow that was on his neck and blinked the sleep from his eyes. Soon enough, the man spotted someone that was farther up ahead only to slow down as he took in the sight. A raven and a magpie was there with the winged tomcat but he thought nothing of it, he knew that his cousin Sophiea had an avian companion of her own. He took note of how the other seemed exhausted, it made brief worry flash in the Pendragon's eyes but he approached with a friendly smile present on his maw.

"Hello there," He began in a smooth, lighthearted voice as his lavender eyes locked onto Antarcticreign and he'd take a seat before curling his tail over his forepaws "You have quite the interesting company, I must say." He mused with a twitch of his whiskers and tilted his cranium to the side slightly as he examined the raven. What a big fellow. "How rude of me." Realization struck him and he could feel the heat creeping onto his face, he chuckled quietly as he introduced himself "I am Winterhymns Pendragon. You are within Palm Glades and I am the legate or rather leader of this place. You searching for a place to stay? You seem rather exhausted." Ever observant was the man, a friendly smile still present on his maw.

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - ANTARCTICREIGN M. - 04-18-2021

Antarcticreign watched as another feline approached, one he noted was significantly smaller than himself. He felt the raven upon his shoulder shift, crying out at the pestering magpie who refused to tire of their shenanigans; he turned his head for a moment to look at it, assure it was okay, before returning his attention back to the approaching feline. A bow sat upon the others chest, a golden charm resting on it, though too far away for him to identify the symbol upon it. "Hello," he greeted in a raspy voice, accent an unplaceable mixture of too many.

At the other's mention of his company, Antarcticreign flicked an ear; a mistake. The magpie, taking it as an invite, dived for the angel's ear once more, earning an aggravated raven's cry that came from the supposed feline. Bared teeth snapped at the corvid's tail feathers, though there was no intent behind the motion. Too clearly controlled in the way the maw missed feather, the most subtle upturn at the corner of his maw, the way the magpie rose into the air with a laughing cry as if this was a common game they played.

He paid no mind to the other's staring, aware of how the raven upon his shoulder may be an odd sight. Shuffling his own raven wings, he would smile at the other, head tilting in interest. Pendragon? A peculiar name, one that itched at the back of his mind and drug up old memories, though he shook them away. He was much too far from the kingdom and the man before him lacked the familiar German accent.

"Antarcticreign Muzikant, it's good to meet you, mate," he rasped with a kind smile, nodding. He tsks softly as the raven began to call out "Tea teller! Tea teller!" before being shush by the immortal once more, who informed them they were being very rude. Returning his attention to the legate, he nodded. "Though I'll need to return to my camp where I left my belongings shortly, I was interested in taking up residence within your borders," he hummed, watching the other carefully. "I wanted to come in and meet you all first, mate, make sure it would be friendly faces I would be living with." He was sure the other could understand.


Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - rhosmari - 04-20-2021

He didn't meet many strangers and some he did he was curious but wary of. Though he tried to remain ever polite when he met with them for the first time. He was taught to have manners and as long as they seemed to be nice enough he would also be as such. So he didn't have any violent like encounters. Here he was merely watching the waves again, the soothing sound of the beach alluring on a day like this. It was quiet, at least it was till he heard the sudden shrill cry of a bird. It sent a sharp feeling of fear through his body, his straight ear pulling back against his skull as he jerked his head up against the sky. But he didn't see anything, there was no eagle looking to take his crown from him. Good. But then where did the sound come from. His head turned this way and that to try and locate the sound when he saw his Mapa talking to someone.

Quietly he started to walk over when he realized that this was the sound of the birds. There were birds with this other feline. He felt nervous and he lifted a paw to press it against his crown. Making sure it was where it was supposed to be before he stopped near his Mapa. Turning up his head he watched the stranger before he decided to comment. "I think we are friendly. Vaas and the new lady are kind of scary though but I don't think they are mean. Um, I'm Goldenpaw."

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - LIONKIT M. - 04-20-2021

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - ANTARCTICREIGN M. - 04-20-2021

Green eyes would turn to the small kitten that approached, a gentle smile on the tall tom's maw. He would nod his head in greeting, ears forward as he made it clear he was listening to Goldenpaw's every word. He hummed appreciatively, nodding once more. "Thank you, Little King," he would say smile, eyes skating over the black crown for only a moment. He would momentarily allow his gaze to return to the leader, smile not falling from his maw as he looked over the two residents he spoke to. Related, perhaps, based on the way their markings curled in a similar pattern. Father and son, perhaps?

His thoughts would be interrupted by the way Winterhymns looked past him, the angel following the other's gaze. A flash of lightly colored fur caught his eye and he found himself begging, pleading, oh, Death above don't let that be- A flash of feathers, of falling feathers, and the tom hissed, feathered tail lashing. He gave Winterhymns an apologetic look, extending it to Goldenpaw as well before rushing out a quick apology, already turning. He was already launching himself, launching himself with large wings as he climbed higher into the sky. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU FUCKIN' CHILD?" he cried but there wasn't an ounce of malice or anger, only a strong tone of fear, of worry, as his youngest and smallest son, went tumbling from atop a Ferris wheel. It was a short fall, just into a seat, but terrifying nonetheless.

He would land atop the ferris wheel, staring in disbelief through the gap at Lionkit. He huffed, ignoring the way his paws shook, as he took a second to center himself, shaking his head. "What the fuck, mate?" he asked in disbelief, stress leaking through every word. Carefully, he would snake his way down, lowering himself into the cart. He would run his eyes over the winged kit, nudging at him with his nose until he was satisfied that the other was unharmed. "Told you to stay," he grunted, gruff but not unkind. He would arch his neck, gently grasping the kit's scruff in his maw. He would lift, using a back paw to nudge open the door to the ferris wheel basket. He would back out, kitten firmly held, wings flaring out to catch the wing. He would glide towards the ground, wings flapping to carefully lower himself to the ground, assuring that the kitten would not be jostled by the landing.

He would carefully lower Lionkit to the ground below his chest, once again checking him for injuries before huffing, allowing his wings to slump. "My apologies, he was meant to stay at the nest," he said as he curled a paw protectively around the kitten. Well, at least now he could get a temperament read on the other.

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - LETHE ELD-CIPHER - 04-20-2021

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - WINTERHYMNS P. - 04-22-2021

Re: Oh, the living are dead and the dead are all living ◇ Visitor - LIONKIT M. - 04-25-2021