Beasts of Beyond
one break - open; branding - Printable Version

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one break - open; branding - rhosmari - 04-17-2021

The end, the final punishment to be served. All throughout this she had not even once touched him. She had watched as members of Tanglewood tore into his hide. As his blood was spilled upon the ground. She did nothing to intervene and then she had let him sit and sweat in the hot sun. She would let no one get close to him save to give him water and that was all. And then finally the Luminary defied it was her turn to finally approach the Pitt member. After all he had attacked her group so why wouldn't she also get the gave vengeance. In Merlin's name she would make sure that he got what he deserved. That the Void would me marked upon his chest and Cipactli curse him. Her god, the god of her people was as cruel as he was fair and this was fair.

The woman left her home and she looked at the panther from her porch. The fire of her mane crackling with her anger. The fact that he was still here making her sick. She wanted him gone now and if he succumbed to his wounds at home then all the better. Stepping down from her porch she approached the other with her head held up high and she flicked her tail against the ground, sending up smoldering embers. Finally she stood in front of him, looking down at him with ill written in her bright blue gaze. One claw began to glow with heat as she watched him. "Does he have anything that he wishes to say to her? Although she rather not hear him speak she is sure he wants to say something."


Re: one break - open; branding - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-17-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
Whatever was about to happen next was deserved. Atbash felt nothing but satisfaction to see Jormungand injured for the things he had done to Merlin - though there was one small part of her that wondered if it was worth it. Pain only brought more pain. What if he would only lash out harder once he healed? Regardless, Atbash was here to witness what was going to happen.
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: one break - open; branding - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Vigenere was no stranger to prisoner of war, and he had no sympathy for Jormungand at all. The savannah had no idea what Elsweyr was planning, but he was curious as to what she had planned. As such, the former leader was here as well, taking a seat next to Atbash in case she needed some emotional support.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: one break - open; branding - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-18-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]


drum go dum is fire

IC TEXT | IC opinions only

These past few days had been barely tolerable, the heat beating a lot of will out of him. His wounds festered. They stunk. He had tried to clean them as best as he could but found he couldn't really focus on it. A sigh slipped from his maw as tongue wet lips, tail curved over paw. He watched calmly as Elsweyr approached, ignoring the two Cipher siblings completely. Best focus solely on her and get her to hurry the fuck up of the process.

Then his focus wandered again, back to his cubs. They were practically the only reason he kept going for so long, stopped protesting a while ago. Better get this over with fast. The fuming animal stopped in front of him and he looked to the side with a small cough before she asked him a question that snapped his attention to her. This was unusual, torturer allowing prisoner to speak. But then again his only torturer so far had been his father, so he supposed that was okay.
His voice dropped low, barely enough for the other to hear. "Do whatever you want to me, I deserve it. I will not apologise, however, because I cannot find a reason that provoked me to hurt her. But please, don't come after my children." He didn't beg, nor did he plead with her to let him off easy. Jormungand didn't do that. He just pled for his children's lives. He didn't know what she believed in but if her deity allowed her to attack children for revenge... that would be clearly remembered. If they did hurt his children he couldn't-


He twisted his head to the side with a muffled cry, eyes clouding over as the memory of his sister assaulted his head, the chains rattling and restricting his air flow. Looking in the distance made him crouch, eyes focusing on two forms that only he could see. He looked to the left- she was there with a beaming smile on her pretty face and his gaze switched between the incoming enemy and his sister. The scenery seemed to change, Elsweyr disappearing, his shoulders heaving. He couldn't stop this. He had this memory over and over again and each time he felt as helpless as the previous time.  "Please don't hurt her..." He tried speaking, not hearing his own voice, tail lashing like a trapped animal. He was hyper aware of his spacial surroundings, the flashback very clear at picking out details in his brain. "Kill me instead. Spare her." Words like a well-rehearsed play.
That was the last time ever that Jormungand D'Angelo begged.

Re: one break - open; branding - Kiara Kokytos - 04-18-2021

[div style="width:120px;height:180px;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;font-size:12px"]
- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

kiara seemed to just... show up. out of nowhere. like she always did. the kokytos coyote swished her tail, coming to a slow halt next to the cipher siblings, head swivelling to find her fallen family. finding none yet she sat down next to vigenere, offering a cautious yet warm smile. "hello." a simple greeting, good to start most conversations. half her attention was paid to whatever response she may be given or if anyone else would come, the other half is fixated on the bleeding jormungand, a hungry gleam in her eyes. her muzzle was still bloody from damage she had dealt to herself but she could smell his crimson lifeblood from across the clearing. so the Sin stood up and made her way towards the pair but halted as jormungand murmured something to elsweyr then panicked, fur shooting up and staring into nowhere. she tilted her head curiously, cutting her path to face him. his expression was blank, focusing on nothing. "any ideas?" half hearted question she didn't really expect an answer to. if she were in charge she'd directly kill him but she wasn't and elsweyr made all the decisions here. should elsweyr want kiara to slap him into the present she'd gladly do it and wouldn't hesitate to sink her claws in him on the way along. she was greedy, it was in her nature. her tail swished, happily, tongue slowly coming out to rest the edge of her jaws.

Re: one break - open; branding - rhosmari - 04-18-2021

He wasn't going to apologize for committing the very crime that he had committed against her people. The woman felt anger boiling in her stomach, her heat increasing as he flames began to crawl along her shoulders. What an arrogant fool he was. Then he had the audacity to tell her not to come after his children. But he could go and do as he pleased. Maimimg and hurting others as he saw fit. But oh his precious children. From where she had come from everyone had their place and every had their jobs. She had seen things that would turn the stomachs of even seasoned warriors. But this just seemed to add fuel to her fire. "Once his children become old enough. Once they have tasted the first breath of being an able fighter they better hope that Tanglewood is not an enemy of the Pitt." There was no mercy in her voice as she watched him and as he continued on, suddenly getting lost in her own head she curled her claws, the fire appearing along the curve of her weapons.

Being Luminary meant doing the things others didn't have to. Making the hard decisions. His hallucinations wouldn't save him. She had no time to have remorse for a potential killer. If Merlin had not been taken to the Coalition and they hadn't begun treating her she could be dead. Her ear flicked at someone's words and she shrugged her shoulders. "She will not feel sympathy for him and his keen because he didn't for her and her people. This is his final punishment. And then he will be dragged through the muck and out back where he belongs." Then suddenly she began to attempt to bury her claws into the man's chest, her claws carving through flesh and burning at the same time. She would brand him. Slicing and cauterizing his flesh with the shape of a four mouth crocodile point down and to his heart.

Re: one break - open; branding - SirDio - 04-18-2021

She was just passing. She had no need to deal damage to someone who she didn't know. Even if they hurt someone. But she saw the fire, the fury. For a moment she didn't see Elsweyr and Jor, but him and muse. She gasped, gritted her teeth as the vision left. But he never did. He was there, burning the symbol of a sun into Jor. It was him, not Elsweyr.

"Solstice..." and she sped away, to her house. She couldn't watch. She swore he smiled directly at her. But he wasn't there anymore. Just Elsweyr.

//out unless stopped

Re: one break - open; branding - JORMUNGAND Di ANGELO - 04-18-2021

[Image: 800fde61ce608e37c9c2bf58571312bb.jpg]
male — the Pitt — biopinterest board
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]



IC TEXT | IC opinions only

He vaguely noticed Kiara's arrival and her snarled offer to hurt him, he simply gave a shrug. Let her do what she wanted to him, not like he had a choice anyways. His words seemed to only infuriate Elsweyr further, he noted with an inward grin, the beast inside running a tongue over wounded jaws, pacing and thrashing inside, howling to be let out. He calmed it with a low snarl, flicking his tail with a frown. She wasn't going to spare his kin now was she? Okay. Once he regained power he'd probably return to kill her. Nobody threatens his cubs. Especially not some prissy princess who decided that threatening children was enough for him hurting a fully grown woman. Had she no decency? Apparently not.

The smell of singed fur touched his nose, he wrinkled it and glared straight into her burning optics, barely feeling her claws sink into his breast, his previously injured breast. His vision clouded and the snarling twisted face of his father appeared before his sights. He looked down, the claws were doing wonders in his chest. He heard his mother's voice, telling him to calm down, to focus. But she wasn't there. She was dead, with Baby. He couldn't focus. Rage clouded his vision, his teeth snapped close to her face-his father's face. Bloodlust sprang to life and he eagerly accepted it. "I'll kill you." Quiet at first, then his father began dancing with his talons, and his voice grew louder. Chains rattled. "I'LL KILL YOU! You'll pay for EVERYTHING you did!" Words directed at his father were spat to Elsweyr as he attempted to grasped her wrist with his paw, pressing down further into his gaping chest. "Do it. Do it, Elsweyr, and enjoy it." Something quite insane danced behind his eyes, his tongue darted out to taste his blood, still freshly pouring out of him.

Re: one break - open; branding - Ares - 04-18-2021

Ares blinked, just hearing the slightest bit from the situation as she walked up. Did... did Pretty Mother just threaten the guy's kids? For some reason, the beast hated that, for she slammed against the mindspace the two had in anger. But Ares was just... confused. "Mom- Pretty Mother.. His kids had nothing to do with this. Leave them out of a situation that only deals with adults!" She spoke out, though confusion laced her words. "This is just between Tanglewood and Jormungand. No one else." And she was sure that if Elsweyr was in Jor's situation, she'd beg for her kids to be left out of whatever her punishment would be. Kids couldn't help who their parents were - Ares and Ana sure couldn't. Jor's deranged words were ignored, hoping Elsweyr would at least stop with just the branding and leave him alone.

Re: one break - open; branding - Kiara Kokytos - 04-18-2021

[div style="width:120px;height:180px;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;font-size:12px"]
- tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

she stepped back to the unspoken words elsweyr portrayed, watched her sink her claws into his breast. watched his mind snap, she danced to the side gracefully, tongue out and maw parted to catch a few drops. she hopped to the side as ares approached, gently pushing her back with her shoulder. "best you don't intervene." she didn't really care that ares' words were true and struck home somewhere within her, that didn't matter. what mattered were the small drops of blood followed by large bursts of the crimson liquid. tongue over maw, gaze fixated on claw that wrapped around the female's wrist. "let the adults do their thing." more a murmur to herself, to keep herself calm rather than directed to ares.