Beasts of Beyond
another battle - open; sick - Printable Version

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another battle - open; sick - rhosmari - 04-13-2021

Tw for vomiting

She had woken up that morning feeling fine. Just okay. Everything was peaceful and then she had decided to have lunch down at the beach. Why not? It was a beautiful and warm day. There was nothing that she had to immediately tend to so having some time for herself would be fine. At least that was what she had thought would happen. The prey she had brought with her was the small remains of a rabbit that had gotten stuck in the swamp and couldn't make it out. She had eaten much of it by the time the weird nausea had struck her. It made her muzzle crinkle in disdain. The view of the ocean forgotten as she tried to fight back against this sudden wave. But the longer she waited for it to pass the stronger it seemed to get. A shudder rippled through her body and she pressed her head against her paws, swallowing thickly. But whatever it was it didn't and wouldn't be denied. Almost immediately it hit her hard again, this time it was not passing and the Luminary lunged forward onto her paws.

She rushed to what she could see as a small sand dune, the sand shifting underneath her paws and she hardly made it over the top before the sick funneled from her throat. Acrid was the taste and she coughed before shaking her head and sliding back down the sand dune almost looking appalled. What bug had she caught? She pressed her paws against her stomach, feeling antsy now. It just didn't make any sense and she flicked her tongue, hating the taste in her mouth.

Re: another battle - open; sick - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

Being a medic had made it so Moth was no stranger to vomit. It came with so many different things that it was always hard to tell if someone was sick just from that alone. If she were to have to sit down and name all the reasons why someone would potentially get sick, she would be there all day. She often tried to think of other things however due to the nasty nature of the stuff, but when the telltale acidic smell hit her nose, Moth couldn't help but find her way over to Elsweyr with her nose wrinkled, small paw reaching forward in an attempt to pat on the larger feline's back before speaking. "You feeling okay?" Moth would speak, concern on her face as she did so.

"You don't feel warmer than usual but that's hard to tell with your fire kinda, well, everywhere." She would speak out, offering a small smile to the other to try and make sure she knew she was joking.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: another battle - open; sick - rhett bett - 04-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7.5pt; max-width: 400px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Well accustomed to the more undesirable side that acted as a secondary facet of life, both upon the end of the afflicted and the one to which was turned when care was necessary. Inescapable it, an experience to be gone through at least once, differing the cause each time, perplexing during certain instances. One of those was this, for the moment, at the least, unbeknownst to all the cause.

The days gathered together, loose her tally of those that had concluded with her present among these people, their kindness one she did not wish to overstep. Each ponderance of departure had sharply been shut down, however, the exact cause that incited such a desire to stay at least a day longer difficult to discern. She had missed the company, surely all it was, a certain sense of peace given to her in the presence of such varied individuals. Yet, towards the coastline upon which she had been shipwrecked, she found herself drawn. Once more had her steps drawn her closer, again excuses made, greatly missed the sea locked town that floated on those gentle eddies.

It seemed different would be her plans for this day, strong and cloying the acidic tang, a horrid slurry that bore a distinct sour note. Her nose wrinkled, the notion of turning back did not cross her mind, rather she continued on though she had no knowledge that may assist in any notable fashion. A soft voice that which caught and retained her attention, soothing though lifted in a joke, concern giving way to confusion. As the scene came into focus it did not abate, though her nerves were partially calmed when both present proved faintly familiar, among the short list of those she had tried to burnt into her memory for important figures were they and she held no wish to upset those kind enough to allow her to stay.

Closer Ishayu stepped, gentle the frown that curled her lips as she looked upon Elsweyr. The manner in which she held her stomach made it evident she was likely the one stricken, the query Moth put forth silencing her own. Except for one, quiet her voice as she spoke. "Would you like some water."

Re: another battle - open; sick - CHALICE AKAODON. - 04-15-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DEEP IN THE OCEAN, DEAD AND CAST AWAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, the shore. It was something relaxing to be around, especially with the heat that's been around lately. Chalice didn't think much of it, since she believed that it was normal for the swamp to be a bit warmer, considering that the weather was humid - but she did think that the heat was a little strange. Not anything completely out of the ordinary, though.

The sound of vomit and coughing made Chalice's ears flatten for a moment, a disgusted look on her face as she got closer to Elsweyr, Ishayu, and Moth. The lioness's nose wrinkled, trying to block out the smell of the vomit, and she tried not to focus on it, instead trying to focus on the flames that were on Elsweyr's body. "If you need me to get something, I can." She offered, mostly towards Moth, but if Elsweyr responded, she would obey.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: another battle - open; sick - arrow - 04-16-2021

Arrow had noticed that Elsweyr was growing more tired as of late, straight up fatigue from the looks of it. Initially, she was pretty sure it was just stress, leading a whole group in a time like this surely couldn't have been easy, right? But judging by this, she might have not been completely right about that. Turns out it could have been actual illness.

Arrow was relaxing in the center of town, not too far from the beach that the Luminary was currently occupying, resting against the edge of the statue with her legs kicked up. She wasn't just being lazy, she did her work earlier and even did some job related training on her own. You ever kick a tree and run around a swamp for almost two hours? Didn't think so. Admittedly, she probably looked like she ought to be at the beach, but Arrow was not a beach girl. Sand? Bright sun? No thank you, the brightness was all for her girlfriend. Her girlfriend who was...currently vomiting up her lunch?

She sat up, looking around before deciding that the beach was where she needed to go. Three others had already beaten her to it, one of which was Moth which was fine, but Ishayu and Chalice beating her to the punch made her feel a little guilty, and a bit...protective or something. Arrow frowned, gently moving past the others to reach the flaming lioness, reaching out to brush a paw against Elsweyr's cheek. [b]"Hey, big girl..." She murmured, seemingly unfazed by the sickness. This certainly wasn't the worst thing she'd seen or had to bear the scent of, she'd been forced into dealing with worse than a little vomiting, eh? At least there was no blood.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: another battle - open; sick - rhosmari - 04-17-2021

Carefully she is swiping her tongue over her teeth. Trying to get the taste out of her mouth when Moth came forward. She felt a bit embarrassed to look like this in front of her. Was not she supposed to have a strong air, now she was sickly or at least she was feeling weakened to some degree. Sighing softly she figured she might as well be out with it. Hiding it would do no goof and she didn't want things to get worse. If they did...she wasn't sure what would happen. "She feels fine. Just tired more than usual. She just recently started to feel sick after meals." Her eyes lowered a bit but there was a measure of amusement in her eyes at the teasing about the warmth her fire gave off. It would be harder to tell she supposed perhaps even if she had a fever and she shook herself, trying to sit up a little bit more. Her stomach felt heavy and she looked down at herself for a moment before noticing that others were appearing.

Ah. The lioness shook her head a bit then. She didn't think she needed anything and she tried to give a welcoming smile to both Chalice and Ishayu. "No, no, she is fine. She just needs to stop ah, dragging ass as her girlfriend would say. She is sure this will pass, just rest is what she thinks she needs." She wanted to believe that and speak of the devil. Her eyes glimmered gently as she watched her girlfriend come forward. She was pleased to see her and she leaned into her touch lightly, a rumble in her chest. "Hey...." She muttered back quietly as she leaned against Arrow.

Re: another battle - open; sick - CHALICE AKAODON. - 04-17-2021

[glow=white,1,400]DEEP IN THE OCEAN, DEAD AND CAST AWAY !。+゚.[/glow]
Chalice chuckled at Elsweyr's 'dragging ass' comment. She moved aside to give Arrow some room to get close to the Luminary, her tail tip flicking at the lioness's words. "Perhaps some rest would be best, then. I'm sure your high positions can make sure Tanglewood runs smoothly until you feel better." She suggested. Surely some rest wouldn't hurt? Leaders seemed to stress themselves out a lot, which was never good.[glow=white,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: another battle - open; sick - COLERE! - 04-18-2021

Colere Kokytos

His head turned towards the forming crowd around Els and, out of curiousity he began to make his way over, tail swaying slightly while eyes narrowed slightly picking up the conversation. "Our dear leader is feeling sick and needs to rest, best to give her space" he spoke smoothly before pausing and looking at everyone with his golden striking gaze "Who's the healer here? Best allow them to look her over" he spoke smoothly. He remembered his time as a healer in a different group, but that had been a long time ago and so now,  he did not need to fret over the well beings of other. Now he can just do simple tasks but, it did not means he still did not study herbs and kept everything he had retained- of course he would, he made poisons after all. Shaking his head he sat himself down, his gaze flashing back to Els.

"Speech"  Thoughts