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Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - Printable Version

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Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - Ares - 04-12-2021

She didn't mean to find out like this. Walking into the graveyard on her usual trek around the swamp, making sure her leg wasn't going to get worse. Ares hadn't ventured that far into the Graveyard before, only around the more explored and more walked area by the entrance. But curiosity had urged her on. Maybe it was that she wanted to feel something that wasn't boiling anger. But this...

Ares had found the graves before it registered. She looked at their names. Siborno. Aurum. It took her a moment to register. Two moments. Three. Four. Then the laughter started. Quiet, at first, but slowly louder. "Come on.. OH, come the FUCK on. You're serious? This... this.." her voice cracked. Laughter became crying. Anger was replaced, for a brief moment, with numbness. "This isn't fair. You should've been around to see me. Damnit, I wanted to see you. I was scared but I wanted to see you. Wanted to admit that I fucked up." She gritted her teeth. "God, what would you say to me now." What would he say.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - arrow - 04-12-2021

"I think he'd forgive you." She really should stop casually interjecting into people's graveyard sessions, but everyone who strayed in had something on their mind, and what else could she offer but some words to help their thoughts along, make them feel better or offer closure? Arrow herself was often in the graveyard, visiting sites of those long and not so long past, making sure the graves were in good condition despite their age and whatnot. She hadn't had any revelations or questions to ask out loud in some time, her mind was generally pretty empty these days or occupied with other things. Individual thoughts was no longer a priority for her, if it had nothing to do with keeping the swamp and everyone in it safe and secure, it slipped her mind.

Arrow didn't take any steps to move closer to Ares just yet, maintaining some distance so that she didn't startle her too much right away. Although, despite her ever so casual expression, there was a pang of sympathy in her heart. She knew what it felt like, she really did, even if she didn't vocalize it.
[align=right][sup][sup]template © tikki[/sup][/sup]

Re: Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - rhosmari - 04-12-2021

A lot of others knew how she felt when it came to the situation with Ares and how it was handled. She was not going to take back how she felt about it. It had hurt her cause she had no say whatsoever in the approach of it. Even when it had been her child no one had asked her opinion on anything. It had not made her happy, it had damaged her trust in some animals and she had to figure out how to put herself back together after Ares had run away from a home that she should have been able to live in. Should have gotten help in from the very beginning. Still, it was in the past and she had nothing she really wanted to bring up about it. What had happened had happened. The graveyard was not a place she intended to wander into today, she had been wanting to got to the beach. Her paws had been hurting her for a while now, she had begun to get a bit nauseated after eating. She thought that she was maybe getting sick. The weather would be permitted. So she was a bit surprised when she smelled the scent of both her lover and her daughter within the same place.

Blinking she headed in their direction and she was saddened with what she saw. Ares had discovered their graves. She should have told her when she had gotten back but so much had been going. But that was no excuse. Carefully she moved up beside Arrow and attempted to lean on her for support, eyes down casted. Though her words were aimed at Ares. ''Binti yangu....'' She began softly, looking away for a moment and then back at Arrow. The lioness was trying to find something to say but she was at a loss for words. She was not Aurum, she didn't know what he would think now that she was back and she didn't want to be the one to try and say what she thought he would think. She wasn't him. ''She knows that he would have tried to understand and help her. She knows this...'' But she did it anyway for her daughter's sake.

Re: Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-12-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Learning that Aurum had suffered such an awful fate tore at Vigenere's heart - he had started getting closer to the winged lion, which was funny considering their backgrounds. Aurum was an archangel of revenge, which Vigenere was a demon and yet despite that, the savannah still felt himself starting to feel something towards his friend. Unfortunately neither had been able to admit their feelings for one another before Vigenere had been killed, but he was glad that Aurum had found someone else - Siborno. Aurum didn't deserve to suffer the loss of losing a partner, as Vigenere had done. He knew the pain all too well. What he couldn't imagine though, was dying at his partner's side, fighting the same enemy. Would he have wanted to go out that way with Athena? No, not really; he would have wanted to let her live if he could help it, but alas neither of them had known of Caesar's presence before he leapt out at Athena's throat.

Vigenere's ears pricked as he neared Aurum's grave, hearing voices and somewhat unexpecting others to be around. He held a flower in his mouth but decided to push his worry aside and allowed himself to come closer. He silently went past Elsweyr, pausing for a moment by Aurum's grave before setting the flower down on his grave. Vigenere closed his eyes, half-listening to the conversation that was happening before him and half-trying to focus on his own thoughts. Eventually, the former leader decided it would be better to focus on what was going on now rather than remain awkwardly silent.

"Whatever you have done, I'm sure Aurum would have no hard feelings towards you." He began, not knowing of the situation that happened. "He may have been an angel of vengeance, but he was always more level-headed then his title. He always weighed things out and you seem like you truly regret what you have done. He would have no reason to continue hating you."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - Ares - 04-13-2021

Ares moved to look at Arrow and Elsweyr, a quiet numb in her eyes. She didn't pay attention to Vigenere yet, not ready to talk about what she did or why he had reasons to be disappointed, not angry or hating. Her breath huffed out of her nose and she nodded, looking back at the graves. "I was... a bit of a hardass. I feel like he would was more disappointed or frustrated with me." She spoke in a cold, numb voice, though emotion broke on her next phrase. "When I get out of this funk, you think he'd be proud?"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 04-14-2021

[glow=white,1,400]SCREAMING AT THE ONES WE LOVE !。+゚.[/glow]
"I think he would have." Vigenere didn't need the whole story behind what happened. Hell, it wasn't even his business, so he wouldn't prod Ares for what happened. "Aurum was a just and fair person, he would have given you a chance. He would want you to be proud of yourself."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: Oh, come on. - Visiting Graves - trojan g. - 04-14-2021

Moth hadn't visited the graves of the two since she had helped to bury them, too afraid that they'd be there waiting for her, asking why she hadn't gotten there sooner to heal their wounds, to make sure they were alive. She had been scared for so long to visit their graves, but it came to a point where enough had been enough. Moth wanted to talk to her brother, she wanted him to hear her hardships and hear about how she hadn't been feeling well, and about how she missed him. Oh god how she missed him. So she had made her way to the graveyard, but to her dismay it seemed as though others had made their way there too.

Moth was about to turn around and leave when she had heard the conversation that was happening, and her ears folded to her head for a moment as she came forward, choosing to sit beside Vigenere as she tried to think of the words that she needed to say in that moment. The words to make everything be better and to make sure that Ares knew that things were ok.

"I'm pretty sure he would have forgave you Ares," She would state, tail absentmindedly swaying behind her for a moment as she thought some more, "I know he would have probably been upset at first, in all reality, just because of how everything went down, but I do think he would have come around and realized you're trying to get better, you're getting the help and it was your own choice to do so. I think he'd be proud of that... no, I know he would." He was a prideful lion, but he had always seemed to be proud of his clanmates, especially when they solved their problems and sought out help when needed.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]