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golden melody - open; joiner - Printable Version

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golden melody - open; joiner - rhosmari - 04-12-2021

What a strange place he had emerged onto. A small spit of land within the middle of a vast and terrible ocean. Though he had little trouble actually traversing this plane of existence given his current body. But that wasn't to say he wasn't getting used to actually being in this body either. He was well, trying for lack of a better term. Normally he was smaller, seen as weaker. Giving outwardly what he had become known as. Starvation. Frail. But now he was not so much that. But much larger in stature. It was odd really and he had to come to terms with actually having power. The taste of it on his tongue was odd and he didn't know rather he wanted to keep it or not. He was looked over, though he caused the most devastation, a slow creeping over time that began under the eyes of all. Sighing the panther would lift a paw and look at the grass beneath it, the way it was withered, blackened. Curled as if wrought with disease. Shaking his head a bit he would place his paw back upon the ground and continue his own trek forward into the unknown. Not one had he thought of where the others were, perhaps happy to be able to be alone for a while.

He was often a detriment to them anyway, casually self destructive. To a point. Though he guessed that was just how things went and the cycle would continue to press forward. Wings like the gold of an angel's halo rested against his back as he looked up to the vast mountainous valley he had stumbled across. His tongue felt dry and like a lump in his mouth. It had definitely been a while since he had any water, any sustenance really. He hadn't thought about it and perhaps he should have. Living things ate. Mortals ate. But he was not something that needed it, yet he wanted to fit in. He should get something to drink then. Slipping his way down a hill he tried to keep his power to himself, a thin trail of dying grass yellowing behind him. It was harder than he thought it would be. Edging closer to a small creek he would press his nose against the surface of the water. Smelling perhaps. It had scent to it, clean, full of vigor, pure. Not if he stepped paw in it, and so he backed up and away from it.

Maybe later, maybe somewhere else. This place was beautiful and he didn't have the want to bother it. Golden eyes roamed over the trees before he slowly sat down. Drawing his legs closer to himself in a tighter formation as the wind tickled his nose. The smell was sharper, jagged. The smell of others perhaps. He was all new to this currently. He actually just wanted to be smaller. If he was like he had been before he could cause much less damage, much less turmoil considering there were others around in the area. ''Hopefully the locals won't be agitated. I've seen enough of that in my lifetime...'' The dark creature just sounded tired as he flexed his golden wings and pulled them around himself like a cape, almost defensively.

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - Grimm - 04-12-2021

ultimum eques
the golden eyes
albino oriental
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #664b4a; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]NEVER GETS ANY BETTER, ONLY GETS WORSE
To be reduced, have even a fragment of what constituted him minimised within a fashion that would, no matter the finer details, be involuntary, a thought that had not crossed the threshold of his mind. He harboured no reason that may dictate such a strand of thought be necessary to ponder over within any capacity, well enough his station, acceptance all he gave it, grim within even this. Such was to question had he been the opposite, deemed himself worthy of more, wished for it as though he were a child once more threading wishes on the tails of falling stars.

There would be no pride in a resounding negative, unnecessary the shift in the other direction to one such as he. No good came from the attributes of a flesh that had failed him, hung his heart instead with wishes he could offer no fulfilment, his grandeur wanted in other ways. He could be as the ants that tread along the barren scape that was dotted with new sprouts pushing up thought he cracks and still carry that desire. Could be as grand as anything his mind may conjure, simple as it was, and still find himself crushed beneath the impossible.

Never might he understand that which plagued a mind fresh in reawakening, renewed in a cycle unending for the purpose may not dwindle until life had ceased, and cared not to pretend he had the capacity for it.

Alone may he bear the burden of knowing the cause that drew him forth, the fringes thriving beneath split shadow, silenced the passage of creek and river alike reduced to mere ribbons bisecting the land. Momentary his pause upon precipice, claws light in the sound they produced where they curled about rock, vision languid in traversing the landscape. Wasted enough time, suppressed  the urge that played along the edge of his thoughts, a gentle utterance that hummed in a sweet voice as he continued. It was perplexing how a time of frame that seemed so meagre, and was within a direct comparison to the time he had experienced, might bring about such response.

Loose and slow the turn, ponderance over baseless notions that simply occupied as his progression continued, the conclusion sharp as chin rose, alarm briefly contouring his countenance. Wrong that which the breeze carried, presence lighter here where it whispered rather than cried with a voice he had grown fond of, decay and sickness, sweetness wound about a dark core that clung to his throat, tickling his senses. Gone it seemingly within the same instant it registered as present, confusion left behind, a piece of a puzzle unexpected thrust upon him. It seemed this day would not be geared towards more personal matters, ease allowing the abandonment of self inclined task, his progression continuing as curiosity overwhelmed.

For all that Vincent may have guessed may act as the end of this strange little mystery rather low upon the list, possibly not even on it, another creature. A stunning sight was he, though diminished in part as intent may not be gauged without confrontation, the possibilities too numerous for Vincent to allow his guard to lower. As such tense his posture as he completed his final steps, distance still present between though proximity would allow easy conversation, brusque his tone as he spoke. "You're on Golden Eye land, what is your business."

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - aesior - 04-13-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
The scent of rot was a familiarity that he knew too well, that echoed through his bones and veins. Once had he worked with the dead, in order to stop their own premature rot. Similar was this scent though it had it's own differences. Quick to appear and fast to fade, his eyes narrowed in curiousity. Caught in his own tasks, would the tabby tom pick up on Vincent's own scent as he traversed the land towards their guest. Huffing a breath as he departed such menial things, paws stretching out over the ground in a long stretch.

The scent had faded but was still noticeable, eagerly capturing his attention. A scent could simply not diminish itself in moments like this one had. Mayhap it was connected to a living, intelligent creature? Shaking his head as he left his stretch, checking his satchel to ensure it remained on his side before trotting after Vincent. The other was one he considered a friendly presence, even a friend, really. Grim following soldier, would he press onwards until he was within range of Vincent.

Gaze turning, the domestic-bodied grim's eyes widened at the sight of their visitor, small blossoms of daffodil and sprigs of tarragon appearing within the fur upon his shoulders. Beautiful and unique the pelt and body that appeared before, beauty pressed by the visage of hunger upon their visitor. Gaze on the golden wings as he came closer, sniffing the air as he tread. It seemed that the scent came from this one, wariness flaring down his spine as he studied the other from a fair distance with a slight ruffle of fur. He couldn't see any wounds - was this maybe a case the same as Lorelei? Maybe this one rotted from within? Exhaling, his nose twitching as he stepped back, circling back to Vincent, standing closer to his groupmate than to Deucalion, still processing the information. Blinking at Deucalion, he quickly licked his fur back into place, unsettled by the questions he had. If Deucalion answered Vincent, he would put forth his own, within the notebook carried in his satchel, his guide to the flowers he grew upon its pages.

Daffodil - I have questions
Tarragon - I'm curious //

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - rhosmari - 04-13-2021

He didn't want to move. He didn't want to seem like a troublemaker for anyone and he knew that some lands had certain rules. He had been in many existences to know that some thought it an act of war for strangers to invade. While some welcomed them with open arms. He could only hope that they were the welcoming type. The dark creature tilted his head up immediately when he smell of someone  coming his way hit his nose. His muzzle curled, tongue lolling for a short moment as he breathed it in before he shook his head. It smelled like these lands, a bit, maybe. He was not the best when it came to smelling. Tracking? Whichever term best suited the moment. Still he was here and someone was coming toward him. Taking a deep breath in to face this new challenge he watched as the other came closer to him. He could see the tension in their movements. Oh boy. Famine forced his muscles to relax and he was asked a question. Business? Golden Eye. Neither made any sense to him truthfully. He was just here. "I'm not certain what you...." His rasping voice faltered when another came up.

It put him on edge but slowly he relaxed as they didn't seem hostile. He could simply say he was lost which he was. He didn't have any idea as to what this place was or where he had manged to come back into existence. Pulling his ears back it was in this moment he wished he was small again. Unnoticeable. Eyes elsewhere. They wouldn't have that. They were sick of him being so cowardly, so elusive. "I'm not so sure...of the circumstances. What is a Golden Eye? I would assume a village? I'm sort of lost..." He spoke up then, low rasping tone hesitant but he tried to straighten his shoulders. After all he was a formidable creature. Or so he liked to hope, to make them happy.

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - aesior - 04-13-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
soft the gentle breath as he read the body behavior of the other. uncertain. uneasy. he knew those feelings, once upon a time, had he felt the same. gentle the puff of air as his body settled in the grass, on his stomach. withdrawn from his satchel lay his notebook, scrawling in a somewhat tidy script, hoping that the other could read, What name? I am Aesior. Goldne Golden Eye is home. Like village. Group. Many otrs others. Lost? would read his words, mis-spelled words crossed out. it was hard to write in the book, for him at least, but being mute left him with little else to explain himself with. Setting down his pencil, he would wince as he looked at the paw he had written with, the nerves having crossed over and caused it to go numb. disappointed in himself, he would remain laying on the ground, a position far easier to write in.

if the other posed a threat, a threat he did not feel, vincent was there, and well, he was quick enough to grab his dagger from his satchel. for the time being, and hopefully not needed, it remained within his satchel at the bottom, more for ceremonial use than for active combat though it worked fine for the rare occasion. turning gray eyes back to deucalion, he would tip his head slightly, maw opening to draw his scent inquisitively. setting the faint sickeningly sweet scent aside, he filed him away within his mind, tail flicking through the grass at small ants that tried to make their way onto it.

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - rhosmari - 04-13-2021

His golden gaze stared, slowly looking over the book as the other moved to settle down and begin to write. He did not question this method and instead he simply waited paitently, wondering. Before the page was presented to him. Tilting his head a but he looked over the words. English. One of the many languages and one that he could read along with so many others. It was intriguing to say the least and he roamed over the lettering before he took in the questions presented to him. A name? He hadn't thought about taking a name again. There were so many given to him upon the turn of a new age, so many bodies he had had beforehand. Too many identities but always a constant purpose. But he needed to give them a name. Well, he guessed he could just throw words and lettering out there. Hope they meshed well. "You can call" He paused there, thinking. "Ah. Just call me Deucalion. If that's alright?"

But this place was like a village. A group living together. But smaller than a nation. He understood and he gave a small nod of his head. Though the question of him being lost made him frown a bit. "Yes, I'm a...traveler of sorts. But I'd like to stay here if no one minds it." They seemed to be friendly enough. And for him that was a good thing. Though he was just glad they hadn't noticed the dying grass beneath his paws.

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - FRAGGLEROCK. - 04-13-2021

Rot. It was an unpleasant scent, but also one that Fraggle had unfortunately become quite well acquainted with, as of late. It really wasn't all that unfortunate, considering the smell had been coming from Lorelei, and she had been quite kind to him. Still, smelling it without the added touch of Lorelei's scent, or that of The Golden Eye? It was worrying, so say the least. It could've merely been a piece of prey killed and left out accidentally, or perhaps some kind of sacrifice, but Fraggle didn't like just ignoring things and hoping for the best. Even if a situation presented potential danger, he wanted to be helpful and make sure that things were safe. Not only for his own sense of self worth and confidence, but also because he wanted to protect others. He had started to make a home of The Golden Eye, and a family of the members that lived within the group. He didn't want any of them getting hurt. However, if any of them were the scent of the stench... well, that would mean he was too late anyways. Regardless, he was determined, hopping over the hard ground as he headed towards the trio.

When he did arrive, the boy was relieved to see that nobody was dead. Not only that, but the two Golden Eye members that had already arrived were Vincent, and Aesior. Both were familiar and kind faces, and Fragglerock was glad they were around, rather than someone like Cleo. Turning his attention to what was actually being discussed, it took a moment for him to catch on. Deucalion was obviously someone new, and evidently not anyone hostile... a traveler? The mention of staying for a bit caused Fraggle's face to light up, blue eyes gleaming. Oh! That meant that this guy was a new joiner, didn't it? Sure, the other was pretty damn big, and could snap the rabbit up in one bite if he wanted to, but he didn't exactly seem the type. Instead, he really did seem as though he was just looking for a home, even if only a temporary one. That was good enough for the young rabbit, who soon greeted enthusiastically, "Hello, Deucalion! I like your name, it's really unique. My name is Fragglerock, but you can just call me Fraggle, if you want." That was easier for most people, and it wasn't as if his full name had any major significance. At least, not to his knowledge, anyways.

Thinking about what the other had already said, Frag's head soon tilted to one side, a casual question falling from his muzzle, "You said you're a traveler, right? That must mean you've seen a lot of different places... have you got any cool stories?" There was another brief moment of silence, before the boy's eyes widened, and he quickly added on, "Oh, and... you don't have any injuries, right? Cause if you do, Aesior can help patch you right up." He didn't see any immediately obvious injuries on the other, but... that smell had to be coming from somewhere, right? Really, it was a bit weird to the child that Vincent and Aesior hadn't already asked about any injuries.
[glow=#4c2c1c,2,300]YOU CAN WRAP MY BRAIN IN PLASTIC[/glow]

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - Grimm - 04-14-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 7.5pt; max-width: 440px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]The path a soldier traversed often walked by death as well as it trailed at heel, a companion found in unorthodox places. Rather fitting was it they seemed entwined in similar manner, though protest would arise unbidden should such title be pressed against his world weary shoulders once more and to think of Aesior in such manner felt wrong. Possibly the origin of that thought, and the subsequent rejection quick to rise soon after, an understanding that indeed did the grim embody death. Vessels they both if different, a matched pair expanded to fit another, unique each.

Had he been surprised by an approach unobserved, the close follow one accustomed, the beat of others walking in formation, time kept by the beat of their hearts, aside brushed without worry, it did not show on lax features. Rather, one would find it in feathered length that picked up a brief but quick tempoed sway, the strands fanning out, spine similar ruffled as the hairs stood on end. Recognition soothed sparked nerves, annoyance light as it rose, curled lips down though turned face to not allow either to witness it. Once more smoothed out he turned his gaze to Aesior, a brow lifted, a question there as witness the growth along body.

Accustomed had he grown to the manner flora flourished across his frame, language his own in it, unknown these. Enough hints derived from his body language to impart some of the confusion they shared. It seemed he, too, bore questions beyond the basic lines expected, necessary before broached anything further. Maybe caught that smell, the sweetness cloying that gave way to a clinging stink, fermented decay and sickness whisked away by the perpetual breeze. The time for questions would come later, now his attention refocused.

A poor match the voice, tone light and touched with something he could not quite identify, the little that remained of his ears pulled forth, head tilting in an uncharacteristic show of confusion. The body language also poorly fit, a creature of such stature should bear no ounce of anything akin to worry in the presence of those so much smaller, domestics both those who regarded Deucalion. Tense smile rose to his lips, never reached eyes hard, lavender depths probing as they roves over stranger. "I apologise for being so… forward. We must be careful when new faces visit our land." No emotion was present in softly offered words, their completion paired with the shift of his gaze.

Never had Vincent been overly capable with his words, actions always preferred for he may perform without thought, memory in muscles that had lived too long. Movement the cause of change, the words dark against white background, his nerves quelled as it became clear Aesior had a handle on things. Simple and precise the words used, explanation that passed all that made clear the details Vincent had skirted over, the sharing of such something he was unsure had been allowed. Apparently it was, or it may have been this case was a special one, the explanation of being lost not one he had heard prior.

"Deucalion…" Deliberately slow his pronunciation, the name tested upon his tongue. Strange it, bore a quality that seemed almost old fashioned and yet rather new as well, an odd combination though it felt fitting for the one who bore it. Slowly did chin fall, a brief nod, a hum bypassing his pursed lips. "That should be alright so long as you can pull your weight," on did he continue in a louder volume, his addressal direct now. "I am Vincent." After thought seemed the lacklustre introduction he offered, any further words put off as another joined them.

Familiar the face, as always it seemed too curious, or maybe simply too open and rambunctious, as many children are prone to being, the rabbit. Momentary the existence of a desire to shield Fraggle, though he may not hide him in whole better than not, pushed down rather quickly. Deucalion had proven to be amicable, if timid, the notion one that seemed preposterous. Of course, to be too careful may invite danger, a mere act this demeanour, though Vincent felt it was not and thus forced himself to calm down. On did Fraggle talk without a supposed care, a particular line catching his attention.

Never had the possibility that injury would be present on the stranger, not even crossing the threshold of his mind that Deucalion may even be the cause of the rotten smell, something he had thought to investigate later when the newcomer had been settled in. His vision once more turned to regard the big cat, curiosity evident there as awaited a response.

Re: golden melody - open; joiner - aesior - 04-14-2021

✯ — got spirits in my head and they won't go
Quiet the breathless, ears twitching as the other spoke. He was a lot less intimidating than the body he wore, easing him further. Nodding faintly as he looked to his book, debating his words. That was an interesting name - how did one spell it? Clumsy the attempt, Dewkaleeon? he tried, sounding it out in his mind. Interesting though long.

Don't see why not you can't stay. he would write before looking him over, a faint heat claiming his fur. He hadn't seen injuries externally visible, though quick his curious gaze caught grass under paws yellowing. He stored it away mentally, remaining unaddressed as a sneeze wracked him, paw lifted in apology.

He really must be developing a cold. Giving a faint nod to Fraggle's words of his ability to tackle most injuries that came his way. Gaze would turn back to Vincent, apologetic the quick smile for well-meant apology if he had caused him any prior discomfort.