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smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - Printable Version

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smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - teef - 04-12-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] One, two, three he would count to himself, gaze fixated on the bog ahead of and surrounding himself. He hadn't been around the Palm Glades for a while, before Rhinestone's death, having disappeared so soon after his own rebirth in a new body. In his time away from the public eye, he'd discovered that he had the ability to shape-shift, and thus had chosen a smaller body than the tiger he'd been reborn into. Now, he wore a body similar to the serval he had worn before, without the hints of draconic parentage that he bore. Approaching the border was a strawberry-blond serval, his paws finding their purchase as he gazed around for any danger to him, teal eyes cautious.

He wasn't scared of the swamp, he merely wasn't fond of the feral predators within it. Strapped to his side for easy access sat a sword in a proudly adorned sheath that bore marks of his hidden godhood. Esteemed the blade of iron, gold and blue leather, beside his sheath would sit a satchel with the few belongings he called his own. At this time, he was traveling, in search of a place that he felt like he could settle. He didn't know much about Ares, but he knew she had been in despair when the ocean had claimed his first body - and that meant something to him, he wanted to give her a gift, and some consoling words for what it mattered.

Settling at the border, the tom would stretch and yawn quietly, double tails flicking back and forth as he looked around for a few moments. "Hello! I'm looking for [member=16769]Ares[/member] ! I formerly hailed from the Palm Glades!", he would call out, subtly wondering where his father, Bai Shi, might be, unknowing of their place within this group. -

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - COLERE! - 04-12-2021

Colere Kokytos

Cole had been wondering about within Tanglewood when a voixe of a stranger pierced his ears and the small black cat hummed a bit before beginning to make his way towards the border. His golden gaze fixating on Lae before he slipped out of the shadows, allowing a yawn to escape from his maw. They seek out a member here-Ares in fact, and he tilted his head slightly. "Are you a friend or foe?" he said smoothly, he wished to get that out of the way before putting another-especially an injured in harms way (not that he cared, he just didn't want to anger the leaders...yet).

His golden gaze began to examine Lae and frowned slightly, wondering to himself if this wasn't just a friend of Ares but more. Would be a shame if Cole played 'homewrecker' but, Cole kept his silly plots to himself, forgetting that he had allowed his eyes to wonder upon the stranger-perhaps a bit far too long, his striking golden gaze never meeting that of Lae's eyes.

"Speech"  Thoughts

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - Ares - 04-12-2021

"He's always a friend." Or, at least she hoped so. The requested woman limped forward from the underbrush, a smile on her face. Despite the anger she felt, this time she was calmer, less... less wrathful, perhaps. For a moment she hadn't recognized Laeglin. It wouldn't had been the first time, considering she didn't immediately recognize him when he resurfaced from the waters that night.

"Hey, Laeglin. How's the Glades?" She tilted her head, the mere mention of her old home making her a tiny bit nervous. But she glanced to Colere and then back to Laeglin, suddenly curious of why he was here. And... formerly? How had she not picked that up? "Wait.. what do you mean, 'formerly'? What's happened?"
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - teef - 04-12-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Faint the breath, soon another presence would join him. Gazing over dark feline before him, "Friend. No reason to be a foe.", he would murmur to Colere, tails curling about his paws where he sat. "I seek her for good things, worry not.", he would do his best to assure before his gaze moved to Ares as the woman he was looking for emerged.

Concern flickered across his face, seeing her limping out. Biting his tongue, his gaze softened towards the younger woman, "Hello Ares. There would be a day I'm hard-pressed to become a foe. I do not strike my friends.", he would murmur, his attention focused solely on her. "As far as I knew when I left, the Glades were fine. I ... haven't been around a lot there. Traveling mostly. I heard rumor that you'd left, and I wanted to come see you. I'm leaving The Palm Glades as well, but I don't know where my paws will take me.", he would murmur to her. Hells, if only he'd been around long enough, he could have mentored her at one time. -

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - rhosmari - 04-12-2021

Always a friend? This was someone she didn't now so she couldn't say rather that was correct or not. The smell of Palm Glades was not an entirely welcomed one but she had come to terms with them. At least with meeting their newest leader she saw at least a peaceful outcome for the both of them. Especially since Winterhymns had been so kind in apologizing for the disgrace that had been the other Palm Gladers who had decided it was fine to take from them and help the Coalition. Still this was and would probably for some time make her uneasy. Knowing that they used to be from a group that had caused a lot of harm. Taking a deep breath the pale lioness would make her way over, eyes of crystalline blue focused on the other. He knew her daughter and the woman found herself hovering over the youth, intent on keeping her safe despite this one being called a friend. She had already lost her once and she would be damned if she lost again. Slowly the Luminary moved around her daughter and settled down beside that of the young woman.

Her eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke about having left the Glades and traveling. Ending up somewhere was a bit technical when it came to Tanglewood. Especially given that there were some groups that were on thin ice with them and others that were unforgivable. ''She hopes that he fairs well in his travels. He may call her Elsweyr. She is Ares' mother.'' She introduced with a small smile, though it wasn't that much of a warm one, just polite.

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - ATBASH CIPHER. - 04-12-2021

tired eyes, barely open ,
crippled by a promise broken !
The mention of the Palm Glades had Atbash feeling bitter, mostly angry at Elsweyr holding such a grudge against the small group. But the newly promoted Vassal had to remind herself that Tanglewood had gone through the same thing she had gone through with Stryker and The Pitt - The Palm Glades had captured and taken Tanglers as prisoners. They weren't the innocent ones in the situation, as she had believed previously. "Good luck with your travels, if you do not wish to stay here." Was all that the savannah said as she sat a couple paces away from the small patrol that was currently around. Judging by Laeglin's wording, they weren't looking to stay here - but hey, what did Atbash know?
female f1 savannah | vassal [hp] of commune of tanglewood | "speaking" | thoughts | "telepathically speaking"
© madi

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - teef - 04-13-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Giving a bow of his head as Elsweyr came forth, his gaze falling to the floor in respect. He knew a parent's care for their child, he'd been there to watch his father show what they could to their children. Pained was the breath in his chest at the memories, of coming across them in a blood bath as a young child. He was happy that Ares found someone that she could call family.

"Greetings to you, Elsweyr. I apologize for not giving notice of my visit. I didn't know I was leaving until I had my belongings packed.", this place wasn't for him. He didn't know where he was going but the only places he knew of .... were considered enemies to the rest. Soft the sigh that would leave him as he stood up to reach into the bag at his side. Withdrawing a shape wrapped in a rabbit's pelt, fur white from winter, he would lean forward and set it down before Ares.

Clearing his throat, he would speak, "I don't know the circumstances behind your own leave, but if you ever have need of my services as your friend, just send the bird to look for me. Wherever I am, the bird will be able to find me.", he spoke softly as he sat up. Giving a short whistle, and lifting his left forepaw, where leather was wrapped around his wrist, a bird came barreling out of the sky. Crying as it settled onto the leather patch, the bird would blink and study those around it, rattling it's feathers with sharp croons at the predators.

"Within the wrapping, is one of my scales. It carries my scent, so when you need to send the bird, just give it the scale and it will find me. It's rather possessive of it.", he would explain in a soft rumble. Breathing out gently, he clucked his tongue as the bird hopped off his paw to the ground and towards Ares, "You're going to want a guard on your wrist when handling it, sharp talons and all.", came the soft laughter.

"I am not my father, and I can't protect someone as well as they can, but I promise to protect you when and where I can. I know we didn't interact much but ... I see you as my little sister, Ares. I've lost enough family, and I don't want to see anymore be lost.", he would speak softly, eyes quiet as he kept the grief from showing in his eyes. He didn't know who else of his lineage was alive, he didn't even know if his father was alive.

Giving a faint nod to those gathered, he moved to stand up, "We all hope for good weather within our travels. I can only hope it lasts long enough to find shelter somewhere. I cannot promise to come to Tanglewood's aid, but I will help where I can, when I can, if I can.", he wasn't foolish to swear allegiance to a group he knew little of, but with Ares here ... he would do his best. -

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - Ares - 04-13-2021

She smiled brightly at Laeglin, though there was a hint of sadness - an emotion the girl didn't show at all now that anger filled her senses. "Well... Well as long as you weren't kicked out of the Glades." And then she watched as he set the rabbit pelt before her. A.. bird..? She was about to question when the bird arrived, and suddenly there was wonder in those amber eyes. She watched as it looked at everyone, and she felt something strange when it looked at her. Familiar..

Ares watched the bird as it hopped toward her. Yeah, for some reason having a bird was familiar. She would figure it out later. She had to be in the moment, not thinking about some past life or something. She pulled the rabbit fur wrap closer to her as she listened, where she looked at Laeglin with wide eyes. To him she was his little sister. To Ares he was someone to look up to, despite the limited interactions they had. She had wanted to help him when he drowned. "I... This means a lot, Laeglin.. Thanks." What else could she say?

"Please be safe, where ever you go." She smiled gently, tail wrapping around herself gently. 
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: smile darling, don't be sad ✧ traveler - teef - 04-14-2021


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] A warm smile reserved for her alone showed itself on his maw, "Dont be pushing yourself too hard, or giving yourself too hard of a time, Ares. You've still got a lot to learn in life, and you've got the people around you to teach you how to do so.", he knew the blame that the young placed on themselves for things they could not control, hell, he still carried the internal blame and shame for his first sister's death. If he'd been stronger then, he could have prevented her murder and avoided his own disaster.

Shaking his head to rid the unwelcome thoughts, he smiled to her. She didn't need to thank him, it was merely a thing he had in his mind, that wouldn't let him rest. Little did she know of the surprise waiting within the fur wrapping, a gift he considered precious, if only for the tradition of his family. He did not think that he would ever come to have children of his own, that his bloodline would die with him. He did not wish to pass the mantle down to Ares, not of a family she knew little of. But he could carry out this small tradition, his own belonging of his father's scale lost to time and sea.

The scale itself was not the hereditary gift, but the delicately wrapped dagger alongside the scale. It was a delicate dagger, one he'd commissioned when he had been a child himself, when he'd though to himself in the fantasies of raising a family. "Open the fur when I've taken my leave.", he instructed, "And know that when you need them most, the stars will appear in the daytime, not even the sun can outshine them", ironic that the insignia borne upon the dagger and it's sheath was none but the sun - a star in it's own merit though the star that gave their world life. That star alone his grandfather held as a facet of his power, an ancient dying god he hadn't seen but had heard tales of in childish wonder. Should their sun ever fail, the god of stars was there to help guide the lost.

Standing before the group, he would bow his head and turn to take his leave, grinning back at Ares, "Worry not, I have the stars to guide my paws. I'll be safe, as long as you can stay safe here with your family.", gentle and soft the grin as he turned away, departing onto his travels once more with a swish of his tails.

out! // -