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CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - Printable Version

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CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - MAVIS V. - 04-10-2021

[/td][/tr][/table]”Mavis, I’ll be right back. Just trust me on this, would you for once?”

The sleek black thing of a cub squirmed back on her haunches, worrying at her lip with a fang. ”But momma!” The words came surfing on tears as she stared into the eyes of the older leopard. ”Why? Why do you always do this?”

Isla flicked the end of her tail, dismissively. Her eyes rolled. ”Oh, don’t be so dramatic! You know as well as I do this patrol is going to take.... Well, hmm. Prolly about less than an hour, say?” And with that said she rose to her feet to begin her trek forward.

Mavis snuffed back a tear. ”Okay, mommy..... I’ll wait.” She was well aware just how clingy she was being, but could she really blame herself all the same? She had only just reached three months of age.... And already her mother was abandoning her. And for what reason? She did these stupid “patrols” every other hour — surely that was enough done for the day?

[cut ahead two hours]

The night was still, a moon floating over the canopy to reveal slivers of pale light, which only highlighted the shininess of the cub’s ebony coat.

Makes me a perfect, clear target.

And as for Isla... She was yet to return. At this point Mavis was a whisker’s-length away from giving up her hope altogether. She’ll never return.... And I’ll be soon food to some other animal. Not to mention, Mother had never left her alone for this long before.

Maybe this was some sort of new and unmentioned test? Perhaps to evaluate Mavis’s stealth or something like that.

Or maybe it’s to see if I’ve caught on. Maybe I am supposed to go find her! What a great idea that was of her. I’m such a clever cub....

So Mavis stretched to her full height, ears twitching as she surveyed these surroundings. ”Mother?” she called, rather bravely if she said so herself, into the darkness of the night.

”....Mother? Where are you?!” Maeve uttered a low growl, in an attempt to look as fearsome as possibly possible. ”Show yourself, mother, this instant! Yeah, I’m not scared. I like this new test if anything!”


The cub felt her ears droop when the silence only went on five minutes more. ”Mama? I said, show yourself! Where are you? Mom... Mom, I’m growing worried now. Where are you!”

Obviously she was going to have to work hard to find her mother. Hmph — stupid game of hide-and-seek.

Cursing to herself from below her breath, Mavis whipped around, digits embedding themselves into the earth. ”Fine. Mother, if you’re going to play like this..... I’ll just find you myself.”

The entire hike, which was maybe a mile’s length or more, only worsened the cub’s knotting fear, though. Where was Isla? The only things she could hear at the moment were the calls and screeches of owls. She clearly wasn’t going to find her.

But she continued. She continued until, foolishly, she began to nod off in the sand. ”Don’t go near those borders, Maeve.... she recalled her mother saying just as the sun awoke and she drifted. ”Cannibalistic savages lurk there; and they call themselves the Pitt.

“Promise Mama, promise me you won’t ever go near there, OK?”
was among one of the last things her brain processes as she sunk into sleep at the borders.

template by orion

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - aine. - 04-10-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
The petite deer-fox had a tired gait.  Wary.  Of matters inside and outside the borders.  Her satchel of herbs resting on her side.  Only a few new finds tucked safely inside.  Hardy desert plants.

Stay vigilant.  She knew.  Blood had been spilled not too long ago.  Not of a clanmate but clanmate's kin.  The druid's hazel hues were alert.  But she hadn't seen anyone.  Nothing suspicions.  Until she reached the border... Blinking in confusion.

The sleepy cub wasn't the first child she would have ran into at the border.  But it still startled the fleshweaver.  Aine chewed the inside of her cheek, head swiveling to look around.  Glancing about for any sign of someone else. 

"Sa- salut?" She spoke softly, wings shuffling at her sides.  Brows creased.  Didn't want to startle the child but... Well.  She was asleep. "Are you- are you okay?  You shouldn't- it isn't a good idea to sleep out here.  The desert will get hot soon." The sun wasn't exactly merciful.

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - Kold - 04-10-2021

[div style="!SECOND IMAGE SQUARE; width: 125px; height: 125px; background-image: url(; background-position: center; background-size: cover; border-radius: 0%; border: 1px #BGCOLOR solid;"]
[div style="!BORDER INSIDE IMAGE SQUARE; margin: auto; margin-top: 5%; width: 90%; height: 90%; border: 4px black double; opacity: 0.5;"]
"Who's this..?" The Marauder rumbled, stepping from her spot in the shadows. Honestly she had just showed up and was more vigilant on signs of murderers than small children. But recent events had spurred her into action. "Ah-" She walked up and stood next to Aine. Tired black eyes looked at the cub and she tried to prod at Mavis with a paw. "You okay..? Aine's right, It'll get hot out here." Oh, god, please let her parents be around. Please.

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - MAVIS V. - 04-11-2021

OOC: Words words words
Her ear flicked as she sub-consciously acknowledged the nudge. A few slightly incoherent words were muttered, then. "H-hot? Oh, well Momma musta been right then...." Momma.... Where was she?

Where was she? Her own self? What of her?

Last thing she could remember doing was trying to scout for Isla. Her eyes fluttered wide at this, and gradually Maeve could feel the reality of the situation lighting back. ”Huh.... Where am... AH.” Her heart dropped in her chest, pounding at her ribs, as she stared up at the two large figures looming over her. One wasn’t quite as large as, well... the other, but the foxish-looking thing was still bigger than the three-month old cub. As for the second, Mavis didn’t care to give that thing any thought, the behemoth of a... monster? Wolf? Hard to tell it was.

Mavis skittered hurriedly to her feet, ears pressing flat amongst her skull. “Who? Who are you?!” Lips drawn back in the beginning of a youthful snarl. She hoped she sounded at least a tad threatening. You’d think a predator would rather avoid the feisty pieces, after all. “I am alright, thank you very much. But I’ve lost my mother. Have not seen her for a day.” She could admit, it sounded like a pathetic complaint. An even more-so pathetic excuse to have almost trespassed what were clearly their borders.
[align=center]LIVING DEAD GIRL
Now all I see is red.
© ceilidh

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - Kold - 04-11-2021

Well, wasn't this cub just full of energy. As Mavis jumped up Kold scrabbled back in a rare moment of tired panic. Slowly she relaxed, though feigning shock at the snarl. "Well, you're not dead.." Then her heart dropped. Her mother had left? Then.. "What of your father?" her words were full of worry. Too many kids without parental figures..

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - gael - 04-11-2021

As a father, the vulpine possessed little understanding for how a parent could simply leave their child.  Of course, he had seen it many times before -- to his ire.  In other situations, parent and youth were separated; some for good reasons, others less so.  Recently, he had found himself separating Jormungand from his sons -- he did not enjoy the concept, but Jormungand's behavior warranted justice; it had been the whole of the Pitt the panther endangered, including his own children.

The faerie trotted towards the border, ears perked as he observed the child Aine and Kold had found -- alone, sleeping amongst the sand.  Gael frowned, pausing a few steps away and tilting his head; scanning the nearby surroundings for any sign of another leopard.

"Where did you lose her?" He inquired, tone gentle.  It could be a simple case of a child wandering too far, although Gael possessed his doubts -- he did not wish to dishearten the young girl.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - MAVIS V. - 04-11-2021

OOC: Words words words
Mavis puffed out her chest, a gesture of newfound indignation. ”No,” she answered simply. ”I am not dead. But my father is, and probably my.... mother, too.” As random as the expression was, the cub couldn’t help but to then break down into a fit of wails and pitiful sobs.

”I’m sorry,” she whispered up at the two, choking back another hiccuping cry. ”I must look like a weakling now, huh.” She averted her eyes from the second fox as she saw him approach, a thin frown pressing at her lips now that she was done mourning. But her momma probably was dead. She’d of course have returned by now if she were still alive.

The thought of no longer seeing her mother hit Maeve surprisingly generously. Perhaps she was just in shock. She’d accustom to it eventually.

”I was sitting in my den after hours ago she had told me she would be back,” she whispered up at the male fox. ”But come back she did not; I didn’t know what to do so I went out in an effort to try and find her last night. Of course, it was to no avail. So, tired and worn out, I fell asleep here. I apologize, Mister. I should not have acted so carelessly.”
[align=center]LIVING DEAD GIRL
Now all I see is red.
© ceilidh

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - Atticus Roux - 04-11-2021

Faint pawsteps settled nearby at the squeal of a child. His side stopped near Gael as he arrived and golden orbs looked Mavis from bottom to top. Ears pinned against his cranium. Lost. Without a mother. Just as he had. Atticus' gaze shifted to the rest of the group as they sympathized with the girl, nodding subtly in agreement. It wasn't his place to speak.

Unlike many children of The Pitt who weren't born within their borders, Atticus Roux was the rare Pittian who chose to run off to The Pitt and join. It seemed like the rest were either forced to come with their parents or dropped off without a care in the world. He held sympathy for their situations. After all, Jormungand's kids were left here while their father was getting tortured and now this unknown child was crying out for their mother. They had no choice. No where else to go. Hoping that their parents were around or would come back... but his family was dead. He had the luxury of choice. To choose where he belonged. Where to call home. Mavis, unfortunately, was set aside and left to fight on their own... almost as he had. Despite not knowing their exact situation, Atticus would perhaps come to sympathize with their story.

Atticus swallowed his pride and past. There was no time to reminisce. With an extended paw towards the girl, he let out a sigh. "We can give you a place to stay-" His eyes moved towards Gael. The wolf wouldn't take no for an answer, though he doubted Gael would deny the request. "-and perhaps search for your mother?" Lowering his head down to Mavis, he returned his attention to the girl.

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - gael - 04-11-2021

One parent deceased and the other missing -- the vulpine withheld a sigh.  There was no need to stress the poor youth with pessimistic ideas; perhaps the mother had simply gone farther than intended, warding off a predator or hunting large game.

Gael shook his head.  "You were brave to search for her," he offered in correction.  As Atticus spoke, the Ardent inclined his head in agreement.  "There is food and more shaded places to rest in our camp."

"Do you a name?  I am called Gael, and I lead the Pitt as Ardent.  These are my clanmates.  I promise we will do our best to find your mother."
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: CAN U FEEL MY HEART | Lost Joiner - j a c k . - 04-12-2021


A child on the border was such a sad sight to see. Defenceless, inanimate - scared little things never lived long in such winters. It was common practice for many to cannibalize their children, or sacrifice them in times of need. Such a practice was brutal, but the world was a brutal one.

Then came the reign of clans, of order. Where children and elder's alike were protected. For their innocence, their knowledge. Clans bound together for the single fact that it was easier together. Still it was a sight to see such a thing bracing against very stangers, them all the kind of known for- teh reputation of savages. Jack wonders if the mother was truly smart in leaving their child here, knowing their child would be welcomed into a feared clan, protected. Or was she truly dead?

"Weak now, maybe." The kodkod offered in greeting, looking towards the shaken cub. "But you will grow strong, as all must. Welcome to the desert of the Pitt little one." The white coat of the kodkod was brazen in the sands, in the night they almost glowed under the moonlight. "You may call me Jack. "