Beasts of Beyond
i want to tear your heart out // anger - Printable Version

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i want to tear your heart out // anger - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-10-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── oh the fire burnt so bright. the last thing his father had said to him before those beasts dragged him away without a word was to take care of himself and his brother. then he was just taken away, simple as that. asmodeus watched everything happen, of course he did, optics narrowed and fixated on the other two leaders. had jormungand not said he should watch out he'd be attacking already, fury clouding his mind and causing him to snap. his claws raked up dirt as growls and snarls burst from his throat, optics blazing with fury and tail lashing, stirring up sand and dust. "not okay." those words could be heard repeated over and over again as the cub would express his anger, the memory of the leaders' sneering twisted
faces etched into his mind. he traced them out with a paw, slamming it to the side and another shriek left him, all
the fur on his back pristling and fanning out to taste the air. that sent a slide of fury straight into his heart that made him set his mindset to become the strongest pittian, the best warrior, the toughest animal.


Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - Kold - 04-10-2021

One of the hardest things Kold had to do, to date, was helping hand Jormungand over to Tanglewood while his two children were in the Pitt. She had a helping hand in making two children fatherless, even if only for a while. it knawed at her, though she would never show or say to anyone that it hurt her more than it should have. Maybe it was because she, too, had been fatherless for a while. It came as no surprise that the children would be angry, though it seemed Asmodeus would be the first to show his anger.

Slowly the Marauder walked toward the fuming cub, face softer than usual. "Hey... He'll come back. They promised not to kill your father." She spoke softly, sitting down some distance from the boy. "If they do, I won't let them get away with it." It was a promise. The best she could offer to the boy.

Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-11-2021

Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-11-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── someone unfamiliar
approached but he didn't care what their intentions were. he turned his dark gaze towards Kold as she moved closer
but sat down a small distance from him. smart. he faintly recognised her, actually, having seen her as they handed his
father to them. his nose wrinkled in disgust as his mind flashed across the other two before returning his attention on her face again. her facial expression was soft, different than when she was with his father, and that touched asmodeus' heart, opening a small gap in the side of the stone-encased thing. she made him a promise, that he wouldn't be killed. how would she know? those were just empty words spoken to hurry a process up-he snorted before feeling his brother come up and touch his side. the older cub turned away as he felt the corners of his optics getting wet, vision clouding. since kold was a small bit away from hydro and he didn't want to talk to family he slowly made his way to her, with one gentle tailpat to hydro's cheek before sitting right next to kold and pressing his nose into the fur at her side, shoulders shaking. lies, all lies.


Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - Atticus Roux - 04-11-2021

Atticus had grown to dislike Jormungand, especially after seeing him being dragged into Tanglewood while he remained in their territory with Sweeney. The news of his dishonor spread quick. While he had only met the man once, hearing how he could ruin his and The Pitt's relationship with Tanglewood rubbed him the wrong way, especially when it endangered his dual-alliance. The wolf held the same attitude for Dante. The kids, on the other hand, he wouldn't judge. He understood if they were angry, just like Sweeney was after Jervis was publicly executed. With proper guidance and someone listening, maybe they'd end up in a good place just like the troubled pair had.

A screech erupted throughout the jungle. His head snapped up from the herbs he was gathering instantly, a narrowed gaze focusing on the silhouette far away. Green leaves floated to the floor as he dropped the herbs Atticus was picking. With a quick pace, the canine travelled over. Golden hues noticed the crowd that had gathered around the panicked child, carefully surveying Kold and Hydrostatics reactions as they were partially ignored. His teeth gritted together.

Pawsteps subtly navigated closer. His hindlegs lowered to the floor as he sat down in silence. He couldn't say anything regarding the potential death of their father, as he was apart of both groups, but he hoped that peace would remain between his two homes. "If it's any consolation, I don't think Tanglewood's leader would risk the neutrality we have now for the death of one man," he remarked. Atticus sure hoped so at least...

Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - Kold - 04-12-2021

Kold spared a glance at the boy as he pressed his face into her fur. She looked at Atticus, huffing a sigh. "Who knows.. but I'll be honest, that lioness is quite the furious woman." She said quietly, a webbed wing unfurling to give the boy a small bit of shade beside her. "Hey.. Asmodeus, what's your favorite color? And Hydrostatic, yours?" maybe she could try to cheer them up. Maybe. She didn't often use her flames for.. lifting moods.

Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - Atticus Roux - 04-12-2021

Elsweyr was furious, but somewhat reasonable. She had never doubted Atticus for his alignment just as Aurum had. Instead the lioness welcomed him with open arms and allowed him to see his mother without any boundaries. He dearly owed her. Hearing Kold's disdain merely made his brow furrow. With a stare, he let out a subtle sigh. Rather than protesting, the canine just shifted in his spot and turned his golden gaze back to Asmodeus and Hydrostatic.

What she said next made him want to roll his eyes. A snort left Atticus. "Yeah, asking them what their favorite color is will fix the fucking issue," he grumbled.  At least it was a distraction... Maybe he'd introduce them to his old antics as a kid.

Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 04-14-2021

Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 04-14-2021

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── he might've angered his brother slightly at the cold demeanor but he didn't want to talk to his own blood right now. scratch that, he didn't want to talk to his own  blood that  wasn't jormungand right now. she asked what their favourite color was, and he frowned, tail flicking. "does it really matter?" he responded, his voice a surprisingly cold whisper, watching as atticus approached, making a far more useful statement. no matter what kold did with the colors it wouldn't help that his father was missing. "he could be killed and you're thinking of colors?"


Re: i want to tear your heart out // anger - Kold - 04-14-2021

The Marauder stifled a frustrated sigh, wing quickly folding in by her side. They were right, of course. "I ask this because-" She held out her paw, and a royal purple flame sprouted, no smaller than a small flower. "If he does get killed, I'll find out who dealt him in and burn them." and only them. "I was asking because, if he does get killed, I wanted his sons to be there in spirit, hence the colors." if they laughed or got a little frustrated, who fuckin cared? She's trying her best.