Beasts of Beyond
DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - Printable Version

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DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - Simon F.M. - 04-09-2021

「  H U R R Y  U P !  T H E  S U N  I S  G O I N G  D O W N !  」
[Image: diya_small.png]
Diya had been around, had been doing her job in between worrying over her children and managing her own interest. Nothing exciting had been happing to the polar bear, until now. She was hard at work, a building slowly forming. Well, the building had already been there, abandoned on the beach some distance away from the other buildings. A decently sized stone building, she had entered to find shambles of a forge. As if on instinct, the polar bear carefully began to move about, straightening tools and taking careful inventory over what had been missed. Repairs would need to be made, of course, but she could work with this.

That was a few weeks ago, though, and she had managed to clean it up nicely. Now, the furnace was roaring within as the polar bear stepped out, paws stained a deep grey from soot. Between her paws, she held a helmet. It was freshly forged and cooled, rough and a touch lopsided. Despite been rough around the edges, she held it with a great amount of joy. It was distinctly feline-sized, though it hadn't been made for anyone in specific. More of a test run, see if she still had her skills. Where had she gained the skill, though? Perhaps it was another bout of skill gained within the two-year gap within her memory. Either way, she was still rusty but the skill seemed to slowly be making itself apparent. Things she shouldn't know how to do came to her with ease, such as creating the helmet that she currently held under the sunlight.

Re: DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - Keona. - 04-09-2021

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Work.  Work kept the fae busy.  Kept her from drifting.  Satisfying the restless energy in her paws.  The need to do things.  Move around.  Even in her current state.

Attempting to re-master her ability to navigate presented a challenge to work.  Just enough to frustrate her at least.  Slow her down.  Her usual rounds taking twice as long, as the small (for the species) dire wolf did her best not to run into anything, or anyone.

Of course, she nearly ran directly into Diya.  Keona blinked, ear flicking back in brief irritation.  Nose inhaling softly.  Catching the soot still clinging to the polar bear's fur and finding her head falling to the side.  "Aloha," she offered quietly.  "Have you been smithing?" Diya did lead the Grim Rays after all.

Re: DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - daniel - 04-09-2021

Admittedly, though he wasn't too pleased with himself for doing so, Danny found that he had been distancing himself from Diya, as if some invisible force was placed between himself and the Officer, having barely crossed paths due to such a thing since they spoke a while back on the beach. He had no explanation nor answer for why that was a thing, a lot was making less and less sense by the day, and he was quite tired mentally as it all stacked up in an order that didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason. Gave him a headache. Regardless, when he saw the polar bear emerge from the previously abandoned little stone house that she was apparently smithing in, Danny figured he ought to at least say hi despite the newfound weird and unidentifiable emotion in his chest. Keona had already beat him to it, so he wouldn't be forced to try and make an attempt by his own awkward self.

The wolf stepped up to the two women, squinting and then turning his head away from Keona so he could sneeze. The mere smell of the soot was more than enough, and he shuddered as it reminded him of the opening of the volcano. The helmet created just now caught his attention, shining in the bright sunlight from overhead. "It looks nice." Danny offered softly, tail wagging gently behind him. He wondered where Lumia was, briefly, he figured she'd be more interested in the process than himself, judging by her announcement to no one in particular about her newfound interest.

Re: DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - Grimm - 04-10-2021

stella amator
member of the typhoon
[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: georgia; color: #74657c; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 12px;"]ALL THE STARS ARE FIXED UP IN THE SKY
How long had transpired since last entertained the presence of the other, in many ways the final tether, a connection to those lost and left in fragmented portions of memory that seemed sand between grasping fingers when he tried to ponder them. There were others, this a known fact and accepted as such, once more the name he bore with a withered sense of pride spread. Still forgein the concept, difficult to grasp. Better a situation he had grown accustomed to, tended over the year whittled away among people his kin through blood but nothing like her.

His sister, the one he adored and respected above all else. The anchor that tied him here.

Too long if his thoughts wandered over such ground and could not formulate the last moment in which a fresh exchange had been made. He had seen her about, could not bear to even think of avoiding her and thus impossible to perform, yet never broached conversation. Different seemed this day, the dark plume expelled from the stone hut a curiosity, gentle but ever persistent that spark. Closer he tread, though had made no move that may have made evident his desire to enter, turned back by the heat that poured out.

Smithing something he knew, familiar the harsh clang of metal tools striking metal grown cherry in hue, the explosive sound of it being submerged suddenly decreasing in volume, heat leached though still would it be there. Easy the act of pinpointing when, his time spent within his home one often occupied with such, though an activity he had not cared to participate in, even enjoyed tales of his own mother having been rather adept. Distant still was he when the clatter silenced, her exit bringing forth a confusing mix, adulation tempered beneath worry. Different people were they now, those few instances their paths crossed pleasant yet bore a tension he could not abide, terror a sharp spike driven into his chest.

Others approached, one he knew not until she spoke, wide the eyes that took in the drastic change he had heard nothing of. Maybe he had been cooped up for too long. The next easily identified, intensified the fear that swelled within his chest, strained breath concluding in a sudden cough. Departing seemed a suitable idea for a moment, the act of a coward, stifled only as he realised running would offer no true comfort, still would he be plagued by doubt and worry.

All the same there would be no words as Harland took those few steps closer, already voiced by those who had come before, his own commentary an unnecessary addition. His teeth found and dug into his tongue, held the muscle in place, all the whole a smile was drawn into forced existence.

Re: DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 04-10-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
You would think that Vayne would know of this hobby that Diya had, but she had yet to see her adoptive mother forge anything, or make anything like the other blacksmiths. So she was confused with what the polar bear was doing, up until the shape of a helmet was made. "It looks great!" She squeaked out as she came to stand next to Danny, her eyes shining and wide as she looked up at Diya, admiration in her gaze.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - LUMIA CIPHER. - 04-11-2021

Smithing. It was an activity that fascinated and delighted Lumia, and although it was an interest she had developed only recently, she had already started doing research. It thankfully wasn't too hard to do so within The Typhoon, considering the blacksmiths that the group held. Still, there was one person in particular that Lu was especially interested in talking to, and that was Diya. The young Cipher had only heard a little bit about the officer, but one of the things that many mentioned were her emerging penchant for blacksmithing. Unfortunately, Diya often seemed to be busy, which was obviously understandable. Lumia couldn't even imagine the pressures that must've come with being an officer, and she didn't feel comfortable interrupting the other's important duties. So instead, she just watched from afar, hoping that a day would come where the polar bear finally just relaxed. It seemed that day had finally come, even if some wouldn't really consider the activity of blacksmithing to be relaxing. Mia thought differently, and evidently Diya did as well.

The scent of metal breaking and melting down was what first attracted Lumia over to the scene, her short tail twitching behind her as her gaze gleamed with interest. She felt a bit of shyness initially upon noticing it was Diya who was making something, but said anxiety broke down as soon as she saw the helm. The wheat colored beta picked up the pace, practically racing over to where the forge sat, surrounded by several others admiring Diya's work. However, all their faces and words simply faded into the background, Lumia's mind singularly focused on the helmet, and its creator. As she sat down nearby, a grin spread across her muzzle, a purr leaving her throat soon afterward, "Your work is excellent, miss." The helmet may have been slightly lopsided and very slightly off, but that was part of the art to Lumia. Every piece didn't need to be perfect, as long as you created it with heart in mind. Lu hadn't been able to forge anything of her own just yet – mainly because she was too nervous – but she couldn't deny that she was excited to do so.

Feeling a bit embarrassed that she hadn't introduced herself just yet, Lumia soon added on, "Ah... I'm sorry. My name is Lumia Cipher. I'm Vayne's aunt... I became very interested in blacksmithing, recently. I've been looking for some kind of mentor, honestly. N-Not that you're obligated to do anything like that. I just... would love to learn a bit from you." Just properly meeting Diya, and already blurting out her desire for a mentor. It was embarrassing, but... it was also true. She'd love it if she got Officer Diya to teach her what she was so desperate to learn about.

Re: DRAG ME INTO PLACE ! || Working, Open - ROXANNE R. - 04-14-2021

Roxanne had been busy with her usual duties as captain, she was a big fucking deal after all and needed to get her shit done before wandering off to do anything yet there was times where she made exceptions. Especially for her wife. And their kids whenever they needed Roxie. The sight of the polar bear was enough for her heart to skip within her chest, the captain noticed that there was a few others there but they didn't matter as much to her as Diya did. With tail waving in the air, the draconic feline made her way over seeing that Diya appeared from the stone building with a newly forged helmet within her large paws.

Wow, her wife was so cool and nobody was as cool as Diya. Her ears twitched as she greeted everyone else there "Helloooooooooooo," Came her briefly singsong voice as she chirped quietly, Roxie already making her way to brush up against her wife only to hear that new Cipher chick talking about how she was Vayne's aunt yadda yadda yadda and looking for a mentor. How subtle, Roxanne thought humming quietly with a Cheshire cat grin forming on her maw though her mismatched gaze would turn over to Diya with a slow nod "That helmet looks fuckin amazing, love." Her wife was very talented! Her wife. God, she would never get tired of saying it over and over again in her head like a broken record.