Beasts of Beyond
SHE WANTS ME TO BE LOVED ☆ troubled - Printable Version

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SHE WANTS ME TO BE LOVED ☆ troubled - SWORDSKIT. - 04-01-2021

Swordskit was beginning to get a bit more confidence in being outside though he never would stray far from the rest of his siblings or his friend, Onyxpaw, seeing as he felt a lot safer around them. His eyes fixated onto the garden that his father would take care of each morning or afternoon, the aroma of flowers was a comforting one yet his mind wasn't solely on flowers, no, it seems that his mind had drifted off to a certain friend of his. A girl. It sounded like the sappy beginning of a love story but what can one expect with dumb mushy, gushy baby crushes? Or that's what he thought it was anyways. He had to bite his tongue often whenever random questions would be blurted out but they were more inquiries on what girls liked. Wyvernkit liked food but most people did, it made the boys nose scrunch up in thought as he stood there not saying much of a word not realizing that his three paws and a nub had brought him to the garden.

"Do girls like flowers?" He mumbled to himself under his breath as a frown formed itself on his maw and tilted his cranium to the side. Did his sister like flowers? Maybe he'd ask her later. His tail would lash to the sides as he tried to think, he reached out with a paw knowing that the garden was moreso off limits buuuuuuut... One flower being picked wouldn't hurt, right? Right! He retrieved a small flower holding the stem gently between his jaws before stopping in his tracks. Wait... What was he supposed to do? Huh, he hopped up onto the porch not sure of what he was supposed to do or say. He placed the flower behind his ear only to watch the ocean through half closed eyes, lifting a paw up did he scratch at his chin before mumbling out "My head hurts..." Yet the subtle flutter within his chest made a huff leave him.

Re: SHE WANTS ME TO BE LOVED ☆ troubled - WYVERNKIT - 04-01-2021

[div style="max-width: 600px; height: 24px; background: #0D0C0F; padding: 5px; line-height: 15px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: #8E6290;"][align=center] — [b]FELINE - PALM GLADES - KIT - TAGS
Wyvern was slowly having the same premonitions that Sword was having. Boys, girls, whichever. That's part of the reason she chose the room that she did- the trellis next to the house was climbable, the nice big open windows with grand curtains and shutters, the sunset setting down outside of the window. Lovey, dreamy, romantic, to say the least. But, sitting up in her room, her eyes noticed that her brother was in the garden. Her thoughts, of course, had been elsewhere besides love today, and noticing her brother sneak in and then out with a flower made her frown.

Wyvern slipped her way downstairs, past her family inside, and out the front door. She had been spending most of her time resting, holed up in her room, body and back aching from the wings slowly growing in. Her eyes caught Sword tucking the flower behind his ear, and blinked at him. Wyvern cleared his throat, before pointing to the flower. "What do you think you're doing?"


Re: SHE WANTS ME TO BE LOVED ☆ troubled - Onyxdreams - 04-01-2021

~ ☼ Finally, ever so delicately, placing the last of her rocks on her 'Big Pile of Shiny Rocks', Onyx took a step back to admire her work. Organized from the bottom up, it was made in such a way that it looked almost prismatic in the right light, and by fair it was the best addition she had made to the room! In fact, her room was looking amazing now that she had taken the time to actually clean up after unpacking, having left her room in a state of disarray for the past week. It hadn't been all too bad, nowhere near what her storage house looked like, but now it looked amazing, from her pile of rocks, to her collection of cool glass jars and bottles, her stuffed animal pile, all arranged in such an artistic way! Passing by the window on her final inspection of her room, her eyes were drawn to the garden, or more importantly, who was out there, messing with a flower right now, Swords, her best bud, looking a little...what was the word...think-y? Contemplative, that was the word!

Slipping out of her room herself, she padded her way down the stairs and to the door, more than a little curious about just what he was doing out there in the first place. Sure the garden was pretty neat, but no one could really take anything from it, or really play around near it, that one Winter had been especially clear on. Seeing Wyvy in the distance as she headed out the door was a bit of a surprise too, she hadn't seen her in...well, not long, but she was usually up in her room resting, so it was great to see her outside for once! "I think he's thinking, he's got that look on his face." she added casually as she padded over to stand off to the side of Wyvernkit, giving an look to the flower her friend had stuck behind his ear, and an approving nod shortly after. "Huh, doesn't look too bad on you Swords! So, you look like you got something on your mind shrimp, I mean it must be something tough though if it's giving you a headache."