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all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Printable Version

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all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Romulus - 03-29-2021

As the day came to a close, their travels had come to an end at the desert's scent border. The eyes of The Coalition of the Condemned's wanderer traced the horizon, narrowing in confusion at the sight of pools of water within the desert's dips. Romulus turned towards Elsweyr, eyeing her. He looked for an explanation, but was met with nothing and returned his gaze to the sandy hills. It appeared that the wanderers weren't the only ones experiencing strange weather. How odd.

That wasn't the reason the two groups were showing up on The Pittian border though. In fact, their excuse was far from it. Instead Elsweyr and Romulus had come on behalf of a disdainful member of The Pitt who decided to wreck havoc during his stay, ultimately causing conflict between two opposing groups under false pretenses. After being warned previously by the lion, he was not surprised this happened. Nonetheless, the problem had to be dealt with. That led to these two lions on the border, standing tall and with frustration seething in their minds.

While he held no permanent rank, the lion was purely here to represent his group and the fact that he predicted such actions. As a result, a unamused expression lined his pointed features. With the first arrival, he would bluntly state: "We need to speak to your leader." He couldn't predict Elsweyr's own words though.

// [member=4836]gael[/member] [member=16541]ELSWEYR[/member] feel free to post before them!!

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - aine. - 03-29-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
Coalition.  The petite deer-fox did not trust them.  Held onto the anger.  Resentment.  For what they did to Trygve.  Sweeny.  Atticus.  It set her fur bristling.  Suspicion rising.  Made worse by the more familiar scent of Tanglewood.

Unaware of Jormungand's actions, the fleshweaver could not imagine a good reason for both groups arriving on the border.  Much less after Elsweyr and her father's decision to leave each other be entirely.  Nothing but 'dire straights' to be cause for a Tangler's presence on Pitt lands.

Her hazel hues dance.  Wary.  Particularly of Elsweyr, since she did not really recognize Romulus.  Tired of flaming lions threatening her home.  Tired.  And soon to be furious at the one who caused the issue at hand.  Teeth catch the inside of her cheek, ears flicked back as her father was sent for.  Halting a cautious distance apart from the Wanderer and Tanglewood Luminary.  Hooves sinking into the sand.  Cementing her connection to the earth.

Should probably hold in the question for her father's arrival but it pressed in her mind.  An endless repeat.  Why? What now?  Rested in her throat.  She couldn't.  Tired.  Couldn't shake the memory of one of the last times two groups stormed onto the Pitt's border.  The jungle aflame. 

"... What... What's this about?" Her voice clipped.  Guarded.  Sounded distant even to her.  Faraway.  Her mind racing a thousand different directions.  Attempting to push past old memories.  Focus.  Stay present.  Figure out what happened.  Breathe... Four... Seven... Eight...

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Kold - 03-29-2021

Kold didn't forget about the Coalition - who could? After the shit they did to some of the Pitt, their blatant murder of two... three? leaders, all for the display of power and reactions they had. But she didn't hate them nor like them. But Tanglewood. Tanglewood. This was the... what.. third? Fourth time they'd showed up on their border?

The wolf hated this shit. Constantly, her group was being put in danger. First by Dante, because he's Dante. Now, it was being endangered because of something else. Fuck's sake. Already her fur was bristling but not growing darker as the pittian approached, face poker. "What's happened this time." It was less of a question and more of a demand, voice tired and strained. Couldn't the Pitt just be left the fuck alone?
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Speaking of the devil, he was here. However just like Kold and Aine, Dante was concerned as to why two separate groups were here. Fortunately though, despite Kold's thoughts (not that he could hear them, of course), Dante had somewhat learned his lesson from his original attack on Elsweyr. Even though he wasn't too happy about the Coalition and Tanglewood here - especially considering Elsweyr of all people was here. Dante still didn't quite like her, truth be told.

The hybrid lingered a few paces away from Kold and Aine though, watching in the background. Just in case something would happen.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - rhosmari - 03-29-2021

She was quiet, thinking in rounds in her own head to try and keep herself calm. She had tried hadn't she? She had offered a deal and made sure to uphold her side. She knew that perhaps the Pitt didn't know of this disobedience. Even so, even so, she didn't want to take anymore chances. She didn't want to have the Pitt as friends or as neutrals. If they couldn't control their own. If they had not yet learned how then she would make them. Her tail twitched back and forth, the tip a blazing flame that trailed up along her spine and into the flaming mane of her neck. The fire coated her shoulders and her legs as she walked beside that of the Coaltion lion, eyes narrowing slightly. The atmosphere of the damp desert provoked no sort of emotion from her as she paused there and she waited.

Hearing Romulus speak up they were soon greater by Pittians and one in particular that her eyes landed on almost immediately. Her maw curled slightly, flashing her large fangs before she ignored him and turned to look at those that had asked the questions. "It's about the Pitt. It's always about the Pitt. One Pittian decided that it was okay to come to Tanglewood and harm and capture one of her people. She is not happy. He thought it would be okay since he was staying in the Coalition." But it was far from okay. It wouldn't be tolerated. "There will be no more warnings, no more talks with the Pitt since they can not control their members." She unsheathed her claws hoping that the one who had did this would show their face.

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Kold - 03-29-2021

Oh for fuck's sake. Again? This time Kold let her body shudder with anger. Again, seriously? It made her chuckle. "You're joking.. you've gotta be..." But she cut it off with a snarl. "Fuck's sake. Do we have the name of the Pittian, or do you wish to leave us in the dark as to which of us broke the no-touchy policy." Though she was beginning to piece together who did. Oh, god, if he didn't have a kid with him he would be maimed to hell and back. She just needed to have her assumption confirmed.

Indeed, there would be no more warnings. Kold had enough. Black tongue ran over her cream muzzle. If she had to hurt someone, she had no problem doing so now. Though her face stayed poker and stoic, it was quite clear to tell that Kold was pissed.
Kold Darcia Ní Broin - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - gael - 03-30-2021

Following their no-contact policy, the vulpine had not expected another Tanglewood visit -- wary and more than suspicious when found the Coalition as well.  He trusted neither groups, nor did he suspect they trusted each other following the Coalition's takeover of the former; further cause for wariness.

Consequently, the Ardent narrowed his gaze as he approached, ears perked in legitimate curiosity.  The faerie did not enjoy ignorance, so soon inclined his head, seeking more explanation.  He had a primary suspect of course; he had seen Jormungand in the company of the wanderers during the monthly gathering. 

"As Kold requested, I would appreciate further identification -- as they have not only broken your decrees, but mine as well, which I will not tolerate any further," especially after Dante's earlier transgression. "Would I be correct in assuming the perpetrator to be Jormungand?"

Elsweyr, like the previous Luminary, may be rage and fire, but Gael would remain poised -- tone kept simple and polite, indifferent to the baring claws.  He possessed no fear of the other leaders, nor cared for threats.  If Elsweyr decided to act on vengeance and hurt any of his clanmates who had nothing to do with nor known of the transgression, he would display the same lack of mercy in turn.  Unless such proved necessary however, he would use his words and focus on the matter directly.

Regardless if he was correct about the Pittian's identity, Gael would make his judgement upon them swift; he had shown Dante kindness, in refraining from outright exile, but his patience grew thin.  As far as the Ardent felt a Pittian who believed he could risk the lives of his clanmates did not deserve any loyalty or protection in turn, less so if they did it while being a guest elsewhere, disturbing the neutrality of not only two but three groups.

"As he sought to make one of your own a prisoner, you may take him as one in turn," the Ardent decreed icily; no hesitation in throwing the transgressor to the wolves -- there would be no more mercy, for there was no excuse he would accept for this blatantly disloyal and disrespectful behavior.  "Regardless, he shall be demoted to the status of one here."

Let him reap what he sows.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Romulus - 03-30-2021

'This time?' Trouble appeared to be consistent on The Pitt's border then. Romulus merely craned his head, looking towards Elsweyr as the female spoke their truth. "The male in question is no longer allowed on our lands," he added on afterwards. "He has killed multiple on our lands to my dismay." The lion purposefully left his sister out of the picture. She was gone. He had no reason to believe her soul was out there. Death, unfortunately, had become a constant in his life. 

Continuing on, the wanderer began to address the specifics of the situation. "More notably, he captured a Tanglewood member and maimed them, removing their wings," Romulus stated firmly. His eyes narrowed. Periwinkle hues momentarily focused out on the horizon, looking for any sign of the panther within their lands. Met with nothing, Romulus moved along. "This was directly against Sojourn's orders." He had no clue that Tanglewood was neutral with The Pitt either. "As a result, Elsweyr here-" A paw gestured towards the lioness. "-showed up on our island and threatened to burn down our territory for your member's actions." Anyone could see why The Coalition of the Condemned had a problem with that, especially after their last home's destruction.

Head turning to Gael, the lion offered a nod to confirm the ardent's suspicions. "Your assumption is correct. Jormungand." Perhaps Gael already knew of his actions, hence the out-right guess, or knew what Jormungand was capable of. Romulus, in turn, was not surprised. His tail merely flicked in satisfaction, but his expression remained dull and unamused.

At the mention of imprisonment, his head shifted back towards Elsweyr and offered a tilt of his head. Romulus was open to letting the panther rot, but it was not one of his wanderer's being maimed. Any action past this point was up to her. If it was up to him, he'd be on death row.

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-30-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Well, this was a bit of a relief wasn't it? Dante's tail flicked as he listened to the conversation that was happening, musing to himself that it was a good thing that his clanmates didn't automatically assume it was him (as far as he could tell, anyway). Romulus confirmed that it had been Jormungand who had done this horrific thing, making Dante raise his invisible eyebrows. So that's where Jor went off to, huh? Weird.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: all the kings men - [COTC/TANGLEWOOD] - Kold - 03-31-2021

Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HOLDS HER!
Ah, so it was the bastard. Kold's lips lifted in a silent snarl at his name. Her fur bristled, heat flared in her. As much as she wanted to say she'd kill him, her morals stopped her. She couldn't kill him even if she tried. He had kids, for god's sake. But handing him to Tanglewood to be a prisoner seemed like a death sentence. What would his kids think? Her face steeled and she looked at Gael, not saying a word but staring with wide eyes. She didn't like Jor, that much was known. But kids.