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THE LOW MAKES THE HIGH FEEL BETTER;; - trojan g. - 03-28-2021

When Ares had come back to Tangelwood, injured and crying, Moth had immediately remembered what had happened the last time the girl had been in the group, she had no choice but to think of that, considering Ares was at the border then, confessing that it had happened again, that she had almost hurt two members of the Palm Glades. Normally that would be cause for celebration in Moth's eyes, that the Palm Glades were being hurt, but it was for unwarranted reason this time, it was uncontrolled, and it was almost a child that had gotten hurt. The fact that it was something that had happened more than once made it so Moth knew that it had to be talked about, it had to be addressed no matter how uncomfortable it was to address it. Ares needed help.

She had worked to make sure that there was no infection on any of Ares' wounds. They'd been healing but she didn't trust those in the Palm Glades to do proper work, not yet, so she double checked. She had to make sure the place where her wings once were were healing properly, that the arm that was broken set and didn't heal twisted. It didn't take that long to do, but by the end of it she was exhausted and she soon left the room, wanting to take a break, wanting to make sure that she had the energy to do other things if it was needed. Eventually she would enter in the room once more, ushering Ana out to the couch to sleep, promising her that she'd be able to come back in later, when they were done.

The island fox would find herself in the room with Ares and Elsweyr alone, and she would let out a small sigh before sitting down, nose sniffling for a moment before she looked upon the two with tired eyes. "I think it's best we all talked." She would speak, tail twitching idly behind her as she waited for a response.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: THE LOW MAKES THE HIGH FEEL BETTER;; - Ares - 03-28-2021

As long as breath comes from my mouth
I may yet stand the slightest chance.
Ares knew she needed help. She knew she needed help the moment she started acting differently around the sword. But she was a child, stupid and selfish. She thought that, by going to the Glades, away from the scene of the crime, she would have help, she would get better. But her outburst proved that she hadn't gotten any help. She thought she was getting better and now she was essentially at square one again. Ares was ready to admit that.

She had no objection to having her wounds checked - she had patched them up mainly by herself so they were subpar but as good as she could get them without Winterhymns help. While she and Els were in the room, Ana had been in there, showing her drawings and listening when Ares ranted slightly. It was nice, but she knew a discussion had to happen. When Ana was ushered out, Ares tried to sit up a bit straighter. 'I think it's best we all talked.' Nothing could've been more true. Ares nodded. "Yeah.."

Re: THE LOW MAKES THE HIGH FEEL BETTER;; - rhosmari - 03-31-2021

Throughout everything the woman had been at her daughter's side. Watching everything that had taken place, precariously on the edge. Always in the background for support and making sure that Ares was alright. She knew that her daughter was going through a terrible time right now and for her to run here after what happened last time and visit meant something. After all Tanglewood was where it all began. It was something that hurt the Luminary on the subject and no one had asked her own opinion on how to handle the situation that pertained to her daughter back then. And she was partially worried that some would reject Ares and force her back out. No, she wouldn't have let that happen. As Ares began a slow recuperation she lingered, light touches to make sure she was okay. A keen and watchfull eye as she tilted her head.

But as Moth began to shoo Ana out of the room she had a feeling that thisbwas going to turn into something more. Slowly the flaming lioness lifted herself up and she gave a small nod. A knowing stare. It was about time that they talked about the situation and figured out how to help her daughter control whatever it was that plagued her. Personally the lioness barely had a grasp of her own abilities and it appeared that it ranged with her emotions. But she hoped never again to change shape like she had before. "Moth is right. It is time that we talk about the situation. Ares needs control."

Re: THE LOW MAKES THE HIGH FEEL BETTER;; - trojan g. - 03-31-2021

The reaper of medicine watched as the two thought over their words, only to agree with her. She was glad that they both knew they needed to talk, glad that it seemed as though Ares had grown up and matured since she had last been here. Palm Glades had done something right for once, taking care of Ares and making sure she knew when to talk about something, even if it meant that she had lost control once more. No one was hurt though, she had to keep reminding herself that. No one else had gotten hurt, Ares was the only one and it had been to gain control once more.

Nose sniffling for a moment, the tired jaguar would sit up more, words thought over carefully before speaking once more. "I think the first thing we need to do is figure out what you want Ares." She would speak, head turning towards the younger animal as she did so. It seemed as though Elsweyr were on the same page that she needed help, but it was ultimately a decision that Ares had to make for herself. If she didn't want the help that they offered there was no use forcing her, for it just wouldn't work. "I can offer my own help if you want it, but I can't promise it'll be something you like. I won't be harsh of course, but we'd need to get to the bottom of what's going on before I can start to help... so it'd be more boring than anything." Helping someone often was boring, whether it be healing of the mind or injuries shown on the outside of the body. Moth knew what to do in some cases, but sadly there were no books on someone losing control and turning into a large dinosaur. The animals on the island were the only ones that had to deal with powers it seemed, for there was nothing other than old history that many humans deemed fake to hint towards powers.

She would sit back for a moment, paws coming up to her face as she thought, resting underneath her chin. "Of course," She would begin, "There's also the option of going somewhere else, whether it be with me or Elsweyr, or simply by yourself to try and see if anyone else would be better suited to help. I do believe that no matter where you go everyone's treading on new ground." Paws would touch the floor once more and she would finally speak again at last. "If you do decide to stay here-" She was sure that'd be the case, Ares's family resided her in Tanglewood after all, "-then I would like to know what things you did in Palm Glades to help yourself get better. You were there for a while without an incident." She simply sounded tired and worried, though the worry was placed in Ares rather than Tanglewood itself. She cared for the girl and wanted to see her get better.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]