Beasts of Beyond
no more - open; waking up/recovering - Printable Version

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no more - open; waking up/recovering - rhosmari - 03-28-2021


How long had it been? Days? Weeks? It truly didn't matter. Time seemed to blur together as she laid there within the temple walls. Sleeping for what felt like eons. Only waking up for the smallest and meager of things before succumbing against to the void that tried to keep her mind safe. That tried to keep the nightmares at bay. All she had wanted was to finally become a beta, to finally get her piercing and do her ceremony. To climb up to that volcano, to make her choice on what path she wanted to pursue. And now she couldn't. Things had to he halted because of an evil animal she didn't even know. Slowly golden orbs opened up, closing and then reopening. Tiredness leaking into her vision. Blurred was the world till she blinked again and then one more time. Her head jerked up for a moment, a hiss escaping closed and dry throat. Pain she had never experienced ced before in her jaw. Broken and held firmly in place.

She tried to move but it felt like everything hurt. Especially her stomach. As if something had tried to gorge it out. Something....something had tried... A flash of memory, someone pinning her down, telling her to stop moving so it can be easier. Claws digging into her underside, a snap of something breaking. And she screamed in reality. Or tried to. Her jaw wouldn't open. But the sound was there as tears began to flood her vision. Why? Why had he done this to her? What did she do to him?

Re: no more - open; waking up/recovering - michael t. - 03-29-2021

Occasionally, Michael would make the decision to visit Roan up at the temple. Not only did he enjoy seeing his nephew, but he also enjoyed popping in to see any patients. Some of them didn't appreciate visitors, but a few of them were grateful that at least someone cared. The dealer was always quick to point out that Roan cared, the soothsayer just had a... unique way of showing it. Either way, he enjoyed these little visits, and he liked helping out where he could. He had found himself visiting more often since Marianas had been attacked, for multiple reasons. For one thing, he had just found her to be a pretty good kid overall. For another thing... she hadn't deserved what had happened to her. Not in the slightest. Caesar was a bastard, through and through, and Mari didn't deserve to suffer because of him. Unfortunately, there was no way for Michael to turn back time, so he had to settle for just offering support.

As he stepped inside the temple, the bobcat was surprised to see that Roan wasn't around, but that did make a bit of sense. The other was probably out restocking herbs, or maybe getting something to eat. Because of this, Michael had been ready to turn and head out until his nephew returned, but he was stopped by a strange half wheezing half crying noise. Pausing, he turned and headed further inside, his heart sinking when he saw the state that Marianas was in. It was no wonder that she was on the edge of tears, considering what had happened to her.

Considering Roan wasn't back yet, the thief made a valiant attempt to comfort her himself, sitting down nearby as he muttered, "Marianas... it's good to see you awake. Try not to use your jaw too much... Roan said that it was broken, so he needed to set it in place. It'll take a while for it to heal, but he's got some ways of giving you food and water, so you don't need to worry about that..." Well, those were the logistical parts... comfort was a little bit harder. Taking a deep breath in, the male continued, "I know it's incredibly hard, to wake up like this, but... you're gonna be okay, alright? I promise. Roan and the sages are taking care of you, and you'll bounce back from this before you know it." He made no mention of Caesar, knowing that there was no "good" reason for what the other had done.

Re: no more - open; waking up/recovering - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-29-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Being a Cipher unfortunately meant that Vayne subconsciously carried the burden of being related to Caesar, with her feeling bad about the things that were happening to The Typhoon recently. She knew that most of her crewmates didn't judge her for being related to Caesar, since she didn't really have a choice in what family she had been born into, but that still didn't stop the young Privateer from thinking that people were going to hate her for the things Caesar had done. Or Aphra, if her mother ever tried to attempt anything. At the end of the day, nobody deserved the things that Caesar was doing to them, let alone Marianas who was simply just... living and trying to enjoy life.

Vayne hadn't ever been really close to Marianas but she was wondering how she was doing, and so she made her way to the temple where Marianas was staying for the time being. The orange-spotted she-cat was carrying a small blanket on her back, trying to make sure it didn't carry any sand with it as she walked along. "Hi, Marianas." Vayne squeaked as she approached, lowering her head when she noticed Michael was here too. Not out of shame or anything, just feeling awkward in case she was interrupting them. "I brought a blanket, if-if you need one." She shook off the blanket she carried, though wouldn't move it towards Marianas just yet. She wanted to make sure Marianas was okay with even getting it in the first place.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]