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CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - Printable Version

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CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - angelembrace - 03-24-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Perhaps it was a little late and little more overdue to try and get to properly know his group mates, but in Angel’s defense he was either too tired to make the attempt or was staying in place to be a good child for his mother. He didn’t have the energy to purposely, openly break out to explore either out of curiously like his brother, or out of spite like his half-sister. Then there was the mudslide of course, which sort of put a halt on his plans until now. He figured Mother Dear wouldn’t be too concerned these days about what he did and did not do, as long as he didn’t make a fuss about how he could have perished pathetically in the natural disaster.

Angel squinted at the bright sky above him, pale eyes tracking a moth that was flying about, seeming to be having a harder time than it needed to. Old, perhaps? He shifted his body, before reaching one paw out and dragging it out of the air. The tiny corpse was beginning to become more fascinating to him, using the paw he just utilized to execute the insect to flip the limp wing up and down.

Flying seemed cool, he wanted to try it out. Too bad he didn’t have wings. Ironically.

Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - RAVENWOOD - 03-24-2021

i'll pull the trigger with my eyes closed,
hoping to hit you somewhere vital

Ravenwood had been snoozing. The recent events had exhausted his body, which had only ben frail from a week before. His stomach growled, and it woke him suddenly. Green eyes opened and he lifted his head towards the sun, then forward, looking towards Angel. He blinked slowly, watching him murder a moth, before twitching his ears and pushing onto his paws, and slowly approaching.

He looked down at him. "Is it that interesting?" He questioned quietly.


Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 03-24-2021

Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - angelembrace - 03-25-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── His little investigation was interrupted by Ravenwood, who Angelembrace really only recognized as the one who was helping people get out of the chaos, who he had heard but hadn’t seen grab Asmodeus and high tailed it out of there. For that, at the very least, he owed his thanks and respect. Other than that, he couldn’t say he really had the chance to talk to the guy. But that was what this little outing was for. ”Do you think it isn’t interesting? Things like moths around, do you think bugs and birds think about how we don’t? At least, most of us, I’ve heard some people get wings one day and I don’t know why yet.” Having left little room to take a breather, though for most it would just require a moment of inhalation, Angel began to cough a little violently, jaw wrenched shut as to not cause too much of a potentially disgusted reaction from anyone who happened to be nearby. He wasn’t sick, honest, just couldn’t handle the sudden energy burst of his own answer. There was a reason he wasn’t rolling around and wrestling with any of the other kids after all.

And speaking of, ”Well, I’m not dead, I’d say I’m doing pretty good.” The cub smiled brightly at his silver furred brother, albeit with a small shudder from a cold chill following his coughing fit. Unlike Ravenwood or even Byriath, he was not about to openly thank his mother for doing her part in ensuring that the Coalition for the meantime had any surviving children. Mostly because he was still bitter, but he had no hard feelings against Hydro. It wasn’t his fault, and besides, he’d seemed just as upset at the idea that someone could have not made it out. Angel was just relieved, even now, that the other cub was okay. ”There’s just not much to do when it’s all wrecked.”

Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-25-2021

"i am here to serve" asmodeus ── he strolled after hydro with a small smile. jor had allowed him without even asking for aphra's opinion. wasn't like she was there anyways, she had hightailed it out of there, away from her children as soon as byriath said he needed someone to patrol. asmodeus wrinkled his nose, looking at ravenwood through bright optics then frowned in concern as angel began coughing furiously. he hopped in place, unsure if he would get infected if he approached.


Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - HYDROSTATIC C.D.. - 03-26-2021

Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-26-2021

"i am here to serve" asmodeus ── "you think byriath can help? isn't he busy helping build the camp or something?" asmodeus frowned at hydro's words, unsure what his brother was getting at.


Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - Byriath - 03-26-2021

"Hello, boys." Byriath rumbled, voice... oddly feminine. The slimmed down tiger padded forth, stripes glowing smoothly with bio luminescent mutations. Byriath had been tampering with shapeshifting and ended up making himself a female. Which, honestly, wasn't that bad. Her voice seemed smooth but sharp, menacing without meaning to. "How are you all holding up?" She hadn't heard Angel's coughing fit, unfortunately. "As Guru, it's somewhat my job to make sure everyone is holding up okay, even stuck-ups like a certain someone." She gave a pointed look in some direction.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-26-2021

"i am here to serve" asmodeus ── "woah" since when had byriath become a female? last asmodeus checked the lion was still strong and stocky and very much male. "by, not to be rude or anything, but are you a girl now?" he blinked, mind not fully able to grasp the concept that byriath was now a girl. ewww. girls have cooties. he scooted slightly away from him-her, buzzing with tension
and claws digging into the ground.


Re: CARBON AND CHEMICALS ★ open; intro - angelembrace - 03-27-2021

"they flip the siren, hit the lights" ── Yeesh, how nasty. Wasn't a very good first impression on his part to start freaking everyone out. "No, no, no, I'm okay! I just ran out of breath." He didn't want to seem like a fragile little thing, the ball was already not even close to being his court from the start. At the very least, he could avoid minor things that would only serve to damage his already questionable reputation as the litter runt. Luckily, despite Byriath approaching there wasn't any inclination that the Guru had heard the fit, which gave him peace of mind. "I think we're good! Right, guys?" Angel responded with a cheerful little chirp, folding his front paws under his chest.

"Sounds like a lot of work!" His head tilted curiously. "What else do you do?"