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mud [★] spider's web - Printable Version

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mud [★] spider's web - aine. - 03-21-2021

[div style="max-width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 8px; padding-left: 10px"]HOW DO YOU RUN FROM Y[color=#5d8e93]OUR OWN MIND?
There wasn't much... Excuse, for the petite deer-fox.  Her father had said to be careful.  It was a simple miscalculation.  Overconfidence.  Eagerness.  Water still drip-drop-dripping from the canopy.  Thought she saw some cat's claw growing on a nearby tree.  Hazel hues bright.

Only her hooves had slid, finding no safe purchase.  Sinking deep into the ground.  Barely giving her a moment to comprehend what exactly had happened until she was already belly-deep.  Trapped.  Merde.

Aine swallowed.  Breathe... Four... Seven... Eight...  Could she wiggle her wings out?  ... She didn't even know how to fly yet.  Did her best to keep the muscles exercised but... Frightened of losing the ground beneath her feet.  Chewing the inside of her cheek, the druid craned her neck towards the path she came from.  "Sa-salut? Hello?Not her favorite situation.

Re: mud [★] spider's web - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 03-23-2021

[glow=white,1,400]I NEED A SHOT AGAIN, THAT SWEET ADRENALINE !。+゚.[/glow]
Funny, how it was Aine and not Dante who fucked up first. Gael did warn his group about the mud, so Aine definitely didn't have an excuse and technically speaking, neither did Dante. Even if he might act like he did. The hybrid's ears flicked as he heard the Fleshwaver call out, and turned his head to see the girl stuck in mud. "Huh." His words came out in more or less of an amused huff, a small smirk forming on his face as he approached the little mud puddle that Aine got herself stuck in.

Even if he didn't particularly like Aine or her father, Dante did have a sense of loyalty even if Gael and the others saw otherwise; he just showed it in his own way. By helping out others, even if he had a smartass remark, or by protecting them from something. "Don't you think you shoulda considered the fact that there's mud 'round?" Dante mocked, though his tone was light-hearted as if he was trying to convey that he was only joking around. The hybrid leaned forward and craned his neck, trying to reach out to bite down on Aine's scruff. If he succeeded, he would try pulling back to get her out of the mud. Of course, that was... likely easier thought than done.

Assuming that he was trying to pull Aine out, Dante dug his claws into the ground, trying to make sure he didn't fall or trip into the mud himself.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: mud [★] spider's web - gael - 03-25-2021

Becoming a father meant learning a simple, inevitable fact; not everything you suggested would be remembered, or followed.  Of course, the vulpine could see clearly this was hardly an intentional effort to ignore his command to be cautious. 

Regardless, the Ardent halted besides Dante with an obvious frown, brows creased in concern and thought -- attempting to puzzle out how Aine got herself stuck in the first place.

He would not interfere immediately, though he stood close by at the ready; prepared to offer Dante assistance in pulling his daughter out if necessary, or prevent the hybrid from slipping in himself if such became apparent.  They did not need two Pittians stuck in the mud.

"I thought I specifically told everyone to be careful, Lottie," he remarked, not ungently but disapproving all the same.
BUT I PROMISE YOU I'LL KEEP YOU SAFE   gael ó broin / faerie / ardent

Re: mud [★] spider's web - Kold - 03-29-2021

Blood is getting hotter, body's getting colder
I told you once, I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO HOLDS HER!
"Well, this is a sight." Kold huffed, a small smile on her face. She had heard the little scene from her resting spot and had come over, but didn't expect this. The stoic woman chuckled, sitting down next to her father. "If you need any more help, just tell me."