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HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - Printable Version

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HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - LUMIA CIPHER. - 03-18-2021

For the last few days, Lumia had merely been drifting around the territory of The Typhoon. That wasn't to say that she didn't consider the group to be home – she did, as it was the first home she had ever truly had. However, she hadn't actually chosen a concrete place for her to stay, just yet. Instead, she had ended up staying in various huts and treehouses, exploring the various options for where she could choose as a home. She had even tried the tavern, although she had eventually decided against that. Even with how social she was on her own, she couldn't quite handle the constant onslaught of noise and bustle that came from the building. None of the huts or treehouses really grabbed her attention, either. It was honestly a frustrating situation, and the feline was beginning to think she wouldn't end up having a permanent residence at all. It certainly wasn't an appealing prospect, but... what was she supposed to do? She could try building her own hut, but that would certainly take a while, especially if she did it on her own.

Attempting to get the creative juices flowing, Mia had decided to go out for a walk, not really paying attention to where she was going. She just allowed her paws to continue moving her forward, short tail twitching behind her as she remained deep in thought. Although she hadn't realized it, her wandering path eventually led her to exactly what she had been looking for. When the sand beneath her pads finally gave way to solid and wet wood, she found herself glancing up, surprised that she had ended up on the docks. Not only that, but she was right near... The Anchored Tempest. How had she not thought of checking for a room there, yet?

With a new sense of excitement filling her, the small feline was quick to rush up and onto the boat, ignoring the few curious glances thrown in her direction. It wasn't long before she had descended below decks, green eyes scanning from room to room as she looked for one that wasn't occupied. Eventually, she found it – her room. It was a rather modest little room, with no significant extra decoration to speak of. Instead, there was really just a cot and barrel inside. It was clear that the room had gone unused for a while, considering the thick layers of dust occupying various corners, but she could clean that up with a bit of effort. While the room was nothing extravagant to write home about, Lumia had to admit that she was excited about finally finding a place to stay that she was sure of.

Moving a bit farther into the room, the feline turned and grabbed her bag, pulling out the two possessions that she had brought with her. A small leather-bound journal, with several of her own inky pawprints dried on the cover, and a small seashell. The seashell was the same wheat yellow of her own fur, and it had a small crack running down the middle. Taking both objects, she carefully deposited them on top of the barrel, sitting down nearby and tapping her paw against her own muzzle in thought. After a moment, she found herself muttering, "I guess I don't really have too much to my name, huh...?" That wasn't really her fault, considering Caesar had never given her anything, but it still stung a bit. However, the soothing shift of light waves rocking the Anchored Tempest was enough to calm her saddened mind, at least for the moment.

Re: HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - Grimm - 03-18-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11.5px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]It seemed they were, however temporarily, caught in the same predicament.

Almost expected such, maybe a rite of passage for those unfamiliar, new faces among the crowd finding the place that proved a comfortable fit. He knew such hardships in a rather intimate fashion, though his age at that first time had alleviated much of the hardship tied to the adjustment, settled without much issue. Yet that was a point of contest now. Quiet, but rather pronounced, the rejection of all present around him, longed for peaks laced in what his mind once deemed eternal frost, too different this.

Or it may have been the memories. Once he had lingered where the sand and sea met, where houses bobbed upon the waves lashed together by well maintained pathways. Death all he had tasted upon return, a harbour for such ill fortune grown similar environments. Why he lingered when plagued by such notions he could not speak on, part of him knew the answer, of course, speaking it aloud felt a magnet for trouble. Alike Lumia, another unfortunate tethered with a history she had not written yet supposedly contributed to simply for the matter of her parentage, a home had this become. Permanent or otherwise he could only guess upon, envious of those who knew their status and were given a sense of security for it.

To determine his cause for coming to the dock both an easy and difficult task, a reminder of Sunhaven, taken in and destroyed twice over now, the spray wetting old boards that uttered no sound with his passage. They did not move as he wished they did beneath his weight, propelled into a gentle sway by the waves his paw barely grazed where he lounged upon the side of the dock. Of those observers that watched in varying degrees of interest, his own piqued when her entrance to the moored vessel only brought with it new reasons to be curious, Harland seemed one of the few to follow. He was slow in this, however, for a time lingering with the brine leaving his paw to grow sodden where it hung limply now beneath the unruly surface.

The child was an unknown, a stranger in every way beyond the base tidbits he had acquired through osmosis. Well enough did she seem, alike Vayne who had grown fond of in a startlingly short amount of time, his excuse her status as family even if he was unsure about calling her such. Both Vayne and Danny seemed fond of her, another positive, though familial basis may reduce the first and the very evident common ground of age the second. It mattered little when pondered the notion she may not wish for company, her steps seemed guided by purpose and he wished not to intrude. His worry grew amplified when the rather silly idea that she may be reprimand for intruding took hold, the state of the ship allowing entrance enough to quell his nerves.

All the same such his excuse for standing, briefly regarded his now sodden paw with distaste, before the gangplank was walked. Strange the motion when the Tempest was properly boarded, solid ground replaced with the calm rocking he had missed, his mind poorly connecting the internal space with where it was moored. There was no issue in it growing loose, a foolish idea quickly snuffed out, still there was an unease to his steps, the various areas of the ship explored at a very slow pace. By the time Harland had located Lumia, and had run through a rather lengthy list of excuses for why he intruded upon her, she seemed settled in. At the least it seemed that way.

"This is quite nice," soft his voice, restrained as swallowed down the queasiness that assaulted his stomach, rising into his throat in a brief moment of panic. Sheepish the smile he offered the beta as he settled upon one side of the doorway, room enough another may enter without himself being present in the room. "I hope I'm not intruding, I didn't think anyone was allowed in here. Do you need any help with anything, or I could leave, I uh…" His words finally trailed into a tense silence, grown unsure now as he slide partially behind the wall the door was set into. "I'm sorry, you probably have things you need to do and here I am prattling on like an idiot."

Re: HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-18-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Being born in The Typhoon meant that Vayne already had a home. She had stayed in Aphra's home and shared a room with her sister, Alia. Inferno had her own room, she believed; at least, she didn't think Aphra would let Inferno stay her with her; she wasn't sure though. Aphra kept a lot of poisonous plants, namely foxgloves, in her home that she took care of better than her own daughters. Once Vayne came back from her mother taking her away though, the Beta didn't want to stay in the home where bad memories were. Fortunately, Diya came and offered her a place within her home and Vayne accepted, bringing along the seashells she had collected. Funnily enough, that was really the only thing Vayne owned - they were a comfort to her, and she thought that maybe finding a pretty one would make Aphra like her more.

Vayne had been looking around for Lumia, just to check up on her aunt, and eventually found the short-tailed feline after being told by NPCs where they had last seen her. "This is a nice place to stay, if that's what you're planning." The orange-spotted she-cat chirped, peeking out from behind Harland with a smile on her face and ears pricked.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - LUMIA CIPHER. - 03-19-2021

Honestly, Lu hadn't really been expecting anybody else to come and visit her down here. Despite the fact that she knew the Anchored Tempest to be a spot of activity within the group, both for trading and living purposes. She wasn't sure why, it just... didn't seem like many would care about her whereabouts, or actively seek her out. This thought process was partially because her mind was still a bit stuck in the past, back when she had been traveling with only her father. At that time, none of the loner groups would exactly care if she just disappeared, and well... Caesar certainly wouldn't. Him not seeking her out following her running away was proof enough of that. Now that she was in The Typhoon, though... she would have to become used to the fact that she had friends, and even family in the form of Vayne. It was natural that they would want to know where she was, and talk with her. It was a surprising fact for Mia to process, but also one that she found herself... happy to have to deal with.

Nevertheless, the wheat-colored feline still found herself jumping as the floorboards behind her creaked slightly, alerting her to the presence of another. As she whipped around to face the doorway, she found herself relaxing when she saw that it was Harland. Someone that she knew, albeit only briefly. It wasn't someone here to scold her for taking up a room that they had previously claimed, or someone coming to hurt her. She didn't honestly think anyone within The Typhoon would do such a thing, but habits died hard. After taking in a deep breath to help herself relax, Lumia offered Harland a small smile, hoping that would help to soothe the other a bit. He certainly seemed as though he was in his own kind of mess, if his frantic rambling was anything to go by. She was quick to shake her head from side to side, muttering after a soft laugh, "Hey there, Harland... thank you, I think it's pretty nice myself. And I appreciate the offer, but... I don't think I need much help. I don't exactly have much to haul around with me." She gestured vaguely back at the barrel, and the pair of items that sat upon it. She then added, her smile turning sympathetic, "And I don't think you're an idiot. Rambling a little, maybe... but I understand." Her social skills weren't the best either, and she had certainly rambled about various subjects to loners a few times in the past.

Lu was just about to ask Harland if he had found a place to stay yet, when another familiar voice reached her ears, effectively cutting her thoughts off. Her green gaze turned slightly to land on Vayne, smiling when she saw her niece peeking out from behind the other. The feline was quick to wave over at Vayne, saying with a broad grin, "Thanks! I think so too... I especially like the sense of company, without things being quite as loud as they are around the tavern." She glanced around her for a brief moment, as if imagining all the other rooms that housed other members throughout the ship. She then returned her attention to Vayne, a sheepish look coming to her face before she continued, "Although... I do feel a bit bad I haven't brought much with me. It'll probably be a while before this place really gets some personality, especially since I don't exactly have any furniture. Well... except the cot, I suppose." She lifted one of her lightly colored paws, batting it softly against the surface of the cot. The bed was certainly serviceable, but... not exactly five stars. Maybe she'd go to the tavern and ask for some more pillows...

Turning her attention back to Har then, Lumia decided to address the earlier question she had been thinking about. After all, the girl had been one of the many to see Harland drifting around from building to building, seemingly looking for a home. She wasn't sure if he had found one, but... it didn't seem like it. Head tilting to one side, the beta asked plainly, "Hey Harland... have you found a place to stay yet? I saw you wandering around the other day. If you haven't... maybe you could try giving the Anchored Tempest a shot. I mean, I'm sure the rocking back and forth is really nice for naps, and sleeping." Of course, Harland's issue wasn't with sleeping, but Lumia didn't know that.

Re: HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-20-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"I didn't have a lot of things to bring whenever I went to stay with Diya, its okay." Vayne chirped, still having that smile on her face as she spoke. Her tail was flicking back-and-forth, something that showed she was happy."Other than my shells... Oh! I can find some to decorate with, if you want?" She offered now, her eyes lighting up at the thought of going shell-searching again. She quickly went quiet though, as Lumia began talking to Harland again.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - Grimm - 04-16-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; max-width: 65%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Gentle the creak, a chorus announcing as the light pressure of each step added another note. Mistaken, deemed as the hull resting, the protest of wood aged struck by each wave. The correction made in graceless fashion, presence marked nu proximity, a warmth compared to the still and stale air. About eyes turned, the fine strands lying along the length of spine bristling, brief the shift of weight. A bounce of sorts, odd the little movement shifting into a step back.

Words failed even as they arose, pressed against the back of his throat in a harsh rush, thickly swallowed back. Ease in part his frayed nerves as the realisation struck, identity one tied to his own, though such he had grown incapable of speaking aloud for wrong felt bridging a gap he felt beyond him. In time quelled the notion he was unfit, may view the other as the connection she held on the basis of the one which extended the olive branch. For now he merely looked to Vayne, a struggle ensuing to say anything to rationalise his response to her approach.

None came to mind, empty the few discarded, lacking in a manner that made them unsuitable. Brief the smile fixed in place, the only method of greeting he trusted himself to commit to, slow the turn, attention once more upon the central figure in the situation. It seemed she acted a mirror to his own uneasy response, jolting in a show of surprise. Back his ears fell, chin falling, excuses forming. Of course unexpected, and possibly even unwelcome, his presence during such a time, mouth beginning to move as his vision returned to Lumia in a quick upward flick.

Halted his tongue, captured between teeth as a smile was put forth, apparent that the gesture was meant to placate him. Wrong felt this, no action the beta had performed in any way taken as a slight or wrong, his intrusion not as easily categorised in a similar way. The words that broke the silence further point of confusion, though so too it a balm to his nerves, uneasy the laughter that fell from his lips. An immediate response it, a nervous edge about the dwindling sound, paw rising and rubbing along the opposing leg.

"I'm sure we could find something, a uh… room warming gift." Rather idiotic felt the words even as Harland spoke them, it was a practice he knew of and seemed applicable even if the modification was evident. The conversation continued without need of his own input, something he was grateful for, absent minded his acknowledgement of the fact of sound being no true issue here. Indeed was there truth in the statement of the tavern often being rather loud, the visitors often uncaring as the hours wore on to the occupants above, a reprieve the silence of the closed off room.

With his part seemingly finished, and mind now slowly working over a few possibilities to acquire a suitable item that may add something extra, once more was his attention caught. Strange that it had turned back upon him, the question one that left him dumbfounded. There had been no secret of his own house hunting, while a situation he deemed temporary to be freed from the highly trafficked tavern speaking on it made it all seem too real. The offer of finding an arrangement as Lumia had settled upon stuck out, her remark of assisting with sleep bringing forth a grimace. The chance was there though exactly how it may assist escaped him, still uneasy his stomach with the constant motion.

"I had not thought of that," he spoke in a soft tone, gaze once more moving about the space. If the rest were like this, the set up simple enough to allow move in without much issue, it may work as a temporary solution, his departure no far wish, rather an assured event awaiting only the opportunity to be put into motion. "I'll be sure to keep it in mind, it does seem much more cozy than the tavern."

Re: HONEY, WHEN I GET RESTLESS ☆ picking a room - LUMIA CIPHER. - 04-16-2021

It was funny, in a way, to see the stark difference between the two Ciphers currently in the room, and Harland. Both Lumia and Vayne were fairly social creatures, after all. They spent most of their time around the group, talking to others and getting to know them. In fact, Mia almost prided herself on her social skills – mainly because she'd had to develop them mostly on her own, with no guidance from her father. It wasn't as if Caesar cared much for the usual social conventions, or how to make friends. He really only cared about those he could manipulate, and that had become clear to his daughter not long after she could talk. It was because of this that Lu couldn't help the soft laugh that left her at Harland's behavior. The other was even more awkward than she had been when she had first arrived, with his stilted laughter and his best efforts to be friendly. She had no intention of holding this against him, obviously. In fact, she found it rather charming, and could see why others appreciated having him around. Maybe at some point she could talk to him in private, and give him a few pointers on how to relax a bit. The girl liked to think that she could be a decent enough teacher, after all.

Figuring she could ask Harland about such a lesson later, Lumia first focused her attention on her niece, Vayne. It took a moment for her to realize what the other was suggesting, but she found herself smiling when she did. It was obvious that Vayne enjoyed shell collecting, and displaying what she was able to find – the way she lit up while suggesting such a thing was proof enough of that. So, Mia felt glad that Vayne wanted to share the activity with her, and help decorate her – at the moment – extremely sparse room. With her own short tail twitching behind her, the wheat colored feline nodded before speaking, "Ah... yeah! That sounds good to me. Really anything, to make this place a bit more homey... not that I don't like it. I just think that shells could bring a bit of color into the place, don't you?" She had a smile on her face as she questioned Vayne, imagining what the other would be able to find for her. Of course, she also didn't want Vayne tiring herself out too much while searching. Perhaps if Mia was able to catch her niece when she went searching, she could go along with her.

The girl then turned her attention back to Harland, flicking her ear as she processed what the other had said. A room-warming gift, huh? The suggestion made sense, but Lumia still felt bad about requesting such a thing. She really didn't mind how barren the room was – she was used to it, after all. However, it would also be rude to reject such an offer, so she responded with an even purr, "A room-warming gift? Well, that certainly is kind of you... don't worry too much about it, though. I'll take pretty much anything, and I really don't need much. Just somewhere to lay my head and a place to read, maybe." Those were the essentials of living for her, and the second was mainly just so she could write in her journal. She was sure that others would argue that there was a lot more than that to having your own space, however. To some, decorating was a vital part of living, since it meant that you could customize the space around you to truly reflect your distinct personality. However... Lumia was still figuring herself out. She didn't quite know how to put together a room that reflected her in the perfect way. Not yet, that is.

Upon realizing that her thoughts had been drifting once more, Lu quickly shook her head from side to side, a brief sigh leaving her. Now wasn't the time to get stuck in her own mind – especially not when Har was still talking to her. About her suggestion to move onto the Anchored Tempest. It was a relief to hear that he would at least consider it, when taking into account what she had heard about his last attempt to find his own place. She made no effort to hide her smile as she responded, a soft laugh leaving her, "Yeah, it is. Like I said, the tavern has the same sort of communal nature, but... I'm fairly sure you get to deal with a lot less sloppy drunks while living here." Not that sloppy drunks were given that much leniency within the tavern. After all, whoever was manning the bar at the time would usually toss them out after a while, if they got too rowdy. Mia was always grateful for that, at the very least.
☆ — something's going on underneath your skin