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[ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - Printable Version

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[ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - daniel - 03-17-2021

Was he a little early to this? Maybe. But there was no use in sitting around doing nothing, now, it was about time to put his ass to work. Danny figured that if he could focus on something else, then he wouldn't constantly be laying around mourning the loss of his mother, for good this time. If he said he wasn't inspired by Vayne to go and get his damn earring, he'd be lying, the echo of her cheerful voice suggesting he did the same bounced around in his head for a while, but he never was too sure about it. Not until he realized that this was his home now, and not only did he not want to leave, but he couldn't leave, he had nowhere to go. Not to mention, he would have been really guilty if he left the friends he'd made behind, Vayne and Lumia and Harland...he couldn't have done it.

There was a bit of a problem, going to bother the blacksmiths with an apologetic look, despite the fact they sort of got the idea why here was there, and that problem was Danny discovered real fast that fire made him...uncomfortable. Uncomfortable, yet he was fascinated by the work itself, forging whatever needed to be created for the rest of the crew. Fascinated enough that he watched from a safer distance, rather than just wait patiently like everyone else seemed to do. He wanted to see, that was all. The shaping of the gold into the familiar ring was an arduous task, but the clanging of metal and heat of the workplace kept him focused. This was really it.

He'd been shown the final product gently, it was no secret that Danny was about as skittish as a newborn foal, and when everything was said and done he had some help putting the thing through his ear. And that hurt like a bitch, too, having to bit down on his cheek to keep from flinching too hard. And as fate would have it, as nothing seemed to like him, the poor boy was a bit of a bleeder. Which left him stepping out of the forge with a new gold earring and a bit of cloth pressed to his ear, a bright red circle in the center directly over the new puncture wound. His lip quivered a bit from the ache as he sat down near the little houses some of the pirates called home, a bit of water at the corners of his eyes.

But he did it, he got it. No more minnow Danny, he was in the big big league now.

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - michael t. - 03-18-2021

When Vayne had gone to get her own first earring, Michael had been incredibly proud of her. He was glad that his niece was firmly integrating herself into the life of a Typhooner, and growing away from the roots that had caused her so much trauma. Similarly, he felt proud of Danny. Sure, the canine wasn't family in the same way that Vayne was, but he was still a crewmate. Not only that, but he was a crewmate that had gone through a lot. While the dealer hadn't been around to see Danny's passed away mother, he had certainly heard about it. Not only through the mournful howl that had echoed through the air, but also through Roan as well. After all, the soothsayer had the responsibility of preparing and burying all bodies that needed it. His nephew had been rather brief on the details, but Michael could understand that. After all, it seemed as though Roan was trying his hardest not to imagine his own mother on the preparation table.

Either way, it was obvious that Danny had been mourning, and he had plenty of reason to. So now, to see him out and taking such a big step in his life... it was honestly pretty inspiring. It didn't exactly take long for Michael to spot Danny when he stepped out of his house that day, the canine having been sitting in the sand right nearby. It also didn't take long for the thief to spot the small golden earring, especially considering the small bit of gauze that accompanied it. He couldn't help letting out a bit of a snort as he saw that, his head shaking back and forth. His own piercings had gone off relatively without a hitch, but this certainly wasn't the first time he had met a bleeder. With a casual smile on his face as he approached, Michael waved a paw in greeting before he spoke, "Hey there, Danny. Nice new addition you've got there... the boys over there weren't too rough on you though, right?" His tone was warm and humorous, making it clear he was joking as he gestured to his own ear full of golden rings.

After a brief moment of thought, the bobcat then questioned, a hum leaving him, "Since you've got your earring now... have you given any thought to what division you'll join? After all, you'll end up with a fancy little charm for that thing before long." It might've seemed like Michael was subtly trying to push Danny towards the Blackjack Rats, but he honestly wasn't. Instead, he just wanted to see the canine continue to grow, and feel like he belonged within The Typhoon. Choosing a division – or two – was certainly a part of that.

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-18-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Getting her earring was something very special to Vayne; it meant she was getting away from the tangles her mother had left and was starting her own life. It was a way to show that she was no long under Aphra's control, that she was her own person and had control over what she wanted to do, not her mother. Vayne had been excited for her earring, maybe a bit too excited, but could you really blame her?

"Danny, you got your earring!!" Vayne squealed as she came running over, hearing from one the NPCs that her friend got his piercing done and was bleeding a bit. "Now you're a Beta like me! Beta Danny!" Haha, that had a cute ring to it, didn't it?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - daniel - 03-21-2021

"No, sir! Just said I, um...bled a little more than they're used to." He would assume that usually these didn't bleed much, if at all. He must've looked ridiculous, stumbling around with this gauze for a practice that had been in place longer than he'd been alive. He offered a small smile to Michael as the thief approached, finding that it was becoming a lot easier to talk to him without feeling as shy. It was like a weight off his shoulders, really. He gave his answer some thought, checking the gauze intermittently to see if the bleeding had stopped, before deciding just to spit it out before he overthought it and said nothing. "I think...I wanna join the Grim Rays." Interesting final answer, given his disposition, but he had his reasons, always had his reasons. He didn't think Michael would, but a part of him prayed that the other didn't question his decision too soon, or laugh it off based on any of the reasons he could imagine. Danny couldn't help but imagine that someone, eventually, would bring up the fact that he didn't seem like he'd belong.

Interrupting his negative spiraling of thoughts was the chipper voice of Vayne, the inspiration for him to shove the gold through his ear to begin with. "Y-Yeah! Beta Danny." Jeez, he probably did not carry himself as smoothly as she had, huh? Ear all covered in dried blood and whatnot, almost cried from the pain, even...almost. He refused. His tail thumped against the ground behind him, displaying his own excitement over the idea of finally reaching Beta status, compensating for the fact the rest of him did not seem as excited as he felt.

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-21-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
"The Grim Rays would love to have you, I'm sure." Vayne mewed, her voice still filled with excitement and happiness for her friend. She wriggled a little bit before she would rise up on her hind legs, trying to give Danny a hug. The closest she could get to one, anyway. Wolves were a lot bigger than cats, after all.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - Grimm - 03-22-2021

[align=center][div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 11.5px; width: 340px; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]A liar would he been deemed, correctly so, if he tried to act ignorant to the adornment many wore. Sound the reasoning he held for such, at least spun as though proven, few those who knew. The evidence was there, all allowed to view it, a display half performed out of a misguided wish to retain the past and shame, cooled but still present that weight nestled against his grief. Many the instances prior when thought upon letting it go, allow the brine to swallow that last remnant. Something stopped the thought before roots may be put down, another dark spot painted over, too many now occupying his mind.

Familiar, though wholly unconscious, the slow rise, metal brushed, warmed for among short strands nestled and thus leeches his warmth, simple depiction tracked. Movement drew to an unsteady halt, back drawn as though heated by something more the silver hued pendant, heavy the breath expelled through closed teeth. To dwell upon the past, a victim and prisoner of own concoction, such his draw in life. False this narrative though not the acceptance, slow the swing it took up, a pendulum suspended about fragile neck, the choking rope he might remove if only he proved courageous enough.

Renewed his momentum, without direction for a time that was all too short, attention caught and held, pleasant the distraction supposedly placed before him on a platter of silver. Identification of cause to bring each forth in turn, stark the different between the dark backdrop of the ear and the golden ring now present near the base. Further confirmation present in the manner it was partially obscured, a brief moment passing where his heart drew to a halt, begun again with a flutter beat. It was well beyond his place to worry over the minor loss, thoughts did not align with such rationality, however, buried as closer he drew.

Worry crowded the back of his throat, cause difficult to determine for too numerous that which fed such well tended irrationality, silenced anything he may have spoken before formulated. Better this way, the edges of his mouth drawn upwards, a curl delicate until it seemed almost lacking, a presence there only for one. While the words clung to his tongue other ways did pride come through, the realisation of it bringing hum to his lips. Indeed, Harland harboured a pride for the lupine youth that had gone undetected, lost among the walls, ever walking that maze erected to keep all at bay. Somehow he had wormed his way in, found the fine cracks and used each until a place was carved out only for him.

With the manner Vayne chose to express her joy over the occasion alone were left her and Danny, chosen a place besides the dealer. There was no concious thought behind his movement, a slight shift acting as enough to close distance, Michael made into a prop used rather readily. Nothing was meant by such, though his mind was quick in formulating an opinion, pleasantly soft the other, forgotten in whole how it may he viewed. Too drowsy was Harland, forgotten all as he merely enjoyed the moment and waited his chance to speak to Danny, swallowed his disappointment it was a golden hoop and not a silver chain.

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - michael t. - 03-22-2021

Grim Rays. It was certainly an interesting choice of division, considering what Michael had seen of Danny in the past. However, he wasn't going to question it. After all, what division Danny wanted to go into was his decision, and if he believed he would be happy in the Grim Rays... well, that would be great. Perhaps he just wanted to get stronger with them. After all, he hadn't seemed like much of a fighter in the past, but that didn't mean he couldn't be, with a bit of help.

It was because of this that the dealer offered Danny a grin, his bob of a tail twitching behind him as he muttered, "Like Vayne said... the Grim Rays will be lucky to have you. And I'm sure Diya will be happy to have you join... besides, our very own Captain Rox was the head of the Grim Rays for a while. I'm sure that she'll be glad to hear it." There was no doubt she'd probably gloat about Danny choosing the Grim Rays rather than the Blackjack Rats, but that was fine. After all, Vayne had chosen the Rats as her primary division, and Michael was happy with that.

Speaking of his niece... as Vayne moved forward to give Danny a hug, the thief had to actively bite back an amused grin, not wanting to embarass the canine. While he didn't know the full extent of Danny's crush on Vayne, he also didn't really need to. Even without crushes, the other had proven himself to be a rather awkward fellow. There was little doubt in Michael's mind that the other would be flustered by the hug, and he also knew that Vayne probably wouldn't notice. She was so upbeat and affectionate with others... it made sense that she'd want to give Danny a hug, to commemorate the occasion.

It wasn't long before the dealer was distracted from both Vayne and Danny, however. The approach of Harland often snatched Michael's attention away from what he had been focused on, and now was no exception. He glanced over in the feline's direction, a smile curling on the bobcat's muzzle as he waved a paw towards Har. His casual happiness with the other's presence was thrown off when Harland chose to sit next to him, however. The feeling of the other feline's fur pressed against his own caught him off guard, and he suddenly felt heat rushing to his face. Thankfully, any potential blush was covered by his thick black fur, hiding it from the world around him. Even with how stunned he was, though, he didn't pull away from the comforting presence of Harland beside him, a small smile on his face in spite of his best efforts.

It seemed that he couldn't laugh at Danny's awkwardness too much, considering how much of a mess he currently was around Harland.

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - Kian. - 03-22-2021

Kian Ó Faoláin
As though the mention of his own division summoned the small wildcat, Kian trotted over with his usual jovial grin.  "Well I'm certainly happy to see a new Grim Ray."

For the faerie it had been a choice without hesitation, although he did claim a secondary membership to the Necro Mambas.  Kian had been a soldier for as long as he could remember; acting as a protective younger brother, then a protective father.  It had been three years since joining the Typhoon, and he had made his decision very early -- confident of where he belonged.

"You seem like a pretty brave lad to me," he added, tone serious before he smiled once again; watching as Vayne reach out to hug the young wolf.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - daniel - 03-23-2021

"I hope so-" He confessed, trying not to continue thinking on his own insecurities before Vayne got much, much closer and had his much taller form in a hug. He blinked once, twice, just about short-circuiting at the physical touch. He was still getting used to it, for one, but it suddenly occurred to him with a mental jolt that the other Beta was not only small enough for him to throw ( not that he would! ), but she was really, really, really fluffy. Obviously, looking at her could help gather that opinion, but that, and even just leaning against her shoulder those few times, didn't compare to a full on hug. Hopefully no one with such an ability could see into his skull, they'd probably only find the annoying echo of dial-up noise.

Much like Michael, who was stuck in the same boat it seemed, Danny was at least thankful for his dark fur hiding any blushing that could have made his life so much worse in that moment. There was only two options, be more awkward or be a little less awkward. He moved to gently press the side of his face against her shoulder, to at least return the hug without like, suffocating her in his chest. Not to be caught and called out by any of the adults present, however, one of his hears perked up and he teased quietly, with a small mischievous grin, "You're short."

What he [i]also
wouldn't do was admit to the sudden influx of nerves when not only Diya, but Roxanne were mentioned in the division. Of course. Not that he had a problem with Diya, he thought her presence was comforting, a kind woman despite often carrying the ursine body that looked as if it could shatter bone. Roxanne, however, intimidated him, the last and only crewmate to do so. Even though eventually she would be close to a third of his size, if he was being generous. Rest assured, it had very little to do with her status as Captain. You know who wasn't so small though? Kalayavan. "I'm sure..." Danny responded meekly, before smacking his tail into the sand below to try and regain his composure and backbone. Surely Roxanne would not take too kindly to the idea of a coward taking any semblance of interest in her daughter.

The arrival of Harland and Kian offered another distraction, and a blessed one at that. He had wondered once or twice if Harland's reactions around the dealer had meant what he initially presumed, once more connecting the similarities between his thought process and Michael's own unknowingly, and the bombay making use of the bobcat's shoulder to lean upon didn't do much for his theory. Of course, he vocalized none of these thoughts, and only twitched an ear in greeting, both mischievous and brief nervous expressions melting back into the common, more softer smile, glad to see the other out and about with no foreheads against trees. "Hi, Harland." He needed no response, only to at least acknowledge the arrival, fully aware and used to the lack of words and long conversation that one could find elsewhere.

Kian, however, was new and he had no thoughts of note just yet on the fae. "There'll be more, I feel." It really was much easier talking to strangers when you were comfortable, and didn't want to look like an idiot in front of people you valued highly. Hearing that he was brave, or seemed to be, was new. Not unwelcome, but certainly new. He had never considered himself brave in his life, and doubted anyone else thought so either. "I will...try to seem so." Danny dug a new mental note deep into his own consciousness, seem brave. Be brave.

Re: [ talking trash under my window ] - open; earring - VAYNE CIPHER-VANTAS. - 03-23-2021

[glow=white,1,400]LIKE WE FORGET WHO WE CAN TRUST !。+゚.[/glow]
Unlike Danny and Michael, Vayne had lighter-colored fur. There was orange on her face, sure, but that probably didn't help hide the blush she had. And she knew she was blushing because she could feel the heat in her ears and on her face and was praying to the Gods that no one - especially Danny - would notice. That would be embarrassing. The she-cat tried to calm her nerves whenever Danny pressed his cheek against her shoulder, before she pulled back at his comment and stuck her tongue out at him. "Am not!" She huffed.

Vayne had been so caught up in the moment that she hadn't realized that Kian and Harland had come over. She waved a paw at them in greeting, still trying to calm her heartrate. Gods, why did she feel all fluttering and shaky right now? This was embarrassing for her, though fortunately she could hide that embarrassment via being so outgoing and friendly.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]